Spread Windows Forms 18
Spread Windows Forms 18 Product Documentation / Developer's Guide / Customizing Row or Column Interaction / Customizing User Searching of Data
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    Customizing User Searching of Data
    In This Topic

    You can search for data in any of the cells in the workbook by specifying the sheet and the string of data for which to search. You can also have the component display a search dialog and allow the end user to search for data. The methods and properties that relate to searching and search dialogs are part of the Spread component.

    The tasks for searching include:


    • There are limitations to the search. Row and column headers are not searched with the search dialogs; only cells are searched.
    • Use the SearchHeaders method to search the headers.
    • Not all tags are included when you search and "include tags"; only cell tags are included.
    • None of the information in the sheet, column, or row object is included in the search.
    See Also