Spread Windows Forms 18
Spread Windows Forms 18 Product Documentation / Developer's Guide / Chart Control / Understanding Charts / Plot Types
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    Plot Types
    In This Topic

    A plot area is the area in which data points (bars, points, lines, etc) are drawn. A plot area will contain a collection of series.

    Each series is a collection of data points. A plot area may also contain an axis(s) and wall(s). The axis(s) and wall(s) enhance the visual appearance of the plot area and are usually painted just outside the plot area.

    A plot area can be assigned an anchor view location and a view size. The anchor view location is specified in normalized units ((0,0) = left upper corner of chart view, (1,1) = right lower corner of chart view). The view size of the plot area is specified in normalized units ((0,0) = zero size, (1,1) = full size of chart view). The left top corner of the plot area is aligned with the anchor location.

    A plot area can be assigned a model size using width, height, and depth properties. The properties use model units.

    There are several plot types: Y, XY, XYZ, Pie, Polar, Radar, Data, Sunburst, and Treemap.