Spread Windows Forms 18
Spread Windows Forms 18 Product Documentation / Developer's Guide / Customizing the Sheet Appearance / Handling Right-to-Left Layouts
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    Handling Right-to-Left Layouts
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    The Spread component can support right-to-left layouts. Right-to-left features support applications where the language is written from right to left, such as Hebrew, Arabic, or Farsi, so the user interface would be displayed naturally with right-to-left orientation.

    Most of the right-to-left functionality for the Spread component is inherited from the underlying .NET framework, but there are a few properties that can be set to instruct Spread to display the layout right-to-left. Currently these aspects of the layout are changed with the right to left support:

    The members that are used with right-to-left support include:

    Member Description
    RightToLeft property Gets or sets whether the object should paint right to left
    OnRightToLeftChanged method Raises the RightToLeft event in the Microsoft.NET Framework
    SpreadActions class These actions are added:
    See Also