Spread Windows Forms 18
Spread Windows Forms 18 Product Documentation / Developer's Guide / Spreadsheet Objects / Allowing User Functionality
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    Allowing User Functionality
    In This Topic

    There are several aspects of the Spread component that can be set to allow or restrict how the user can interact with the component.

    Here is a list summarizing the things you can allow the user to do (or prevent the user from doing) with the data area of the component:

    User functionality to allow Related property or method
    Drag and drop cell FpSpread.AllowDragDrop property
    Drag and fill cell FpSpread.AllowDragFill property
    Edit cell notes SheetView.AllowNoteEdit property
    Input formulas FpSpread.AllowUserFormulas property
    Filter rows Column.AllowAutoFilter property
    Expand or collapse hierarchy SheetView.GetRowExpandable, SetRowExpandable method
    Movement of hands on clock face FarPoint.PluginCalendar.WinForms.FpClock.AllowMoveHands property
    Move rows and columns FpSpread.AllowRowMove property and AllowColumnMove property
    Perform a standard search FpSpread.SearchWithDialog method
    Performa an advanced search FpSpread.SearchWithDialogAdvanced method
    Resize rows or columns Column.Resizable property andRow.Resizable property
    Sort by clicking the sort indicator in the column header Column.AllowAutoSort property
    Filtering a range Cells.AutoFilter method
    Access filter settings Worksheet.AutoFilter property, Worksheet.Tables.AutoFilter property
    Sorting a range Sort.Apply method

    Here is a list summarizing the things you can allow the user to do (or prevent the user from doing) with the component:

    User functionality to allow Related property or method
    Restrict access to rows or columns SheetView.RestrictColumns property and RestrictRows property
    Zoom, or scale the display of the component FpSpread.AllowUserZoom property
    Use of Clipboard shortcuts (keys) SuperEditBase.AllowClipboardKeys property
    Edit the sheet name TabStrip.Editable property

    Here is a list of things you can allow the user to do (or prevent the user from doing) with the shapes (on the drawing space layer):

    User functionality to allow Related property or method
    Move shapes PSObject.CanMove property
    Resize shapes PSObject.CanSize property
    Rotate shapes PSObject.CanRotate property
    See Also