Spread Windows Forms 18
Spread Windows Forms 18 Product Documentation / Developer's Guide / Customizing Row or Column Interaction / Copying Size and Style of Row/Column on Insert
In This Topic
    Copying Size and Style of Row/Column on Insert
    In This Topic

    Spread allows you to copy width, height and style settings from a previous row/column whenever a new row/column is inserted in existing rows/columns. This feature works only when LegacyBehaviors.Style is excluded from LegacyBehaviors enum.

    Copying of style and size settings applies only when a new row/column is inserted by following methods:

    The following images illustrates that the inserted row has copied the size and style settings from previous row.


    To insert new rows/columns using context menu at runtime, use the following code.

    Copy Code
    // Context menu appears at runtime
    fpSpread1.ContextMenuStrip = new SpreadContextMenuStrip();
    Copy Code
    ' Context menu appears at runtime
    FpSpread1.ContextMenuStrip = New SpreadContextMenuStrip()

    For inserting new rows/columns using keyboard shortcut keys (Ctrl Shift +), you have to enable the ExcelCompatibleKeyboardShortcuts option. To do this, use the following code.

    Copy Code
    // Excel compatible shortcut keys will be enabled at runtime
    fpSpread1.Features.ExcelCompatibleKeyboardShortcuts = true;
    Copy Code
    ' Excel compatible shortcut keys will be enabled at runtime
    FpSpread1.Features.ExcelCompatibleKeyboardShortcuts = True
    This feature does not affect inserting rows/columns using the InsertRows and the InsertColumns methods at runtime.
    See Also