Spread Windows Forms 18
Spread Windows Forms 18 Product Documentation / Developer's Guide / Customizing the Sheet Appearance / Customizing the Overall Component Appearance / Setting the Component to the Original Appearance
In This Topic
    Setting the Component to the Original Appearance
    In This Topic

    You can set the appearance of the spreadsheet component to the original default look. This involves setting the renderers for the overall component, column header, row header, scroll bars, sheet corner, and focus indicator. When no skin is set to the spreadsheet, Excel2016 is used as the default skin for the spreadsheet.

    default appearance of the spreadsheet component

    If Spread Skin is applied to the spreadsheet, the painting logic will be used as before. The default skin will not replace or intercede the old spread skin.


    This example shows how to set DefaultSkin to the spreadsheet.

    Copy Code
    fpSpread1.Skin = null;
    fpSpread1.DefaultSkin = FarPoint.Win.Spread.DefaultSpreadSkins.Office2016Colorful;
    Copy Code
    fpSpread1.Skin = Nothing
    fpSpread1.DefaultSkin = FarPoInteger.Win.Spread.DefaultSpreadSkins.Office2016Colorful


    This example shows how to set Spread Skin of the spreadsheet.

    Copy Code
    fpSpread1.Skin = FarPoint.Win.Spread.DefaultSpreadSkins.Office2016DarkGray;
    Copy Code
    fpSpread1.Skin = FarPoInteger.Win.Spread.DefaultSpreadSkins.Office2016DarkGray
    See Also