Represents a default row filter that extends to implement the supported row filters.
public abstract class DefaultRowFilter : IRowFilter2, IRowFilter, ISerializeSupport, IDeserializationCallback, IManualRowFilterSupport, IRowFilterFrozenSupport, ISerializable
Public MustInherit Class DefaultRowFilter
Implements IRowFilter2, IRowFilter, ISerializeSupport, IDeserializationCallback, IManualRowFilterSupport, IRowFilterFrozenSupport, ISerializable
Name | Description |
DefaultRowFilter(DefaultRowFilter) | Use in serialization/deserialization only |
DefaultRowFilter(SheetView) | Creates a new default row filter for the specified sheet. |
Name | Description |
AllString | Gets or sets the all filter items string. |
BlanksString | Gets or sets the blanks (empty cells) string. |
ColumnDefinitions | Gets the collection of filter column definitions. |
DropDownBorderStyle | Gets or sets the style for the drop-down list of filter items. |
FilterFrozenRows | Gets or sets whether frozen rows are filtered. |
NonBlanksString | Gets or sets the non-blanks (non-empty cells) string. |
SheetView | Gets or sets the sheet associated with this row filter. |
ShowFilterIndicator | Gets or sets whether the filter indicator should be displayed. |
UnfilteredRows | Gets or sets unfiltered rows. |
Name | Description |
AddColumn(FilterColumnDefinition) | Adds a filter column definition to the row filter. |
AddColumn(int) | Adds a filter column definition to the row filter. |
AddColumn(int, FilterListBehavior) | Adds a filter column definition to the row filter with the specified list behavior. |
Deserialize(XmlNodeReader) | Loads the object from XML. |
GetColumnFilterIndexFromColumnIndex(int) | Gets the column filter index from the specified column. |
GetFilterColumnDefinition(int) | Gets the filter column definition from the specified column. |
GetFilteredColumnIndexes() | Gets an array of column indexes where row filters exist. |
IsAnyFilterApplied() | Checks whether a filter has been applied in the spread sheet. |
IsFiltered(int) | Internal use only. Gets whether the specified column is filtered. |
IsRowFilteredOut(int) | Determines whether the specified row is filtered out. |
OnDataModelChanged(object, SheetDataModelEventArgs) | Occurs when the data model has changed. |
OnFilterColumnDefinitionCollectionChanged(object, CollectionChangeEventArgs) | Occurs when the filter column definition collection has changed. |
OnStyleModelChanged(object, SheetStyleModelEventArgs) | Occurs when the style model has changed. |
RemoveColumn(int) | Removes a filter column definition from the row filter. |
ResetFilter() | Resets the filter settings for the entire row filter. |
ResetFilter(int) | Resets the filter settings for the specified column. |
Serialize(XmlTextWriter) | Saves the object to XML. |