Spread Windows Forms 18 Product Documentation / Developer's Guide / Storing Excel Summary and View
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Storing Excel Summary and View
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Storing Excel Summary and ViewYou can store and display the essential information for the workbook using the Properties dialog. The following tabs can be used to accomplish this task:

Summary and Contents tabs in Workbook Prpeorties dialog

Using the Spread Designer

In order to access the DocumentProperties dialog through Spread Designer, you can select the Properties option available in the File Menu.

Using Code

This example code shows how to use a Document Properties Form to store the summary and review information.

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//Get Workbook from fpSpread1
GrapeCity.Spreadsheet.Workbook workbook = fpSpread1.AsWorkbook();
//Call the DocumentPropertiesForm
FarPoint.Win.Spread.DocumentPropertiesForm form = new FarPoint.Win.Spread.DocumentPropertiesForm(workbook);
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'Get Workbook from fpSpread1
Dim workbook As GrapeCity.Spreadsheet.Workbook = fpSpread1.AsWorkbook()
'Call the DocumentPropertiesForm
Dim form As FarPoint.Win.Spread.DocumentPropertiesForm = New FarPoint.Win.Spread.DocumentPropertiesForm(workbook)

The DocumentProperties property in the FpSpread class represents all the properties of the spread document that can be get or set by the users.

Using Code

This example code shows how to store the Excel summary and review information using DocumentProperties property.

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//Set the view type for the sheetview
fpSpread1.Sheets[0].View = GrapeCity.Spreadsheet.SheetViewType.PageLayout;
//Set the Excel summary properties using Spread's "DocumentProperties" API
fpSpread1.DocumentProperties.Title = "Spread Mescius";
fpSpread1.DocumentProperties.Creator = "Mescius";
fpSpread1.DocumentProperties.Version = "";
fpSpread1.DocumentProperties.Description = "Test values for Excel summary";
fpSpread1.DocumentProperties.Application = "Test Application";
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'Set the view type for the sheetview
fpSpread1.Sheets(0).View = GrapeCity.Spreadsheet.SheetViewType.PageLayout
'Set the Excel summary properties using Spread's "DocumentProperties" API
fpSpread1.DocumentProperties.Title = "Spread Mescius"
fpSpread1.DocumentProperties.Creator = "Mescius"
fpSpread1.DocumentProperties.Version = ""
fpSpread1.DocumentProperties.Description = "Test values for Excel summary"
fpSpread1.DocumentProperties.Application = "Test Application"
See Also