Spread Windows Forms 18
Spread Windows Forms 18 Product Documentation / Developer's Guide / Sparklines / Add Sparklines using Formulas / Bullet Sparkline
In This Topic
    Bullet Sparkline
    In This Topic

    A bullet sparkline is a variation of a bar graph where it can show a lot of data in a small amount of space. It is typically used when displaying performance data.

    The bullet sparkline formula has the following syntax:

    =BULLETSPARKLINE(measure, target, max, [good, bad, forecast, tickunit, colorScheme, vertical, measureColor, targetColor, maxiColor, goodColor, badColor, forecastColor, allowMeasureOverMaxi, barSize])

    The formula options are described below:

    Option Description
    measure A number or reference that represents the length of the measure bar, such as 5 or "A1".
    target A number or reference that represents the location of the target line, such as 7 or "A2".
    max A number or reference that represents the maximum value of the sparkline, such as 10 or "A3".



    A number or reference that represents the length of the good bar, such as 3 or "A4". 

    The default value is 0.



    A number or reference that represents the length of the bad bar, such as 1 or "A5". 

    The default value is 0.



    A number or reference that represents the length of the forecast line, such as 8 or "A6". 

    The default value is 0.



    A number or reference that represents the tick unit, such as 1 or "A7".

    The default value is 0.



    A string that represents a color scheme for displaying the sparkline. 

    The default value is "#A0A0A0".



    A boolean value that indicates whether to display or not the sparkline vertically.

    The default value is false.



    A color string that indicates the color of measure bar.



    A color string that indicates the color of target line.



    A color string that indicates the color of the maxi area.



    A color string that indicates the color of the good area.



    A color string that indicates the color of the bad area.



    A color string that indicates the color of the forecast line.



    A Boolean value that indicates whether the measure can exceed maxi area.

    The default value of this parameter is false.



    A number value greater than 0 and equal to or less than 1, which indicates the percentage of bar width or height according to the cell width or height.

    Usage Scenario

    Consider a scenario where an electronic store wants to analyze the performance of its product sales through its defined measures. A bullet sparkline can showcase all the required factors, effectively shown in the image below.


    Copy Code
    // Get sheet
    var worksheet = fpSpread1.Sheets[0].AsWorksheet();
    // Set data
    worksheet.SetValue(1, 0, new object[,]
        {"Product","Actual","Target","Poor","Satisfactory","Excellent", "Diagram" },
        {"Laptops",81,75,40,65,75, null},
        {"Monitor", 56,60,30,50,60, null},
        {"Keyboard",90,80,50,74,80, null}
    // Set BulletSparkline formula
    worksheet.Cells[2, 6, 4, 6].Formula = "BULLETSPARKLINE(B3, C3, F3, E3, D3, 100, 1, \"#FFFFFF\", FALSE, \"#FFC0CB\", \"#FF4500\", \"#00cccc\", \"#7FFF00\", \"00cccc\", \"#000080\", TRUE, 0.5)";
    Visual Basic
    Copy Code
    'Get sheet
    Dim worksheet = FpSpread1.Sheets(0).AsWorksheet()
    'Set data
    FpSpread1.Sheets(0).AsWorksheet().SetValue(1, 0, New Object(,) {
        {"Product", "Actual", "Target", "Poor", "Satisfactory", "Excellent", "Diagram"},
        {"Laptops", 81, 75, 40, 65, 75, Nothing},
        {"Monitor", 56, 60, 30, 50, 60, Nothing},
        {"Keyboard", 90, 80, 50, 74, 80, Nothing}
    'Set BulletSparkline formula
    FpSpread1.Sheets(0).AsWorksheet().Cells(2, 6, 4, 6).Formula = "BULLETSPARKLINE(B3, C3, F3, E3, D3, 100, 1, ""#FFFFFF"", FALSE, ""#FFC0CB"", ""#FF4500"", ""#00cccc"", ""#7FFF00"", ""00cccc\"", ""#000080"", TRUE, 0.5)"

    Using the Spread Designer

    1. Select a cell for the sparkline.
    2. Select the Insert menu.
    3. Select a sparkline type.
    4. Set the Measure, Target, and Maxi values in the Sparkline Setting dialog.

      Bullet sparkline setting dialog in Spread Designer

      Set the additional sparkline settings as shown in the image above.

    5. Select OK.
    6. Select Apply and Exit from the File menu to save your changes and close the designer.