Spread Windows Forms 18
Spread Windows Forms 18 Product Documentation / Spread Designer Guide / Introduction / Understanding Applied Settings
In This Topic
    Understanding Applied Settings
    In This Topic

    Some Spread Designer settings are not applied in the designer until you use Apply or Preview. This allows you to continue working with certain items in the designer interface (for example, hiding a sheet does not prevent you from working with the sheet in the designer).

    The following SheetView designer settings are not applied until you use Apply or Preview:

    Setting Value
    OperationMode Normal
    SelectionUnit Cell
    SelectionPolicy MultiRange
    RestrictColumns False
    RestrictRows False
    Visible True
    DataAllowAddNew False
    RowHeader.Columns[-1].Resizable True
    ColumnHeader.Rows[-1].Resizable True

    The following FpSpread designer settings are not applied until you use Apply or Preview:

    Setting Value
    TabStripPolicy Always
    HorizontalScrollBarPolicy Always
    VerticalScrollBrPolicy Always
    AllowDragDrop False
    AllowDragFill False
    EditModePermanent False
    AutoClipboard True
    AllowUserFormulas True
    SelectBlockOptions Cells|Rows|Columns|Sheet
    AllowUndo True
    AllowSheetMove True
    AllowEditorReserveLocations False