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Applying a Skin to the Component

The skin applied to the control is defined in the SpreadSkin class. You can apply built-in skins (default skin) for creating common formats and custom skins that you create yourself. The built-in skins are defined in the DefaultSkins class. If no skin is applied to the spreadsheet component then default skin (Excel 2016 Colorful) is used. Refer to the following image for the same.

Default Skin

Default Skin

For more information and instructions about


Creating and applying your own skins

Creating a Custom Skin for a Component

Creating and applying your own cell-level styles

Creating and Applying a Style for Cells

Saving the skin to a file or stream

Saving and Loading a Skin

Customizing a skin in the Spread Designer

SpreadSkin Editor

Spread skins

SpreadSkin class

Using the SpreadSkin Editor

  1. If you want to create your own skin, follow the instructions provided in Creating a Custom Skin for a Component to create a skin and apply it. To apply a default skin to the entire spreadsheet component, follow these directions.

  2. In the Form window, click the Spread component for which you want to set the skin (or right click on the component and choose the Edit Skins menu).

  3. At the bottom of the Properties window, click the Edit Skins verb.

  4. In the SpreadSkin Editor, select one of the Pre-Defined skins in the list of predefined skins, then click OK to close the editor.

Using a Shortcut

  1. If you want to create your own skin, follow the instructions provided in Creating a Custom Skin for a Component to create a sheet skin and apply it. To apply a default sheet skin, follow these directions.

  2. Use the Apply method on the selected default skin (set by the property in the DefaultSkins object) to apply a specified default skin to a specific Spread component, collection of sheets, or sheet.


This example code sets the component to use the Classic predefined skin.


Using Code

  1. If you want to create your own skin, follow the instructions provided in Creating a Custom Skin for a Component to create a skin and apply it. To apply a default skin, follow these directions.

  2. Use the Apply method on the selected default skin (set by the property in the DefaultSpreadSkins object) to apply a specified default skin to a specific Spread component.


This example code sets the first sheet to use the Classic predefined skin.

// Create new SheetView object.
FarPoint.Win.Spread.SheetView newsheet = new FarPoint.Win.Spread.SheetView();
// Apply a skin to the SheetView object.
// Assign the SheetView object to the first sheet in the component.
fpSpread1.Sheets[0] = newsheet;
' Create new SheetView object.
Dim newsheet As New FarPoint.Win.Spread.SheetView()
' Apply a skin to the SheetView object.
' Assign the SheetView object to the first sheet in the component.
fpSpread1.Sheets(0) = newsheet

Using the Spread Designer

  1. From the Settings menu, choose the Spread Skin icon.

  2. In the Spread Skin Editor, select one of the predefined skins from the Pre-Defined tab, or a saved custom skin from the Saved tab.

  3. Click OK to close the editor.

  4. From the File menu choose Apply and Exit to apply your changes to the component and exit Spread Designer.

See Also

Setting the Component to the Original Appearance

Creating a Custom Skin for a Component

Applying a Skin to a Sheet

Creating a Custom Skin for a Sheet

Saving and Loading a Skin