Represents the windowless presentation space object.
public class PSObject : ElementWindowless, ISerializeSupport, ISerializable, IDeserializationCallback, IPdfSupportPSObject
Public Class PSObject
Inherits ElementWindowless
Implements ISerializeSupport, ISerializable, IDeserializationCallback, IPdfSupportPSObject
Name | Description |
PSObject() | Creates a new instance of a presentation space object. |
PSObject(object) | Creates a new object based on the specified object. |
PSObject(SerializationInfo, StreamingContext) | Creates a new shape object from serialization. |
Name | Description |
AnchorAll | Anchors on all sides of object |
AnchorBottom | Anchors on bottom side of object |
AnchorLeft | Anchors on left side of object |
AnchorNone | Applies no anchoring, so the object is allowed free movement |
AnchorRight | Anchors on right side of object |
AnchorTop | Anchors on top side of object |
_currentRatio | Specifies the current ratio. |
alphaBackColor | Specifies the alpha-blending background color. |
bgImageAngle | Specifies the angle at which the background image is rotated. |
bgImageRotationAllowed | Specifies whether the background image rotates when the user rotates the shape. |
clickPt | Specifies the click point of the object container. |
deserializing | Specifies whether the container is saving to XML. |
pictureAngle | Specifies the angle at which the picture is rotated. |
region | Specifies the region of the object container. |
regionRect | Specifies the region rectangle. |
resizeHandle | Specifies the handle currently being used for resizing. |
rotatedAngle | Specifies the angle at which the object is rotated. |
rotating | Specifies the direction of object rotation, if at all, for the object container. |
shapeColor | Specifies the color of the object container. |
shapeStyle | Specifies the dashed-line style of the object container. |
shapeThickness | Specifies the line thickness of the object container. |
theShape | Internal use only. |
zoomedRectangle | Specifies the zoomed rectangle. |
Name | Description |
AlignHorz | Gets or sets the horizontal alignment of the contents of the element. |
AlignText | Gets or sets the text alignment for the element. |
AlignVert | Gets or sets the vertical alignment of the contents of the element. |
AllowBackgroundImageRotation | Gets or sets the background image rotation allowed flag of the object. |
AlphaBlendBackColor | Gets or sets the alpha-blend value of the background color of the object. |
Anchor | Gets or sets whether the object is anchored. |
BackgroundImageRotationAngle | Gets or sets the background image rotation angle of the object. |
CanMove | Gets or sets whether the user is allowed to move the object. |
CanPrint | Gets or sets whether the container is allowed to print the object. |
CanRotate | Gets or sets whether the user is allowed to rotate the object. |
CanSize | Gets or sets whether the user is allowed to resize the object. |
ContainedObjects | Gets or sets the contained objects of the object. |
DrawFocusRectangle | Gets or sets the focus rectangle drawing style in the element. |
Enabled | Gets or sets whether the object can receive focus and respond to user actions. |
FlipHorizontal | Gets or sets a value that indicates whether the shape has been flipped horizontally. |
FlipVertical | Gets or sets a value that indicates whether the shape has been flipped vertically. |
Gradient | Gets or sets the gradient for the object. |
Height | Gets or sets the height of the object. |
Left | Gets or sets the x-coordinate of the object. |
Location | Gets or sets the location of the object. |
Locked | Gets or sets whether the object is marked as locked. |
MarginBottom | Gets or sets the margin between the bottom of the element and its contents. |
MarginLeft | Gets or sets the margin between the left of the element and its contents. |
MarginRight | Gets or sets the margin between the right of the element and its contents. |
MarginTop | Gets or sets the margin between the top of the element and its contents. |
OriginalBounds | Gets the original bounds. |
Picture | Gets or sets an image for this element. |
PictureMargin | Gets or sets the margin between the picture and the text in the element. |
PictureOrientation | Gets or sets the orientation of the picture. |
PictureRotationAngle | Gets or sets the picture rotation angle of the object. |
RotationAngle | Gets or sets the rotation angle of the object. |
Selectable | Gets or sets whether can select. |
Shape | Gets or sets the shape for the object. |
ShapeOutlineColor | Gets or sets the shape outline color for the object. |
ShapeOutlineStyle | Gets or sets the shape outline style for the object. |
ShapeOutlineThickness | Gets or sets the shape outline thickness for the object. |
Size | Gets or sets the size of the object. |
SizeProportional | Gets or sets whether the user is allowed to resize the object proportionally. |
Tag | Gets or sets the tag for the element. |
TextOrientation | Gets or sets the orientation of the text. |
TextRotationAngle | Gets or sets the text rotation angle of the object. |
TextWrap | Gets or sets whether to wrap the text in the element. |
Top | Gets or sets the y-coordinate of the object. |
UniqueIdentifier | Gets the unique identifier for the element. |
Visible | Gets or sets whether the object is visible. |
Width | Gets or sets the width of the object. |
ZoomedRectangle | Gets the zoomed rectangle. |
Name | Description |
Clone() | Creates and returns a copy of the object. |
Contains(Point) | Determines whether the container contains the specified point. |
Contains(Point, bool) | Determines whether the container contains the specified point ignoring transparency. |
CopyTo(object) | Copies the properties of this object in presentation space (drawing space) to the target object. |
Deserialize(object, XmlNodeReader) | Loads the object from XML. |
Deserialize(XmlNodeReader) | Loads the object from XML. |
DeserializeEntry(SerializationEntry) | Creates a new shape object from serialization. Serialize single entry. Should not overrides unless using base serialize for binary or item need combination might missing. |
DeserializeObjectProps(XmlNodeReader) | Loads the object properties from XML. |
DeserializePositionAndSize(XmlNodeReader) | Deserializes the position and size. |
DoClick(object, EventArgs) | Fires click event. |
DoDoubleClick(object, EventArgs) | Fires double click event. |
DoMove(Point) | Allows the object to be moved. |
DoRotate(Point) | Allows the object to rotate using the specified point to determine the rotation angle. |
DoSize(int, Point) | Allows the object to be sized. |
FillBackgroundWithGradient(Graphics, Rectangle) | Fills the background with a gradient. |
FireUIChangeComplete() | Occurs when the User Interface (UI) change is complete. |
FlipShapeHorizontal() | Flips the shape horizontally (along a horizontal axis). |
FlipShapeVertical() | Flips the shape vertically (along a vertical axis). |
GetClientRectangleF(RectangleF) | Gets the coordinates of the element. |
GetGrabHandleRectangles(Rectangle, ref Rectangle[]) | Gets the grab handle rectangles. |
GetObjectData(SerializationInfo, StreamingContext) | Internal use only. |
GetPictureRegion(object) | Gets the region of the picture. |
GetRotateAngle(Point, Point, Point) | Gets the rotate angle. |
GetRotateHandleRectangle(Rectangle) | Gets the rotate handle rectangle. |
GrabHandleFromPoint(Point) | Returns the grab handle from the specified point. |
OnClick(EventArgs) | Click processing. |
OnMouseDown(MouseEventArgs) | MouseDown processing. |
OnMouseEnter(MouseEventArgs) | MouseEnter processing. |
OnMouseLeave(MouseEventArgs) | MouseLeave processing. |
OnMouseMove(MouseEventArgs) | MouseMove processing. |
OnMouseUp(MouseEventArgs) | MouseUp processing. |
OnPaint(Graphics, Rectangle) | Initiates a redraw for the object to repaint itself. |
OnPaintBackground(Graphics, Rectangle) | Initiates a redraw for the object to repaint its background. |
PaintBackColor(Graphics, Rectangle) | Paints the background color. |
PaintBackgroundImage(Graphics, Rectangle) | Draws the background image. |
PaintFocusRectangle(Graphics, Rectangle) | Draws the focus rectangle. |
PaintGrabHandles(Graphics, Rectangle) | Draws the handles for sizing. |
PaintOutline(Graphics, Rectangle) | Paints the outline of a GraphicsPath shape. |
PaintPicture(Graphics, Rectangle) | Paints the picture inside the specified rectangle. |
PaintRotateHandle(Graphics, Rectangle) | Draws the rotate handle. |
PaintSpecialBackground(Graphics, Rectangle) | Asks the control to repaint the background for the object. |
PaintText(Graphics, Rectangle) | Draws the text. |
PointInGrabHandle(Point) | Gets whether the specified point is in a grab handle. |
PointInRotateHandle(Point) | Gets whether the specified point is in the rotate handle. |
Print(PdfGraphics, Rectangle, float) | Prints the shape objects. |
ProcessMouseDown(MouseEventArgs) | MouseDown processing. |
ProcessMouseUp(MouseEventArgs) | MouseUp processing. |
Reset() | Internal use only. |
ResetAllowBackgroundImageRotation() | Resets the background image rotation allowed flag to its default settings. |
ResetAlphaBlendBackColor() | Resets the alpha-blend value of the background color of the object. |
ResetAnchor() | Resets the object's anchored status. |
ResetBackgroundImageRotationAngle() | Resets the background image rotation angle to its default settings. |
ResetCanMove() | Resets whether the object can be moved by the user. |
ResetCanPrint() | Resets whether the object can be printed by the container. |
ResetCanRotate() | Resets whether the object can be rotated by the user. |
ResetCanSize() | Resets whether the object can be resized by the user. |
ResetGradient() | Resets the gradient style of the object. |
ResetLocked() | Reset the object's locked status. |
ResetName() | Resets the name to its default settings. |
ResetPictureRotationAngle() | Resets the picture rotation angle to its default settings. |
ResetRotationAngle() | Resets the rotation angle to its default settings. |
ResetShape() | Resets the shape of the object. |
ResetShapeOutlineColor() | Resets the shape outline color of the object. |
ResetShapeOutlineStyle() | Resets the shape outline style of the object. |
ResetShapeOutlineThickness() | Resets the shape outline thickness of the object. |
ResetSizeProportional() | Resets whether the object can be resized proportionally by the user. |
ResetTextOrientation() | Resets the text orientation for text in the element to its default value. |
ResetTextRotationAngle() | Resets the text rotation angle to its default settings. |
Rotate(Point, float) | Rotates the object by the specified angle around the specified point. |
Rotate(float) | Rotates the object by the specified angle around the center of the object. |
Scale(float, float) | Adjusts the size of the object by the specified amount. |
Scale(float, float, bool) | Adjusts the size of the object by the specified amount. |
Serialize(object, XmlTextWriter) | Saves the object to XML. |
Serialize(XmlTextWriter) | Saves the object to XML. |
SerializePositionAndSize(XmlTextWriter) | Serializes the position and size. |
SerializeProps(XmlTextWriter) | Saves the object properties to XML. |
SetBounds(int, int, int, int) | Sets the bounds of the object to the specified position and size. |
SetBoundsFloat(float, float, float, float) | Sets the bounds of the object to the specified position and size. |
SetBoundsFloat(float, float, float, float, bool) | Sets the bounds of the object to the specified position and size. |
SetBoundsFloat(float, float, float, float, bool, bool) | Sets the bounds of the object to the specified position and size. |
SetBoundsFloatInternal(float, float, float, float) | Set float bound. |
ShouldSerializeAllowBackgroundImageRotation() | Determines if the background image rotation allowed flag of the object should be serialized. |
ShouldSerializeAlphaBlendBackColor() | Determines if the alpha-blend value of the background color of the object should be serialized. |
ShouldSerializeAnchor() | Determines if the anchor property should be serialized. |
ShouldSerializeBackgroundImageRotationAngle() | Determines if the background image rotation angle of the object should be serialized. |
ShouldSerializeCanMove() | Determines if the CanMove property should be serialized. |
ShouldSerializeCanPrint() | Determines if the CanPrint property should be serialized. |
ShouldSerializeCanRotate() | Determines if the CanRotate property should be serialized. |
ShouldSerializeCanSize() | Determines if the CanSize property should be serialized. |
ShouldSerializeContainedObjects() | Determines if the ContainedObjects property should be serialized. |
ShouldSerializeGradient() | Determines if the shape outline scaling should be serialized. |
ShouldSerializeLocked() | Determines if the locked property should be serialized. |
ShouldSerializeName() | Determines if the name of the object should be serialized. |
ShouldSerializePictureRotationAngle() | Determines if the picture rotation angle of the object should be serialized. |
ShouldSerializeRotationAngle() | Determines if the rotation angle of the object should be serialized. |
ShouldSerializeShape() | Determines if the shape should be serialized. |
ShouldSerializeShapeOutlineColor() | Determines if the shape outline color should be serialized. |
ShouldSerializeShapeOutlineStyle() | Determines if the shape outline style should be serialized. |
ShouldSerializeShapeOutlineThickness() | Determines if the shape outline thickness should be serialized. |
ShouldSerializeSizeProportional() | Determines if the SizeProportional property should be serialized. |
ShouldSerializeTextRotationAngle() | Determines if the text rotation angle of the object should be serialized. |
SizeRegion(int, int, int, int) | Resizes the region. |
SizeRegion(float, float, float, float) | Resizes the region. |
Update() | Causes the control to redraw invalidated region. |
Name | Description |
MouseEnter | Internal use only. |
MouseLeave | Internal use only. |
UIChangeComplete | Occurs when the User Interface (UI) change is complete. |