Spread Windows Forms 18
Spread Windows Forms 18 Product Documentation / Developer's Guide / Understanding the Product / Product Overview
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    Product Overview
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    Spread Windows Forms is a comprehensive spreadsheet component for Windows Forms applications that combines grid capabilities, spreadsheet functionality, and includes the ability to bind to data sources. One component can handle upto 2 billion sheets and one sheet can handle upto 2 billion rows and columns.Cross-sheet referencing allows calculations to make use of data and formulas on a variety of sheets.

    The Spread component includes toolbar and navigation feature with sheet collection.Sheets are formed from row, column, cell, and header objects.

    You can use the included GUI designer to design grids, and intuitively set various appearance styles such as cell format, borders, background color, fonts, etc.Styles for cells and skins for sheets provide ways to save customized appearances that can be applied to other groups of cells or an entire sheet.

    Spread Windows Forms can handle data from comma-delimited text files as well as multiple spreadsheets from Microsoft Excel files. The contents of a sheet may be saved as a BIFF8 or text file compatible with Microsoft Excel or as a Spread XML file.

    In Spread, you can use the default models or extend them through inheritance. For more information on models, refer to Underlying Models

    The following figure provides a conceptual overview of Spread Windows Forms.

    概念図(Spread for Windows Forms)

    See Also