Spread Windows Forms 18
Spread Windows Forms 18 Product Documentation / Spread Designer Guide / Designing in the Data Area / Adding and Customizing Sheets
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    Adding and Customizing Sheets
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    In Spread Designer, you can take advantage of multiple sheets. You can add sheets, name sheets, and customize the appearance of sheets. This involves using the Sheet Editor, which is described in detail in SheetView Collection Editor.

    By default, the component has one sheet, named Sheet 1 and referenced as sheet index 0, but allows multiple sheets. You can add and remove sheets in the Spread Designer.

    To add a sheet, click add in the SheetViewCollection editor. You can also click on the new sheet icon in the sheet tab area. A new sheet named Sheetn (where n is an integer) is added to the component.

    If you want to change the name of the new sheet, with the new sheet as the active sheet, in the property list in the Appearance category, change the SheetName property. Or simply double-click on the sheet name tab, and edit the sheet name in the text box.

    To remove a sheet, from the SheetView Collection editor, select remove.

    You can name the sheets or use the default sheet names. The default sheet name is "Sheet1" and as other sheets are added, the sheet are named incrementally "Sheet2", "Sheet3", etc. The next name is always the least number sheet available; for example if Sheet2 is removed but Sheet3 exists, adding a sheet creates a sheet named Sheet2. Subsequent sheets are Sheet4, etc.

    For information about adding and customizing sheets in code, refer to Working with Multiple Sheets in the Developers Guide.

    For information about the display of the sheet names in the sheet name buttons, refer to Customizing the Sheet Name Tabs of the Component in the Developers Guide.

    For more tasks in Spread Designer, return to Designing in the Data Area.