Represents the windowless element for a control.
public class ElementWindowless : ISerializeSupport
Public Class ElementWindowless
Implements ISerializeSupport
Name | Description |
ElementWindowless() | Creates a new windowless element object. |
ElementWindowless(object) | Creates a new windowless element object based on the specified object. |
Name | Description |
BACK_COLOR_DEFAULT | Represents the default color background for the element, namely SystemColors.Control. |
DYNAMICNAME | Represents the default name for shape, the name will be correct when the shape is added to the collection. |
FORE_COLOR_DEFAULT | Represents the default text color for the element, namely SystemColors.ControlText. |
PICTURE_MARGIN_DEFAULT | Represents the default picture margin for the element, namely 2 pixels. |
Name | Description |
AlignHorz | Gets or sets the horizontal alignment of the contents of the element. |
AlignText | Gets or sets the text alignment for the element. |
AlignVert | Gets or sets the vertical alignment of the contents of the element. |
BackColor | Gets or sets the background color for the element. |
BackgroundImage | Gets or sets the background image for the control. |
Border | Gets or sets the border for the element. |
CanFocus | Gets or sets whether the element can receive focus. |
CancelMouse | Internal use only. |
ContainsFocus | Gets whether the element currently has the input focus. |
DrawFocusRectangle | Gets or sets the focus rectangle drawing style in the element. |
Elements | Gets the collection of IElement-derived objects that the current ElementWindowless object contains. |
Enabled | Gets or sets whether the element is enabled. |
Focused | Gets whether the element has focus. |
Font | Gets or sets the font for the element. |
ForeColor | Gets or sets the foreground color for the element. |
ForegroundImage | Gets or sets the foreground image for the element. |
MarginBottom | Gets or sets the margin between the bottom of the element and its contents. |
MarginLeft | Gets or sets the margin between the left edge of the element and its contents. |
MarginRight | Gets or sets the margin between the right edge of the element and its contents. |
MarginTop | Gets or sets the margin between the top of the element and its contents. |
Name | Gets or sets the name of the element. |
Parent | Internal use only. |
Picture | Gets or sets the picture for the element. |
PictureMargin | Gets or sets the margin between the text and the picture. |
PictureOrientation | Gets or sets the picture orientation for the element. |
PictureTransparencyColor | Gets or sets the picture transparency color for the element. |
PictureTransparencyTolerance | Gets or sets the picture transparency tolerance for the element. |
Rectangle | Gets the rectangular coordinates of the element. |
RectangleF | Gets the rectangular coordinates of the element. |
Redraw | Gets or sets whether the element is allowed to paint. |
ScaleFactor | |
Selectable | Gets or sets whether the control can receive focus. |
State | Gets or sets the state of the element. |
StateNotifyList | Internal use only. |
Tag | Gets or sets the Tag object for the element. |
Text | Gets or sets the text for the element. |
TextOrientation | Gets or sets the text orientation for the element. |
TextRotationAngle | Gets or sets the rotation angle of the text in the element. |
TextWrap | Gets or sets whether to wrap the text in the element. |
Visible | Gets or sets whether the element is visible. |
Name | Description |
CopyTo(object) | Copies the properties of this windowless element object into the target object. |
Deserialize(XmlNodeReader) | Loads the object from XML. |
DrawRotatedText(Graphics, string, Font, Color, Rectangle, HorizontalAlignment, TextOrientation, bool, HotkeyPrefix, StringTrimming, int) | Draws the specified string in the specified rectangle, with the specified font, color, alignments, orientation, hotkey prefix, and wrapping. |
DrawRotatedText(Graphics, string, Font, Color, RectangleF, HorizontalAlignment, TextOrientation, bool, HotkeyPrefix, StringTrimming, int) | Draws the specified string in the specified rectangle, with the specified font, color, alignment, orientation, wrapping, hotkey prefix, and string trimming. |
DrawRotatedText(Graphics, string, Font, Color, RectangleF, HorizontalAlignment, VerticalAlignment, TextOrientation, bool, bool, HotkeyPrefix, StringTrimming, int, bool, double, bool) | Draws the specified string in the specified rectangle, with the specified font, color, alignment, orientation, wrapping, hotkey prefix, string trimming, and rotation angle. |
DrawRotatedText(Graphics, string, Font, Color, RectangleF, HorizontalAlignment, VerticalAlignment, TextOrientation, bool, bool, HotkeyPrefix, StringTrimming, int, bool, double, int, bool) | Draws the specified string in the specified rectangle, with the specified font, color, alignment, orientation, wrapping, hotkey prefix, string trimming, and rotation angle. |
DrawRotatedText(Graphics, string, Font, Color, RectangleF, HorizontalAlignment, VerticalAlignment, TextOrientation, bool, bool, HotkeyPrefix, StringTrimming, int, bool, float) | Draws the specified string in the specified rectangle, with the specified font, color, alignment, orientation, wrapping, hotkey prefix, string trimming, and rotation angle. |
DrawRotatedText(Graphics, string, Font, Color, RectangleF, HorizontalAlignment, VerticalAlignment, TextOrientation, bool, HotkeyPrefix, StringTrimming, int) | Draws the specified string in the specified rectangle, with the specified font, color, alignment, orientation, wrapping, hotkey prefix, and string trimming. |
DrawRotatedText(Graphics, string, Font, Color, RectangleF, HorizontalAlignment, VerticalAlignment, TextOrientation, bool, HotkeyPrefix, StringTrimming, int, bool) | Draws the specified string in the specified rectangle, with the specified font, color, alignment, orientation, wrapping, hotkey prefix, and string trimming. |
DrawRotatedText(Graphics, string, Font, Color, RectangleF, HorizontalAlignment, VerticalAlignment, TextOrientation, bool, HotkeyPrefix, StringTrimming, int, bool, double, bool) | Draws the specified string in the specified rectangle, with the specified font, color, alignment, orientation, wrapping, hotkey prefix, string trimming, and rotation angle. |
DrawRotatedText(Graphics, string, Font, Color, RectangleF, HorizontalAlignment, VerticalAlignment, TextOrientation, bool, HotkeyPrefix, StringTrimming, int, bool, float) | Draws the specified string in the specified rectangle, with the specified font, color, alignment, orientation, wrapping, hotkey prefix, and string trimming. |
Focus(bool) | Moves the focus to the element. |
GetClientRectangle() | Gets the coordinates of the element. |
GetClientRectangle(Rectangle) | Gets the coordinates of the element. |
GetClientRectangleF() | Gets the coordinates of the element. |
GetClientRectangleF(RectangleF) | Gets the coordinates of the element. |
GetControl() | Gets the Control object if the element is derived from the ElementWindowless class. |
GetElementStyle() | Gets the style for the element. |
GetFont() | Gets the default font used by the element, if the Font property is null. |
GetRotatedTextSize(Graphics, string, Font, Rectangle, TextOrientation, bool, HotkeyPrefix, StringTrimming) | Gets the size of the specified text when drawn with the specified font, orientation, wrapping, hotkey prefix, and string trimming. |
GetRotatedTextSize(Graphics, string, Font, RectangleF, TextOrientation, bool, bool, HotkeyPrefix, StringTrimming) | Gets the size of the specified text when drawn with the specified font, orientation, wrapping, hotkey prefix, and string trimming. |
GetRotatedTextSize(Graphics, string, Font, RectangleF, TextOrientation, bool, HotkeyPrefix, StringTrimming) | Gets the size of the specified text when drawn with the specified font, orientation, wrapping, hotkey prefix, and string trimming. |
GetRotatedTextSize(Graphics, string, Font, RectangleF, TextOrientation, bool, HotkeyPrefix, StringTrimming, double) | Gets the size of the specified text when drawn with the specified font, orientation, wrapping, hotkey prefix, and string trimming. |
GetTextAndPictureRectangles(Graphics, Rectangle, ref Rectangle, ref Rectangle) | Gets the rectangles for the text and pictures of the element. |
OnBackgroundImageChanged(object, EventArgs) | Raises the BackgroundImageChanged event when the background picture has changed. |
OnChanged(object, EventArgs) | Raises the Changed event when the element has changed. |
OnClick(EventArgs) | Raises the Click event when the use clicks on the control. |
OnDoubleClick(EventArgs) | Raises the DoubleClick event when the use double-clicks on the control. |
OnFontChanged(EventArgs) | Raises the FontChanged event when the font in the control has changed. |
OnForegroundImageChanged(object, EventArgs) | Raises the ForegroundImageChanged event when the foreground picture has changed. |
OnMouseDown(MouseEventArgs) | Raises the MouseDown event when the pointer button is pressed while the cursor is over the control. |
OnMouseMove(MouseEventArgs) | Raises the MouseMove event when the pointer is moved within the control and the cursor is over the control. |
OnMouseUp(MouseEventArgs) | Raises the MouseUp event when the pointer button is released while the cursor is over the control. |
OnNameChanging(object, NameChangingEventArgs) | Raises the NameChanging event. |
OnPaint(Graphics, Rectangle) | Paints the element (text and picture). |
OnPaint(Graphics, Rectangle, ElementStyle) | Paints the element (both text and picture) using an overriding style. |
OnPaintBackground(Graphics, Rectangle) | Paints the background of the element. |
OnPaintBackground(Graphics, Rectangle, ElementStyle) | Paints the background of the element using an overriding style. |
OnParentChanged(EventArgs) | Raises the ParentChanged event when the the parent of the element has changed. |
OnPictureChanged(object, EventArgs) | Raises the PictureChanged event when the picture has changed. |
OnPropertyChanged(object, PropertyChangedEventArgs) | Raises the PropertyChanged event when the property on an element has changed. |
PaintBackColor(Graphics, Rectangle) | Paints background color. |
PaintBackgroundImage(Graphics, Rectangle) | Paints background image. |
PaintBorder(Graphics, Rectangle) | Paints borders. |
PaintElements(Graphics, Rectangle) | Paints elements. |
PaintFocusRectangle(Graphics, Rectangle) | Paints focus rectangle. |
PaintForegroundImage(Graphics, Rectangle) | Paints foreground image. |
PaintPicture(Graphics, Rectangle) | Paints the picture in the element. |
PaintSpecialBackground(Graphics, Rectangle) | Paints special background. |
PaintSpecialForeground(Graphics, Rectangle) | Paints special foreground. |
PaintText(Graphics, Rectangle) | Paints the text of the element in the specified rectangle. |
PaintTextAndPicture(Graphics, Rectangle) | Paints the text and picture in the element. |
ProcessMouseDown(MouseEventArgs) | MouseDown processing. |
ProcessMouseUp(MouseEventArgs) | MouseDown processing. |
Refresh() | Forces the element to invalidate its client area and immediately repaint. |
ResetAlignHorz() | Resets the horizontal alignment of the element to the default value. |
ResetAlignText() | Resets the text alignment of the element to the default value. |
ResetAlignVert() | Resets the vertical alignment of the element to the default value. |
ResetBackColor() | Resets the background color to its default setting. |
ResetBackgroundImage() | Resets the background image of the element to the default value. |
ResetBorder() | Resets the border of the element to its default settings. |
ResetCanFocus() | Resets to the default value whether the element can have the focus. |
ResetElements() | Resets the elements to their default settings. |
ResetEnabled() | Resets to the default value whether the element is enabled. |
ResetFont() | Resets the font for the element to it default value. |
ResetForeColor() | Resets the text color for the element to its default value. |
ResetForegroundImage() | Resets the foreground image for the element to its default value. |
ResetMarginBottom() | Resets the margin between the bottom of the element and its contents to the default value. |
ResetMarginLeft() | Resets the margin between the left side of the element and its contents to the default value. |
ResetMarginRight() | Resets the margin between the right side of the element and its contents to the default value. |
ResetMarginTop() | Resets the margin between the top of the element and its contents to the default value. |
ResetParent() | Internal use only. |
ResetPicture() | Resets the image for the element to its default value. |
ResetPictureMargin() | Resets the margin between text and picture to its default value. |
ResetPictureOrientation() | Resets the orientation of the picture in the element to its default value. |
ResetPictureTransparencyColor() | Resets the transparency of a picture in the element to its default value. |
ResetPictureTransparencyTolerance() | Resets the transparency tolerance for a picture in the element to its default value. |
ResetTag() | Resets the Tag object for the element to its default value. |
ResetText() | Resets the text in an element to its default value. |
ResetTextOrientation() | Resets the orientation of text in an element to its default value. |
ResetTextRotationAngle() | Resets the rotation angle for text in the element to its default value. |
ResetVisible() | Resets to the default value whether an element is visible. |
Serialize(XmlTextWriter) | Saves the object to XML. |
SetBounds(Rectangle) | Sets the bounds of the element to the location and size of the specified bounding rectangle object (with integer values). |
SetBounds(RectangleF) | Sets the bounds of the element to the location and size of the specified bounding rectangle object (with floating-point values). |
SetBounds(int, int, int, int) | Sets the bounds of the element to the location and size of the bounding rectangle of the specified dimensions (in integer values). |
SetBoundsFloat(float, float, float, float) | Sets the bounds of the element to the location and size of the bounding rectangle of the specified dimensions (in floating-point values). |
SetElementStyle(ElementStyle) | Sets the style for the element. |
SetElementStyle(ElementStyle, bool) | Sets the style for the element and clears unset properties. |
SetState(ElementState) | Sets the state of the element. |
ShouldSerializeBackColor() | Indicates whether the BackColor property should be persisted. |
ShouldSerializeFont() | Indicates whether the Font property should be persisted. |
ShouldSerializeForeColor() | Indicates whether the ForeColor property should be persisted. |
ShouldSerializePictureTransparencyColor() | Indicates whether the PictureTransparencyColor property should be persisted. |
ShouldSerializePictureTransparencyTolerance() | Indicates whether the PictureTransparencyTolerance property should be persisted. |
ShouldSerializeTag() | Indicates whether the Tag property should be persisted. |
ShouldSerializeTextRotationAngle() | Indicates whether the TextRotationAngle property should be persisted. |
ToGrayscale(Color) | |
ToGrayscale(Image) | |
ToggleState() | Toggles the state of the element. |
Update() | Causes the control to redraw the invalidated regions with its client area. |
Name | Description |
BackgroundImageChanged | Occurs when the background image for the element changes. |
Changed | Occurs when the element changes. |
Click | Occurs when the user clicks the element. |
DoubleClick | Occurs when the user double-clicks the element. |
FontChanged | Occurs when the font for the element changes. |
ForegroundImageChanged | Occurs when the foreground image for the element changes. |
MouseDown | Occurs if the user presses a mouse button while the cursor is over the element. |
MouseMove | Occurs if the user moves the cursor while the cursor is over the element. |
MouseUp | Occurs if the user releases a mouse button while the cursor is over the element. |
NameChanging | Occurs before the Name property of the element changes. |
ParentChanged | Occurs when the parent of the element changes. |
PictureChanged | Occurs when the picture in the element changes. |
PropertyChanged | Occurs when a property on the element changes. |