Spread Windows Forms 18 Product Documentation / Developer's Guide / Customizing Drawing / Working with Images
Working with Images

Spread for WinForms provides support for customizing images provided by the user in the Spread worksheet.

All the features listed below use the enhanced shape engine so its property must be set to true. As they inherit all the features of the enhanced shape engine, the output images are supported for Excel I/O as well.

Crop Images

You can crop an image in the worksheet and trim any unnecessary outer edge parts of an image. Spread for WinForms provides the option to crop an image using code or through runtime UI crop handles.

Using Code

You can set the ICrop interface properties such as PictureOffsetX, ShapeTop, PictureWidth to control the dimensions of an image and crop it accordingly.

The following image shows the output of an image before and after it has been modified in the code.

Crop images using code in Spread for Winforms

Copy Code
// Cropping a picture using code
fpSpread1.LegacyBehaviors = FarPoint.Win.Spread.LegacyBehaviors.None;
fpSpread1.Features.EnhancedShapeEngine = true;
GrapeCity.Spreadsheet.IWorksheet TestActiveSheet = fpSpread1.AsWorkbook().ActiveSheet;

GrapeCity.Spreadsheet.Drawing.IShape picture1 = TestActiveSheet.Shapes.AddPicture(@"D:\apple.jpg", false, false, 50, 50, 400, 400);
picture1.AutoShapeType = GrapeCity.Spreadsheet.Drawing.AutoShapeType.Rectangle;

GrapeCity.Spreadsheet.Drawing.IShape picture2 = TestActiveSheet.Shapes.AddPicture(@"D:\apple.jpg", true, true, 200, 200, 400, 400);
picture2.AutoShapeType = GrapeCity.Spreadsheet.Drawing.AutoShapeType.Rectangle;

picture2.PictureFormat.Crop.PictureOffsetX = 100;
picture2.PictureFormat.Crop.PictureOffsetY = 100;

picture2.PictureFormat.Crop.ShapeLeft = 150;
picture2.PictureFormat.Crop.ShapeTop = 150;
Visual Basic
Copy Code
' Cropping a picture using code
FpSpread1.LegacyBehaviors = FarPoint.Win.Spread.LegacyBehaviors.None
FpSpread1.Features.EnhancedShapeEngine = True

Dim TestActiveSheet As GrapeCity.Spreadsheet.IWorksheet = FpSpread1.AsWorkbook().ActiveSheet

Dim picture1 As GrapeCity.Spreadsheet.Drawing.IShape = TestActiveSheet.Shapes.AddPicture("D:\apple.jpg", False, False, 50, 50, 400, 400)
picture1.AutoShapeType = GrapeCity.Spreadsheet.Drawing.AutoShapeType.Rectangle

Dim picture2 As GrapeCity.Spreadsheet.Drawing.IShape = TestActiveSheet.Shapes.AddPicture("D:\apple.jpg", True, True, 200, 200, 400, 400)
picture2.AutoShapeType = GrapeCity.Spreadsheet.Drawing.AutoShapeType.Rectangle

picture2.PictureFormat.Crop.PictureOffsetX = 100
picture2.PictureFormat.Crop.PictureOffsetY = 100

picture2.PictureFormat.Crop.ShapeLeft = 150
picture2.PictureFormat.Crop.ShapeTop = 150

Using Runtime UI

You can enable UI crop handles in runtime to crop images in a worksheet. The black crop handles appear on the edges and corners of an image when using the FpSpread.StartCropping method.

You can also add a margin around a picture by dragging the cropping handles outward.

Crop images using runtime UI in Spread for Winforms

When you are done with the cropping, press Escape or click anywhere outside the picture within the sheet.

The following code example shows how to use the runtime UI crop in a Spread worksheet.

Copy Code
// Cropping a picture at runtime
fpSpread1.LegacyBehaviors = FarPoint.Win.Spread.LegacyBehaviors.None;
fpSpread1.Features.EnhancedShapeEngine = true;
GrapeCity.Spreadsheet.IWorksheet TestActiveSheet = fpSpread1.AsWorkbook().ActiveSheet;
GrapeCity.Spreadsheet.Drawing.IPicture pic1 = (GrapeCity.Spreadsheet.Drawing.IPicture)TestActiveSheet.Shapes.AddPicture(@"D:\apple.jpg", false, false, 50, 50, 200, 150);
bool started = fpSpread1.StartCropping(pic1);
Visual Basic
Copy Code
'Cropping a picture at runtime
FpSpread1.LegacyBehaviors = FarPoint.Win.Spread.LegacyBehaviors.None
FpSpread1.Features.EnhancedShapeEngine = True

Dim TestActiveSheet As GrapeCity.Spreadsheet.IWorksheet = FpSpread1.AsWorkbook().ActiveSheet

Dim pic1 As GrapeCity.Spreadsheet.Drawing.IPicture = CType(TestActiveSheet.Shapes.AddPicture("D:\apple.jpg", False, False, 50, 50, 200, 150), GrapeCity.Spreadsheet.Drawing.IPicture)
Dim started As Boolean = FpSpread1.StartCropping(pic1)

Format Images

You can format the images in a worksheet according to your requirements with the help of the available picture format options in Spread for Winforms.

The IPictureFormat interface consists of formatting options such as brightness, contrast, black and white threshold, and transparency which can be used to enhance an image.

The following example shows an image customized with two different enhancement options.

Format images in Spread for Winforms

Copy Code
fpSpread1.Features.EnhancedShapeEngine = true;

IWorksheet TestActiveSheet = fpSpread1.AsWorkbook().ActiveSheet;
GrapeCity.Spreadsheet.Drawing.IShape picture1 = TestActiveSheet.Shapes.AddPicture(@"D:\apple.jpg", false, false, 60, 45, 200, 150);
picture1.PictureFormat.ColorType = GrapeCity.Spreadsheet.Drawing.PictureColorType.BlackAndWhite;
picture1.PictureFormat.BlackWhiteThreshold = 0.3;
GrapeCity.Spreadsheet.Drawing.IShape picture2 = TestActiveSheet.Shapes.AddPicture(@"D:\apple.jpg", false, false, 300, 45, 200, 150);
picture2.PictureFormat.Brightness = 0.6;
picture2.PictureFormat.Contrast = 0.2;
Visual Basic
Copy Code
' Cropping a picture using code
FpSpread1.LegacyBehaviors = FarPoint.Win.Spread.LegacyBehaviors.None
FpSpread1.Features.EnhancedShapeEngine = True

Dim TestActiveSheet As GrapeCity.Spreadsheet.IWorksheet = FpSpread1.AsWorkbook().ActiveSheet

Dim picture1 As GrapeCity.Spreadsheet.Drawing.IShape = TestActiveSheet.Shapes.AddPicture("D:\apple.jpg", False, False, 50, 50, 400, 400)
picture1.AutoShapeType = GrapeCity.Spreadsheet.Drawing.AutoShapeType.Rectangle

Dim picture2 As GrapeCity.Spreadsheet.Drawing.IShape = TestActiveSheet.Shapes.AddPicture("D:\apple.jpg", True, True, 200, 200, 400, 400)
picture2.AutoShapeType = GrapeCity.Spreadsheet.Drawing.AutoShapeType.Rectangle

picture2.PictureFormat.Crop.PictureOffsetX = 100
picture2.PictureFormat.Crop.PictureOffsetY = 100

picture2.PictureFormat.Crop.ShapeLeft = 150
picture2.PictureFormat.Crop.ShapeTop = 150

For information on how to create images of the specified data in a Spread worksheet, refer to Saving to an Image File.

Picture Adjustments

You can customize an image in a worksheet by adding various artistic effects, and transform any image into a sketch or a painting.

The following picture adjustments take effect for painting in Spread.

 The following table provides a comparison between the original image and images under different picture adjustments.

Original image

Sharpness soften

Brightness contrast

Color tone

Film grain


Glow edges



The PictureEffectType enumeration provides various options for defining picture effects.

The following code shows how to apply an artistic effect using the PictureEffectType enumeration:

Copy Code
IWorksheet TestActiveSheet = fpSpread1.AsWorkbook().ActiveSheet;
fpSpread1.AsWorkbook().WorkbookSet.CalculationEngine.CalcFeatures = GrapeCity.Spreadsheet.CalcFeatures.All;
fpSpread1.Features.EnhancedShapeEngine = true;
GrapeCity.Spreadsheet.Drawing.IShape picture1 = TestActiveSheet.Shapes.AddPicture(@"D:\logo.png", true, true, 40, 20, 150, 150);
GrapeCity.Spreadsheet.Drawing.IShape picture2 = TestActiveSheet.Shapes.AddPicture(@"D:\logo.png", true, true, 300, 20, 150, 150);
GrapeCity.Spreadsheet.Drawing.IPictureEffects pic = picture2.Fill.PictureEffects;
// Add brightness contrast effect
GrapeCity.Spreadsheet.Drawing.IPictureEffect pics2 = pic.Insert(GrapeCity.Spreadsheet.Drawing.PictureEffectType.BrightnessContrast);
pics2.EffectParameters[0].Value = 0.2d;
pics2.EffectParameters[1].Value = -0.9d;
Copy Code
Dim TestActiveSheet As IWorksheet = FpSpread1.AsWorkbook().ActiveSheet
FpSpread1.AsWorkbook().WorkbookSet.CalculationEngine.CalcFeatures = GrapeCity.Spreadsheet.CalcFeatures.All
FpSpread1.Features.EnhancedShapeEngine = True
Dim picture1 As GrapeCity.Spreadsheet.Drawing.IShape = TestActiveSheet.Shapes.AddPicture("D:\logo.png", True, True, 40, 20, 150, 150)
Dim picture2 As GrapeCity.Spreadsheet.Drawing.IShape = TestActiveSheet.Shapes.AddPicture("D:\logo.png", True, True, 300, 20, 150, 150)
Dim pic As GrapeCity.Spreadsheet.Drawing.IPictureEffects = picture2.Fill.PictureEffects
Dim pics2 As GrapeCity.Spreadsheet.Drawing.IPictureEffect = pic.Insert(GrapeCity.Spreadsheet.Drawing.PictureEffectType.BrightnessContrast)
pics2.EffectParameters(0).Value = 0.2R
pics2.EffectParameters(1).Value = -0.9R

You can also change the color of a picture in the worksheet using the Recolor method of the IPictureFormat interface.

Copy Code
fpSpread1.Features.EnhancedShapeEngine = true;
IWorksheet TestActiveSheet = fpSpread1.AsWorkbook().ActiveSheet;
fpSpread1.AsWorkbook().WorkbookSet.CalculationEngine.CalcFeatures = GrapeCity.Spreadsheet.CalcFeatures.All;
fpSpread1.Features.EnhancedShapeEngine = true;
GrapeCity.Spreadsheet.Drawing.IShape picture1 = TestActiveSheet.Shapes.AddPicture(@"D:\logo.png", true, true, 40, 20, 150, 150);
GrapeCity.Spreadsheet.Drawing.IShape picture2 = TestActiveSheet.Shapes.AddPicture(@"D:\logo.png", true, true, 300, 20, 150, 150);
picture1.PictureFormat.Recolor(GrapeCity.Core.SchemeColor.CreateArgbColor(0, 246, 243), true);
Copy Code
FpSpread1.Features.EnhancedShapeEngine = True
Dim TestActiveSheet As IWorksheet = fpSpread1.AsWorkbook().ActiveSheet
FpSpread1.AsWorkbook().WorkbookSet.CalculationEngine.CalcFeatures = GrapeCity.Spreadsheet.CalcFeatures.All
FpSpread1.Features.EnhancedShapeEngine = True
Dim picture1 As GrapeCity.Spreadsheet.Drawing.IShape = TestActiveSheet.Shapes.AddPicture("D:\logo.png", True, True, 40, 20, 150, 150)
Dim picture2 As GrapeCity.Spreadsheet.Drawing.IShape = TestActiveSheet.Shapes.AddPicture("D:\logo.png", True, True, 300, 20, 150, 150)
picture1.PictureFormat.Recolor(GrapeCity.Core.SchemeColor.CreateArgbColor(0, 246, 243), True)

You can also restore the original colors of a picture that was re-colored using the RestoreOriginalColors method.

Note: As of now, Spread for WinForms only supports the above-mentioned picture effects. We will support more effects in the future releases.