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Creating and Using a Custom Name

Custom, user-defined names are identifiers to represent information in the spreadsheet, used mostly in formulas. A custom name can refer to a cell, a range of cells, a computed value, or a formula. You can define a custom name and then use the name in formulas. When the formula is evaluated, the custom name's value is referenced and evaluated.

You can create sheet level or workbook level custom names. The scope of the sheet level custom name is limited to the sheet for which it was created. This allows you to use the same name on several sheets. Formulas in a sheet will ignore sheet level custom names on other sheets.

Use the AddCustomName method in the SheetView class to add workbook or sheet level custom names. The sheetViewScope parameter in the AddCustomName method can be set to true for a sheet level custom name and false for a workbook level custom name.

Avoid using custom names that start with C# or R# patterns (# stands for any number).

It also supports the hidden custom Name.

If a customer creates a custom name without specifying the sheet name (using reference like A1, A1:A2 etc.), the reference will automatically refer to the active sheet. In other words, if you want to use the current sheet with the custom name's formula, you must use special syntax. For instance, if a user provides "!A1" as an input, the final formula of custom name will be changed to "Sheet1!A1".

Using Code

Define the custom name using the AddCustomName method for the workbook or sheet.


To add a custom name for a cell specified with A1 notation, use the AddCustomName method as shown in the following example, which creates a workbook level custom name.

fpSpread1.Sheets[0].AddCustomName("test", "$B$1", 0, 0);
fpSpread1.Sheets[0].AddCustomName("test", "$B$1", 0, 0);

To add a custom name for a computed value, use the AddCustomName method as shown in this code:

fpSpread1.Sheets[0].AddCustomName("alpha", "101", 0, 0);
fpSpread1.Sheets[0].AddCustomName("alpha", "101", 0, 0);

The following example adds a name that is a range reference.

fpSpread1.Sheets[0].AddCustomName("Sales", "Sheet1!$F$20:$F$50", 0, 0);
fpSpread1.Sheets[0].AddCustomName("Sales", "Sheet1!$F$20:$F$50", 0, 0);

Using the Spread Designer

  1. Select the Data menu in the Spread Designer.

  2. Select the Name Manager icon.

  3. Use the New button to add custom names and click the Close button when finished.

  4. From the File menu choose Apply and Exit to apply your changes to the component and exit Spread Designer.

See Also

Formulas in Cells

Placing a Formula in Cells

Specifying a Cell Reference in a Formula

Specifying a Sheet Reference in a Formula

Specifying an External Reference in a Formula

Using a Circular Reference in a Formula

Nesting Functions in a Formula

Recalculating and Updating Formulas Automatically

Finding a Value Using GoalSeek

Allowing the User to Enter Formulas

Creating and Using a Custom Function

Creating and Using External Variable

Using the Array Formula

Working with the Formula Text Box

Setting up the Name Box

Using Language Package

Accessing Data from Header or Footer

Managing External Reference

Working With Dynamic Array Formulas

Formulas in Cells

Placing a Formula in Cells

Specifying a Cell Reference in a Formula

Specifying a Sheet Reference in a Formula

Specifying an External Reference in a Formula

Using a Circular Reference in a Formula

Nesting Functions in a Formula

Recalculating and Updating Formulas Automatically

Finding a Value Using GoalSeek

Allowing the User to Enter Formulas

Creating and Using a Custom Function

Creating and Using External Variable

Using the Array Formula

Working with the Formula Text Box

Setting up the Name Box

Using Language Package

Accessing Data from Header or Footer

Managing External Reference

Working With Dynamic Array Formulas