Spread Windows Forms 18
Spread Windows Forms 18 Product Documentation / Spread Designer Guide / Spread Designer Dialogs / Spread Settings Dialog / Split Box Tab
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    Split Box Tab
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    The Split Box tab of the Spread Settings dialog allows you to customize the alignment and display of split boxes for viewports (panes) in the sheet.

    Spread Designer Spread Settings Split Box Tab

    This tab provides the following items:

    Item Description
    Column Split Box Alignment Set the alignment of the column split box relative to the horizontal scroll bar
    Column Split Box Display Set whether the column split box is displayed all the time, when needed, or not at all
    Row Split Box Alignment Set the alignment of the row split box relative to the vertical scroll bar
    Row Split Box Display Set whether the row split box is displayed all the time, when needed, or not at all

    For more information on these settings, refer to Customizing Split Boxes in the Developer’s Guide.