Represents the base for editing controls.
public abstract class SuperEditBase : ElementControl, IDropTarget, ISynchronizeInvoke, IWin32Window, IBindableComponent, IComponent, IDisposable, IEditorImeSenteceModeSupport, ITouchEditor, IInputScopeSupport, IVerticalAlignmentSupport
Public MustInherit Class SuperEditBase
Inherits ElementControl
Implements IDropTarget, ISynchronizeInvoke, IWin32Window, IBindableComponent, IComponent, IDisposable, IEditorImeSenteceModeSupport, ITouchEditor, IInputScopeSupport, IVerticalAlignmentSupport
Name | Description |
SuperEditBase() | Creates a new SuperEditBase object. |
Name | Description |
trueHeight | Internal use only. True height. |
Name | Description |
AlignHorz | Gets or sets the horizontal alignment of the control's contents. |
AlignText | Gets or sets the alignment of the text with respect to the alignment of the picture. |
AlignVert | Internal use only. |
AllowClipboardKeys | Gets or sets whether the control supports the Clipboard shortcut keys. |
AllowNull | Gets or sets whether the control considers a null value valid. |
AutoAdvance | Gets or sets whether the focus moves to another control when the pointer is moved with the arrow keys. |
AutoHeight | Gets or sets whether the control resizes itself based on the font. |
AutoMenu | Gets or sets whether the control displays a context menu that provides basic edit operations. |
BackColor | Gets or sets the background color for the control. |
BackgroundImage | Gets or sets the background image for the control. |
Border | Gets or sets the border for the control. |
ButtonAlign | Gets or sets the alignment of the button in the edit control. |
ButtonColor | Gets or sets the background color of the button in the edit control. |
ButtonIndex | Gets or sets the index value for the button in the edit control. |
ButtonMargin | Gets or sets the margin between the button and the text in the edit control. |
ButtonMarginColor | Gets or sets the margin color between the button and the text in the edit control. |
ButtonMax | Gets or sets the maximum value for the button index in the edit control. |
ButtonMin | Gets or sets the minimum value for the button index in the edit control. |
ButtonStyle | Gets or sets the type of button to display in the edit control. |
ButtonWidth | Gets or sets the width of the button in the edit control. |
ButtonWrap | Gets or sets whether the button index wraps when it reaches the value specified by the ButtonMin and ButtonMax properties. |
CanFocus | Gets or sets whether the edit control can receive focus. |
CanShowSelectionGripper | Gets whether the selection gripper can be displayed. |
CanValidate | Gets or sets whether the control validates data when it loses the focus. |
CausesValidation | Gets or sets whether data validation occurs on other controls when the control loses focus. |
ContextMenuStrip | Gets or sets the context menu strip to display for the control. |
ControlType | Gets or sets whether the control is read-write, read-only, static, or allows values to be changed by pressing buttons. |
Cursor | Gets or sets the image for the pointer when the pointer is over the edit control. |
DirtyFlag | Gets or sets the flag that edit has changed (dirty). |
DrawFocusRectangle | Gets or sets the focus rectangle drawing style for the edit control. |
EditModeCursorPosition | Gets or sets the position of the pointer in the edit control when it receives the focus. |
Enabled | Gets or sets whether the control can receive focus and respond to user actions. |
Focused | Gets whether the edit control has focus. |
Font | Gets or sets the font for the control. |
ForeColor | Gets or sets the text color for the control. |
FormatText | Gets how text contents of the edit control are formatted. |
Formatter | Gets or sets the formatter for the control. |
HideSelection | Gets or sets whether selected text loses its highlighting when the control loses focus. |
HotkeyPrefix | Gets or sets whether an ampersand typed in front of a character |
ImeModeBase | Gets or sets the ime mode base. |
InvalidColor | Gets or sets the background color to display when the control contains invalid data. |
InvalidOption | Gets or sets whether invalid data is displayed, hidden, or cleared when the control loses the focus. |
MaxLength | Gets or sets the maximum number of characters that can be typed or pasted into the control. |
Modified | Gets or sets whether the text in the edit control has been modified. |
NullColor | Gets or sets the background color displayed when the control contains the null value. |
Picture | Gets or sets the picture to display in the edit control. |
PictureMargin | Gets or sets the margin between the text and the picture. |
PictureOrientation | Gets or sets the orientation of the picture in the edit control. |
PictureTransparencyColor | Gets or sets the transparency color for the picture in the edit control. |
Selectable | Gets or sets whether the user can interact with the edit control. |
SelectedText | Gets or sets the currently selected text in the edit control. |
SelectionLength | Gets or sets the number of characters selected in the edit control. |
SelectionStart | Gets or sets the starting point of selected characters or the position of the insertion point if no characters are selected. |
Text | Gets or sets the formatted contents of the control as a string matching exactly what is displayed. |
TextOrientation | Gets or sets the orientation of the text in the edit control. |
TextWrap | Gets or sets whether to automatically wrap text without line breaks. |
UserEntry | Gets or sets how data is validated when it is provided to the control. |
Value | Gets or sets the unformatted value of the edit control. |
VisualStyles | Gets or sets whether visual styles are used. |
Name | Description |
Clear() | Removes all of the selected contents of the edit control. |
ClearAll() | Removes all of the contents of the edit control. |
Copy() | Copies the selected text in the edit control to the Clipboard. |
CreateStringWithLiterals(string) | Creates a string composed of literal characters. |
Cut() | Cuts the selected contents in the edit control to the Clipboard. |
GetCharIndexAtPoint(Point, bool) | Calculates the character index at a specified point for the graphics object. |
GetDrawingFont(out bool) | Gets the font for painting. |
GetDrawingStringFormat(ref Rectangle) | Gets a new string format for drawing the text in the specified rectangle. |
GetDrawingText(string) | Gets a string that contains the text to draw. |
GetLeftmostCharacters(int) | Gets a specified number of characters, starting with the leftmost character. |
GetNewFormat() | Gets the new format. |
GetPaintString() | Gets the string to paint. |
GetRightmostCharacters(int) | Gets a specified number of characters, starting with the rightmost character. |
HideSelectionGripper() | Hides the selection gripper. |
IsDefaultBorder(IBorder) | Gets whether the default border. |
IsMouseOverButton() | Gets whether the pointer is over a button in the edit control. |
IsNull() | Gets whether the control contains a null value. |
IsSizeAllowed() | Gets whether the size is allowed. |
IsValid() | Gets whether the contents of the control are valid. |
OnAdvance(EventArgs) | Raises the Advance event. |
OnCausesValidationChanged(EventArgs) | Raises the CausesValidationChanged event. |
OnClick(EventArgs) | Raises the Click event. |
OnDoubleClick(EventArgs) | Raises the DoubleClick event. |
OnDropDown(object, DropDownEventArgs) | Raises the DropDown event. |
OnEditClick(object, EventArgs) | Raises the EditClick event. |
OnEditDoubleClick(object, EventArgs) | Raises the EditDoubleClick event. |
OnEditEnter(object, EventArgs) | Handles the enter event. |
OnEditGotFocus(object, EventArgs) | Raises the EditGotFocus event. |
OnEditHelpRequested(object, HelpEventArgs) | Raises the EditHelpRequested event. |
OnEditKeyDown(object, KeyEventArgs) | Raises the EditKeyDown event. |
OnEditKeyPress(object, KeyPressEventArgs) | Raises the EditKeyPress event. |
OnEditKeyUp(object, KeyEventArgs) | Raises the EditKeyUp event. |
OnEditLeave(object, EventArgs) | Handles the leave event. |
OnEditLostFocus(object, EventArgs) | Raises the EditLostFocus event. |
OnEditMouseDown(object, MouseEventArgs) | Raises the EditMouseDown event. |
OnEditMouseEnter(object, EventArgs) | Raises the EditMouseEnter event. |
OnEditMouseLeave(object, EventArgs) | Raises the EditMouseLeave event. |
OnEditMouseMove(object, MouseEventArgs) | Raises the EditMouseMove event. |
OnEditMouseUp(object, MouseEventArgs) | Raises the EditMouseUp event. |
OnEditMouseWheel(object, MouseEventArgs) | Raises the EditMouseWheel event. |
OnEditPreviewKeyDown(object, PreviewKeyDownEventArgs) | Handles the preview key down event. |
OnEditTextChanged(object, EventArgs) | Raises the EditTextChanged event. |
OnEditTextCut(object, EventArgs) | Raises the EditTextCut event. |
OnEditTextPasted(object, CancelEventArgs) | Raises the EditTextPasted event. |
OnEditTextPasting(object, CancelEventArgs) | Raises the EditTextPasting event. |
OnEditValidated(object, EventArgs) | Raises the EditValidated event. |
OnEditValidating(object, CancelEventArgs) | Raises the EditValidating event. |
OnEditorVisibleChanged(object, EventArgs) | Handles the visible state changed event. |
OnGotFocus(EventArgs) | Raises the GotFocus event. |
OnImeModeChanged(EventArgs) | Raises the ImeModeChanged event. |
OnInvalidData(EventArgs) | Raises the InvalidData event. |
OnLayout(LayoutEventArgs) | Raises the Layout event. |
OnLocationChanged(object, EventArgs) | Handles the location changed event. |
OnMouseDown(MouseEventArgs) | Raises the MouseDown event. |
OnMouseEnter(EventArgs) | Raises the MouseEnter event. |
OnMouseLeave(EventArgs) | Raises the MouseLeave event. |
OnMouseMove(MouseEventArgs) | Raises the MouseMove event. |
OnMouseUp(MouseEventArgs) | Raises the MouseUp event. |
OnPaint(PaintEventArgs) | Raises the Paint event, which paints the edit control. |
OnParentChanged(EventArgs) | Raises the ParentChanged event. |
OnParentFontChanged(EventArgs) | Raises the ParentFontChanged event. |
OnResize(EventArgs) | Raises the Resize event. |
OnSizeChanged(EventArgs) | Raises the SizeChanged event. |
OnUserError(UserErrorEventArgs) | Raises the UserError event. |
PaintBackColor(Graphics, Rectangle) | Paints the background color. |
PaintBackgroundImage(Graphics, Rectangle) | Paints the background image. |
PaintFocusRectangle(Graphics, Rectangle) | Paints the focus rectangle. |
PaintSpecialBackground(Graphics, Rectangle) | Paints the special background. |
PaintString(Graphics, Rectangle, string) | Paints the string. |
PaintTextAndPicture(Graphics, Rectangle) | Paints the text and picture. |
Paste() | Pastes the contents of the Clipboard into the edit control. |
Reset() | Resets the contents of the control to the default value. |
ResetBackColor() | Resets the background color to its default value. |
ResetBorder() | Resets the border to its default value. |
ResetButtonColor() | Resets the background color of the buttons in the control to its default value. |
ResetButtonMarginColor() | Resets the margin color between the button and the text in the edit control to its default color. |
ResetFont() | Resets the font of the control to its default value. |
ResetForeColor() | Resets the text color to its default value. |
ResetInvalidColor() | Resets the background color used when the control contains invalid data to its default value. |
ResetNullColor() | Resets the background color displayed when the control contains the null value to its default value. |
ResetText() | Resets the contents to the default value. |
ResetToInitText() | Resets to the initial text. |
Select(bool, bool) | Selects a control with the specified direction in the tab order from which to select the control. |
Select(int, int) | Selects the specified number of characters in the edit control starting at the specified location. |
SelectAll() | Selects the entire contents of the control. |
SetNewFormat() | Sets the new format. |
SetNewFormat(object) | Sets the new format. |
SetNull() | Sets the value of the control to the null value. |
SetToolTip(ToolTip, string) | Sets the ToolTip text for embedded (inner child) controls. |
ShouldSerializeCursor() | Gets whether the cursor should be serialized. |
ShowSelectionGripper() | Displays the selection gripper. |
ToggleState() | Internal use only. Toggles the state. |
Undo() | Reverses the previous edit command. |
Name | Description |
Advance | Occurs when focus moves to the previous or next control. |
DropDown | Occurs when a user clicks a drop-down button in the edit control. |
InvalidData | Occurs when the control contains invalid data. |
PopUp | Occurs when a user clicks a pop-up button in the edit control. |
SlideLeft | Occurs when a user clicks a slide left button in the edit control. |
SlideRight | Occurs when a user clicks a slide right button in the edit control. |
SpinDown | Occurs when a user clicks a spin down button in the edit control. |
SpinUp | Occurs when a user clicks a spin up button in the edit control. |
UserError | Occurs when content is provided that cannot be processed or is invalid. |