Spread Windows Forms 18
Spread Windows Forms 18 Product Documentation / Spread Designer Guide / Designing in the Data Area / Setting Properties in Spread Designer / Setting Table Properties in Spread Designer
In This Topic
    Setting Table Properties in Spread Designer
    In This Topic

    You can set properties for the table using the context menu.

    Right-click on the table to display the context menu.

    Context menu for table

    This context menu has the following items:

    Context Menu Choice Description
    Cell Types You can select the cell type for the selected item. For more information, refer to Cell Type Dialog.
    Cut, Copy, and Paste These Clipboard operations cut, copy, and paste the selected item.
    Clear Clears the selected item.
    Select All Selects the sheet, cells, or data.
    Span This option does not apply to tables.
    Lock Locks the selected item.
    Borders Displays the Border Editor to allow you to edit the borders of the cells. For more information, refer to Border Editor.
    Table Adds a totals row or converts to a range.
    Insert Adds columns or rows to the table.
    Delete Removes columns or rows from the table.
    Select Selects the table column data, entire table column, or table row.
    See Also