Represents a view of the spreadsheet display.
public class SpreadView : ISerializable, IDisposable
Public Class SpreadView
Implements ISerializable, IDisposable
Name | Description |
SpreadView(SheetView, int, int, int, int, WorksheetSubType) |
Name | Description |
CollapseImage | Specifies the index, 2, for the image for the collapse icon in a hiearchical display. |
CollapseImageDisabled | Specifies the index, 3, for the image for the disabled collapse icon in a hiearchical display. |
EditingRowSelector | Specifies the index, 19, for the image for the row editing indicator. |
EnhancedFilterActive | Specifies the index, 28, for the image for the enhanced active filter indicator. |
EnhancedFilterActiveDisabled | Specifies the index, 29, for the image for the enhanced disabled active filter indicator. |
EnhancedFilterInactive | Specifies the index, 30, for the image for the enhanced inactive filter indicator. |
EnhancedFilterInactiveDisabled | Specifies the index, 31, for the image for the enhanced disabled inactive filter indicator. |
EnhancedFilterSortAscending | Specifies the index, 20, for the image for the enhanced ascending filter sort indicator. |
EnhancedFilterSortAscendingDisabled | Specifies the index, 21, for the image for the enhanced disabled ascending filter sort indicator. |
EnhancedFilterSortDescending | Specifies the index, 24, for the image for the enhanced descending filter sort indicator. |
EnhancedFilterSortDescendingDisabled | Specifies the index, 25, for the image for the enhanced disabled descending filter sort indicator. |
EnhancedSortAscending | Specifies the index, 22, for the image for the enhanced ascending sort indicator. |
EnhancedSortAscendingDisabled | Specifies the index, 23, for the image for the enhanced disabled ascending sort indicator. |
EnhancedSortDescending | Specifies the index, 26, for the image for the enhanced descending sort indicator. |
EnhancedSortDescendingDisabled | Specifies the index, 27, for the image for the enhanced disabled descending sort indicator. |
ExpandImage | Specifies the index, 0, for the image for the expand icon in a hiearchical display. |
ExpandImageDisabled | Specifies the index, 1, for the image for the disabled expand icon in a hiearchical display. |
FilterActive | Specifies the index, 10, for the image for the active filter indicator. |
FilterActiveDisabled | Specifies the index, 11, for the image for the disabled active filter indicator. |
FilterBarFilterActive | Specifies the index, 16, for the image for the active filterbar indicator. |
FilterBarFilterDateTime | Specifies the index, 18, for the image for the filterbar calendar indicator. |
FilterBarFilterInactive | Specifies the index, 17, for the image for the inactive filterbar indicator. |
FilterInactive | Specifies the index, 8, for the image for the inactive filter indicator. |
FilterInactiveDisabled | Specifies the index, 9, for the image for the disabled inactive filter indicator. |
RowSelectorImage | Specifies the index, 14, for the image for the row selector. |
RowSelectorImageDisabled | Specifies the index, 15, for the image for the disabled row selector. |
SortAscendingImage | Specifies the index, 4, for the image for the ascending sort indicator. |
SortAscendingImageDisabled | Specifies the index, 5, for the image for the disabled ascending sort indicator. |
SortDescendingImage | Specifies the index, 6, for the image for the descending sort indicator. |
SortDescendingImageDisabled | Specifies the index, 7, for the image for the disabled descending sort indicator. |
SortUnsortedImage | Specifies the index, 12, for the image for the unsorted sort indicator. |
SortUnsortedImageDisabled | Specifies the index, 13, for the image for the disabled unsorted sort indicator. |
tabButtonTheme | Internal use only. |
tabTheme | Internal use only. |
Name | Description |
ActiveSheetIndex | Gets or sets the active sheet in the view. |
AllowCellContentFloat | Gets or sets whether to allow the cell content to float. |
AllowCellOverflow | Gets or sets whether data can overflow into adjacent empty cells in the view. |
AllowColumnMove | Gets or sets whether to allow the user to move columns. |
AllowColumnMoveMultiple | Gets or sets whether to allow the user to move multiple columns. |
AllowDragDrop | Gets or sets whether to allow the user to drag and drop a range of cells in the view. |
AllowDragFill | Gets or sets whether to allow the user to drag and fill cells with the contents of a cell or cells in the view. |
AllowEditOverflow | Gets or sets whether data can overflow into adjacent empty cells while edit mode is on in a cell in the view. |
AllowEditorReservedLocations | Gets or sets whether cell editor reserved mouse locations are allowed. |
AllowRowMove | Gets or sets whether to allow the user to move rows. |
AllowRowMoveDataAllowAddNew | Gets or sets a value that indicates whether to allow moving the add new row or asterisk row. |
AllowRowMoveMultiple | Gets or sets whether to allow the user to move multiple rows. |
AllowSheetMove | Gets or sets whether sheets can be moved by dragging and dropping the sheet tab. |
AllowUndo | Gets or sets whether to allow the user to undo edit operations. |
AllowUserFormulas | Gets or sets whether to allow the user to enter formulas in a cell in the view. |
AllowUserZoom | Gets or sets whether to allow the user to scale the view using the Ctrl key and the mouse wheel. |
AutoClipboard | Gets or sets whether to allow shortcut keys for Clipboard actions in the view. |
AutoFitColumnOptions | Gets or sets the behavior of automatic fit when double-clicking the right edge of the column header. |
AutoFitRowOptions | Gets or sets the behavior of automatic fit when double-clicking the bottom edge of the row header. |
AutoImeMode | Gets or sets whether to use the CharacterSet property on non-edit mode cells. |
BorderCollapse | Gets or sets whether adjacent cell borders are collapsed into a single line in the view. |
Bounds | Gets the size and location of the view. |
ButtonDrawMode | Gets or sets whether to display buttons in button and combo box cells in the view. |
CellNoteIndicatorRenderer | Gets or sets the cell note indicator renderer. |
CellNoteIndicatorVisible | Gets or sets whether the cell note indicator appears in cells in the view. |
CellSpanSelectionPolicy | Gets or sets the selection model to use when working with a span. |
ClipboardOptions | Gets or sets whether headers and the filter bar are included with data in Clipboard actions in the view. |
ClipboardPasteToFill | Gets or sets whether a single cell copied to the Clipboard fills the range when pasted from the Clipboard to the component. |
ColumnSplitBoxAlignment | Gets or sets the alignment of the column split box relative to the horizontal scroll bar in the view. |
ColumnSplitBoxPolicy | Gets or sets when to display the column split box in the view. |
CustomFillSeriesList | Gets the custom list for drag fill in series mode. |
DragFillDataOnly | Gets or sets a value that indicates whether the drag fill action copies data only. |
EditMode | Gets or sets whether the active cell in the view is in edit mode. |
EditModePermanent | Gets or sets whether edit mode remains on for any cell in the view when that cell becomes active. |
EditModeReplace | Gets or sets whether the existing text in a cell in the view is selected when the cell enters edit mode. |
EditingControl | Gets the contol editing the active cell, or null if the control is not in edit mode. |
EnableDragFillMenu | Gets or sets a value to show drag fill button and drag fill context menu. |
ErrorIconRenderer | Gets or sets the renderer for the error icon. |
FocusRenderer | Gets or sets a renderer for drawing the focus rectangle in the view. |
HorizontalScrollBar | Gets the horizontal scroll bar. |
HorizontalScrollBarHeight | Gets or sets the height of horizontal scroll bars in the view. |
HorizontalScrollBarPolicy | Gets or sets when to display the horizontal scroll bars in the view. |
HorizontalScrollBarSmallChange | Gets or sets the small increment for the horizontal scrollbar. |
InterfaceRenderer | Gets or sets the interface renderer. |
LeftTab | Gets or sets the left most sheet tab in the tab strip in the view. |
MoveActiveOnFocus | Gets or sets whether the location of the active cell in the view moves when the user moves the focus to the view using the mouse. |
Owner | Gets the Spread component that owns this view. |
Parent | Gets the parent (SpreadView object) of the view. |
RangeDragFillMode | Gets or sets the mode the user can use to drag and fill cells in the component |
RetainSelectionBlock | Gets or sets whether the selected range of cells in the view remains highlighted when the view loses the focus. |
RowSplitBoxAlignment | Gets or set the alignment of the row split box relative to the vertical scroll bar in the view. |
RowSplitBoxPolicy | Gets or sets when to display the row split box in the view. |
ScrollBarMaxAlign | Gets or sets the scroll bar alignment with the last row and column of the spreadsheet in the view. |
ScrollBarShowMax | Gets or sets whether the user can use the scroll box to scroll through all the columns and rows in the view, or just a limited number of them. |
ScrollBarTrackPolicy | Gets or sets how the control scrolls the sheet when the user moves the scroll box. |
ScrollTipPolicy | Gets or sets whether scroll tips appear when the user moves the scroll box. |
SelectionBlockOptions | Gets or sets which types of selections the user can make in the view. |
SelectionRenderer | Gets or sets a renderer for drawing selections in the view. |
Sheets | Gets the sheets in the view. |
ShowCellErrors | Gets or sets whether to allow the user to display a cell error using an icon or sticky note for cells in the view. |
ShowDragBandOnMoving | Gets or sets whether the drag band is displayed when moving a row or column. |
ShowRowErrors | Gets or sets whether to allow the user to display a row error using an icon or sticky note for cells in the view. |
Skin | Gets or sets the skin for the spread. |
SpreadScaleMode | Gets or sets whether Spread controls automatic scaling with a different system dpi; Spread only supports one dimension so the application should use AutoScaleMode.Dpi for correct scaling, or else scale using the application width. |
SuspendAnimations | Gets or sets whether animations, such as an animated focus renderer, in the view are suspended. |
TabStripInsertTab | Gets or sets whether the special insert tab is present on the tab strip. |
TabStripInsertTabImage | Gets or sets the tabstrip insert-tab image. |
TabStripPlacement | Gets or sets the location of the tab strip in the view. |
TabStripPolicy | Gets or sets the display policy for the tab strip in the view. |
TabStripRatio | Gets or sets the width of the tab strip in the view expressed as a percentage of the overall horizontal width of the control. |
TextTipAppearance | Gets or sets the appearance of text tips in the view. |
TextTipDelay | Gets or sets the time (in milliseconds) the control waits before |
TextTipPolicy | Gets or sets whether to display text tips and the location of the tips in the view. |
UndoManager | Gets or sets the undo manager for the SpreadView. |
VerticalScrollBar | Gets the vertical scroll bar. |
VerticalScrollBarPolicy | Gets or sets when to display the vertical scroll bars in the view. |
VerticalScrollBarSmallChange | Gets or sets the small increment for the vertical scrollbar. |
VerticalScrollBarWidth | Gets or sets the width of vertical scroll bars in the view. |
VisualStyles | Gets or sets whether to use visual styles when rendering objects in the control. |
Name | Description |
AddViewport(int, int) | Adds a row or column of viewports. |
AddViewport(int, int, int) | Adds a row or column of viewports. |
CancelCellEditing() | Cancels cell editing in the view. |
CancelColumnResizing() | Cancels column resizing. |
CancelFilterBarEditing() | Cancels cell editing in the filter bar. |
CancelRowResizing() | Cancels row resizing. |
ContinueCellSelecting(int, int) | Continues selecting cells to the point of the specified coordinates. |
ContinueColumnResizing(int) | Continues resizing the column to the specified x-coordinate. |
ContinueColumnSelecting(int, int) | Continues selecting columns to the point at the specified coordinates. |
ContinueDragDropping(int, int) | Continues drag and drop to the point of the specified coordinates. |
ContinueDragFilling(int, int) | Continues drag and fill to the point of the specified coordinates. |
ContinueFormulaCellRangeMoving(int, int) | Continues moving the formula cell range. |
ContinueFormulaCellRangeResizing(int, int) | Continues the formula cell range resizing. |
ContinueTableResizing(int, int) | Continues resizing the active TableView. |
ExpandRow(int, bool) | Expands or collapses the specified parent row, which shows or hides the child view in a hierarchical display. |
GetActionMap() | Gets the action map. |
GetActiveColumnViewportIndex() | Gets the index of the active viewport column. |
GetActiveColumnViewportIndex(int) | Gets the index of the active viewport column for the specified sheet. |
GetActiveRowViewportIndex() | Gets the index of the active viewport row. |
GetActiveRowViewportIndex(int) | Gets the index of the active viewport row for the specified sheet. |
GetActiveWorkbook() | Gets the active view (SpreadView object). |
GetCellFromPixel(int, int) | Gets the row and column indexes of the cell at the specified pointer location. |
GetCellFromPixel(int, int, int, int) | Gets the row and column indexes of the cell at the specified pointer location in the view. |
GetCellRectangle(int, int, int, int) | Gets the rectangle of the cell. |
GetChildWorkbooks() | Gets all child views (SpreadView objects) that have been created. |
GetColumnFooterCellRectangle(int, int, int) | Gets the rectangle of the cell in the column footer. |
GetColumnHeaderCellFromPixel(int, int) | Gets the row and column indexes of the column header cell at the specified pointer location. |
GetColumnHeaderCellFromPixel(int, int, int) | Gets the row and column indexes of the column header cell at the specified pointer location. |
GetColumnHeaderCellRectangle(int, int, int) | Gets the rectangle of the cell in the column header. |
GetColumnHeaderRectangle(int) | Gets the rectangle of the column header. |
GetColumnRangeGroupHeight() | Gets the height of the column range group. |
GetColumnSplitBarRectangle(int) | Gets the rectangle of the column split bar. |
GetColumnSplitBoxRectangle(int) | Gets the rectangle of the column split box. |
GetColumnViewportCount() | Gets the number of viewport columns in the active sheet. |
GetColumnViewportCount(int) | Gets the number of viewport columns in the specified sheet. |
GetColumnViewportIndexFromX(int) | Gets the index of the viewport column for the specified coordinate for the active sheet. |
GetCursor(CursorType) | Gets the pointer displayed over a specific area in the view. |
GetFilterBarHeaderRectangle() | Gets the rectangle of the column header. |
GetFilterBarRectangle(int) | Gets the rectangle of the filter bar. |
GetFloatCell(int, int) | Returns the floating cell range for the specified cell. |
GetFloatCells() | Returns all floating cell ranges for the view. |
GetHorizontalScrollBarRectangle(int) | Gets the rectangle of the horizontal scroll bar. |
GetImage(int) | Gets the graphic image used in the specified part of the user interface. |
GetInputMap(InputMapMode) | Gets the input map defined for the specified focus mode for the view. |
GetInputMap(InputMapMode, OperationMode) | Gets the input map defined for the specified focus mode and operation mode for the view. |
GetInputMapWhenChildHasFocus() | Gets the input map for the view for when a child object has focus. |
GetInputMapWhenShapeHasFocus() | Gets the input map for the view for when a shape has focus. |
GetMaximumCellOverflowWidth() | Gets the maximum cell overflow width in pixels for cells in the view. |
GetMergeCell(int, int) | Returns the merged cell range for the specified cell. |
GetMergeCells() | Returns all merged cell ranges for the view. |
GetObjectData(SerializationInfo, StreamingContext) | Saves the view to the SerializationInfo object. |
GetRootWorkbook() | Gets the top view (SpreadView object). |
GetRowHeaderCellFromPixel(int, int) | Gets the row and column indexes of the row header cell at the specified pointer location. |
GetRowHeaderCellFromPixel(int, int, int) | Gets the row and column indexes of the row header cell at the specified pointer location. |
GetRowHeaderCellRectangle(int, int, int) | Gets the rectangle of the cell in the row header. |
GetRowHeaderRectangle(int) | Gets the rectangle of the row header. |
GetRowRangeGroupWidth() | Gets the width of the row range group. |
GetRowSplitBarRectangle(int) | Gets the rectangle of the row split bar. |
GetRowSplitBoxRectangle(int) | Gets the rectangle of the row split box. |
GetRowViewportCount() | Gets the number of viewport rows in the active sheet. |
GetRowViewportCount(int) | Gets the number of viewport rows in the specified sheet. |
GetRowViewportIndexFromY(int) | Gets the index of the viewport row for the specified coordinate for the active sheet. |
GetSheetTabRectangle(int) | Gets the rectangle of the tab associated with a sheet for the view. |
GetSheetView() | Gets the active sheet view. |
GetSpreadView(SheetView, int, int) | Gets the view at the specified sheet and viewport. |
GetTabSplitBoxRectangle() | Gets the rectangle of the split box on the tab strip. |
GetTabStripRectangle() | Gets the rectangle of the tab strip. |
GetVerticalScrollBarRectangle(int) | Gets the rectangle of the vertical scroll bar. |
GetViewportBottomRow(int) | Gets the row after the last row of the specified viewport for the active sheet. |
GetViewportBottomRow(int, int) | Gets the row after the last row of the specified viewport for the specified sheet. |
GetViewportHeight(int, bool) | Gets the height of the specified viewport row for the active sheet. |
GetViewportHeight(int, int) | Gets the height of the specified viewport row of the specified sheet. |
GetViewportLeftColumn(int) | Gets the index of the left most column of the specified viewport column. |
GetViewportLeftColumn(int, int) | Gets the index of the left most column of the specified viewport column. |
GetViewportLeftOffset(int) | Gets the offset of the view port from a particular column to the left. |
GetViewportPreferredHeight(int) | Gets the maximum height for the viewport row. |
GetViewportPreferredHeight(int, int) | Gets the maximum height for the viewport row for the specified sheet. |
GetViewportPreferredWidth(int) | Gets the maximum width for the viewport column. |
GetViewportPreferredWidth(int, int) | Gets the maximum width for the viewport column for the specified sheet. |
GetViewportRectangle(int, int, bool) | Gets the rectangle of the viewport. |
GetViewportRightColumn(int) | Gets the column after the rightmost column of the specified viewport for the active sheet. |
GetViewportRightColumn(int, int) | Gets the column after the rightmost column of the specified viewport for the specified sheet. |
GetViewportTopOffset(int) | Get offset of the view port from a particular row to the top. |
GetViewportTopRow(int) | Gets the index of the top row of the specified viewport row. |
GetViewportTopRow(int, int) | Gets the index of the top row of the specified viewport row for the specified sheet. |
GetViewportWidth(int, bool) | Gets the width of the specified viewport column for the active sheet. |
GetViewportWidth(int, int) | Gets the width of the specified viewport column of the specified sheet. |
GetViewportX(int) | Gets the left coordinate of the specified viewport column for the active sheet. |
GetViewportY(int) | Gets the top coordinate of the specified viewport row for the active sheet. |
GoalSeek(int, int, int, int, int, int, double) | Attempts to find a value for one cell that will produce the desired formula result in another cell. |
HitTest(int, int) | Returns information about the given location. |
Invalidate() | Invalidates the SpreadView and causes it to repaint. |
Invalidate(Rectangle) | Invalidates the specified rectangle. |
InvalidateCells(int, int, int, int) | Internal use only. |
InvalidateColumnFooterCells(int, int, int, int) | Internal use only. |
InvalidateColumnHeaderCells(int, int, int, int) | Internal use only. |
InvalidateCorner() | Invalidates the sheet corner. |
InvalidateFilterBar() | Invalidates filter bar. |
InvalidateFilterBar(int) | Invalidates the filter bar in the specific column viewport. |
InvalidateFilterBarHeader() | Invalidates filter bar header. |
InvalidateFooterCorner() | Invalidates the column footer corner. |
InvalidateRowHeaderCells(int, int, int, int) | Invalidates row header cells. |
LoadXmlInputMapFile(Stream) | Loads the XML input map file. |
LoadXmlInputMapFile(Stream, InputMapMode, OperationMode) | Loads the XML input map file using the specified input map mode and operation mode. |
LoadXmlInputMapFile(Stream, OperationMode) | Loads the XML input map file using the specified operation mode. |
LoadXmlInputMapFile(string) | Loads the XML input map file. |
LoadXmlInputMapFile(string, InputMapMode, OperationMode) | Loads the XML input map file using the specified input map mode and operation mode. |
LoadXmlInputMapFile(string, OperationMode) | Loads the XML input map file using the specified operation mode. |
LoadXmlInputMapFileWhenChildHasFocus(Stream) | Loads the XML input map file when the child has focus. |
LoadXmlInputMapFileWhenChildHasFocus(string) | Loads the XML input map file when the child has focus. |
LoadXmlInputMapFileWhenShapeHasFocus(Stream) | Loads the XML input map file when the shape has focus. |
LoadXmlInputMapFileWhenShapeHasFocus(string) | Loads the XML input map file when the shape has focus. |
OnInkNotationExit(object, EventArgs) | Occurs when exiting ink notation. |
OnInkNotationSave(object, EventArgs) | Occurs when saving from ink notation. |
RemoveViewport(int, int) | Removes a row or column of viewports. |
RemoveViewport(int, int, int) | Removes a row or column of viewports. |
Reset() | Resets the active view to its default settings. |
SaveXmlInputMapFile(Stream) | Saves the XML input map file. |
SaveXmlInputMapFile(Stream, InputMapMode, OperationMode) | Saves the XML input map file. |
SaveXmlInputMapFile(string) | Saves the XML input map file. |
SaveXmlInputMapFile(string, InputMapMode, OperationMode) | Saves the XML input map file. |
SaveXmlInputMapFileWhenChildHasFocus(Stream) | Saves the XML input map file when the child has focus. |
SaveXmlInputMapFileWhenChildHasFocus(string) | Saves the XML input map file when the child has focus. |
SaveXmlInputMapFileWhenShapeHasFocus(Stream) | Saves the XML input map file when the shape has focus. |
SaveXmlInputMapFileWhenShapeHasFocus(string) | Saves the XML input map file when the shape has focus. |
SetActionMap(ActionMap) | Sets the action map. |
SetActiveViewport(int, int) | Sets the active viewport. |
SetActiveViewport(int, int, int) | Sets the active viewport for the specified sheet. |
SetActiveWorkbook(SpreadView) | Sets the active SpreadView to the specified object. If the workbook passed in is null, sets this object to be the active SpreadView. |
SetAutoImeMode() | |
SetCursor(CursorType, Cursor) | Sets the pointer displayed over a specific area at a specific time. |
SetImage(int, Image) | Sets the specified graphic for a specified part of the user interface. |
SetImageDPISupport(int, MultiScalingBitmapManager) | Sets the multiscaling versions of specified graphic for a specified part of the user interface. |
SetInputMap(InputMapMode, InputMap) | Sets the input map for the view for the specified focus mode. |
SetInputMap(InputMapMode, OperationMode, InputMap) | Sets the input map for the view for the specified focus mode and operation mode. |
SetInputMapToOtherSpreadView(SpreadView) | Sets the input maps of this spreadview to another spread view. |
SetInputMapWhenChildHasFocus(InputMap) | Sets the input map for the view for when a child object has focus. |
SetInputMapWhenShapeHasFocus(InputMap) | Sets the input map for the view for when a shape has focus. |
SetMaximumCellOverflowWidth(int) | Sets the maximum cell overflow width in pixels for cells in the view. |
SetViewportLeftColumn(int, int) | Sets the index of the left most column of the specified viewport column. |
SetViewportLeftColumn(int, int, int) | Sets the index of the left most column of the specified viewport column for the specified sheet. |
SetViewportPreferredHeight(int, int) | Sets the maximum height for the viewport row. |
SetViewportPreferredHeight(int, int, int) | Sets the maximum height for the viewport row for the specified sheet. |
SetViewportPreferredWidth(int, int) | Sets the maximum width for the viewport column. |
SetViewportPreferredWidth(int, int, int) | Sets the maximum width for the viewport column for the specified sheet. |
SetViewportTopRow(int, int) | Sets the index of the top row of the specified viewport row. |
SetViewportTopRow(int, int, int) | Sets the index of the top most row of the specified viewport for the specified sheet. |
ShowActiveCell(VerticalPosition, HorizontalPosition) | Moves the currently selected cell in the specified viewport to the specified position. |
ShowAutoFillIndicator() | Shows the AutoFill indicator. |
ShowCell(int, int, int, int, VerticalPosition, HorizontalPosition) | Moves the specified cell in the specified viewport to the specified position. |
ShowColumn(int, int, HorizontalPosition) | Moves a column in the specified viewport to the specified position. |
ShowCommentThreaded() | Shows comment(s) of the active cell. |
ShowRow(int, int, VerticalPosition) | Moves a row in the specified viewport to the specified position. |
StartCellEditing(EventArgs, bool) | Starts cell editing in the view. |
StartCellSelecting(int, int, int, int) | Starts selecting cells. |
StartColumnResizing(int, int, int) | Starts resizing a column. |
StartColumnSelecting(int, int) | Starts selecting columns. |
StartDragDropping(int, int, int, int) | Starts drag and drop. |
StartDragFilling(int, int, int, int) | Starts drag and fill. |
StartPaintTimer() | Starts the timer for painting animation. |
StartScrollTimer() | Starts the scroll timer. |
StartTableResizing(int, int, int, int) | Start resizing the active TableView. |
StartTipTimer() | Starts the tip timer. |
StopCellEditing() | Stops cell editing in the view. |
StopCellSelecting() | Stops selecting cells. |
StopColumnResizing() | Stops resizing the column. |
StopColumnSelecting() | Stops selecting the column. |
StopDragDropping() | Stops drag and drop. |
StopDragFilling() | Stops drag and fill. |
StopFilterBarEditing() | Stops cell editing in the filter bar. |
StopFormulaCellRangeMoving() | Stops the formula cell range from moving. |
StopFormulaCellRangeResizing() | Stops the formula cell range from resizing. |
StopPaintTimer() | Stops the scroll timer. |
StopScrollTimer() | Stops the scroll timer. |
StopTableResizing() | Stops resizing table. |
ToHorizontalAlignment(CellHorizontalAlignment) | Converts a FarPoint.Win.Spread.CellHorizontalAlignment setting to the corresponding FarPoint.Win.HorizontalAlignment setting. |
ToVerticalAlignment(CellVerticalAlignment) | Converts a FarPoint.Win.Spread.CellVerticalAlignment setting to the corresponding FarPoint.Win.VerticalAlignment setting. |