Represents the set of cell-level style settings for objects.
public class StyleInfo : BaseStyleInfo, ISerializable, ICanSerializeXml, ISerializeSupport, IComparable, IComparable<StyleInfo>
Public Class StyleInfo
Inherits BaseStyleInfo
Implements ISerializable, ICanSerializeXml, ISerializeSupport, IComparable, IComparable(Of StyleInfo)
Name | Description |
StyleInfo() | Creates a set of cell-level style settings (StyleInfo object). |
StyleInfo(StyleInfo) | Creates a set of cell-level style settings (StyleInfo object) equivalent to the specified set of style settings. |
StyleInfo(SerializationInfo, StreamingContext) | Creates a set of cell-level style settings (StyleInfo object) from serialization. |
StyleInfo(string) | Creates a set of cell-level style settings (StyleInfo object) with the specified parent style. |
StyleInfo(string, StyleInfo) | Creates a set of cell-level style settings (StyleInfo object) with the specified parent style and specified set of style settings. |
Name | Description |
Border | Gets or sets the border of the cell style. |
CanFocus | Gets or sets whether the user can set focus to the cell using the keyboard or mouse. |
CanSerializeXml | Gets whether the object in its entirety can be rendered with XML without losing any information. |
CellPadding | Gets or sets the number of spaces to add to the cell(s) in pixels. |
CellType | Gets or sets the type of cell for the style. |
Editor | Gets or sets the editor of the cell style. |
FontStyle | Gets the font style applied to the cell for the style. |
Formatter | Gets or sets the formatter of the cell style. |
HorizontalAlignment | Gets or sets the horizontal alignment of the contents of the cell for the style. |
ImeMode | Gets or sets the IME mode of the cell style. |
ImeSentenceMode | Gets or sets the ImeSentenceMode of the cell style. |
InputScope | Gets or sets the input scope of the cell style. |
LockBackColor | Gets or sets the background color of locked cell. |
LockFont | Gets or sets the font for locked cells. |
LockForeColor | Gets or sets the foreground color of locked cells. |
NoteIndicatorColor | Gets or sets the color of the cell note indicator. |
NoteIndicatorPosition | Gets or sets the position of the cell note indicator. |
NoteIndicatorSize | Gets or sets the size of the cell note indicator. |
NoteStyle | Gets or sets the note style of the cell for the style. |
Parent | Gets or sets the name of the parent (NamedStyle object) of the style. |
Renderer | Gets or sets the renderer of the cell style. |
TabStop | Gets or sets whether the user can set focus to the cell using the Tab key. |
TextIndent | Gets or sets the amount to indent the text in a cell for the style. |
VerticalAlignment | Gets or sets the vertical alignment of contents of the cell for the style. |
VisualStyles | Gets or sets whether visual styles are on or off for the cell. |
Name | Description |
Clone() | Creates a new object that is a copy of the current instance (with the same style settings). |
CompareTo(StyleInfo) | Compares the current object with another object of the same type. |
Compose(StyleInfo) | Composes style settings using the current style settings and those of a specified object. |
Compose(StyleInfo, bool) | Composes style settings using the current style settings and those of a specified object with an option to overwrite the current style settings. |
CopyFrom(object) | Copies the specified style settings of the specified object to the current object. |
CopyTo(BaseStyleInfo) | Copy info to the target object. |
Deserialize(XmlNodeReader) | Loads the style information from XML. |
Equals(object) | Determines whether the style settings of this object are equivalent to the object specified. |
GetAppearance(Appearance) | Gets the appearance settings for the specified object. |
GetHashCode() | Gets the hash code of this object. |
GetObjectData(SerializationInfo, StreamingContext) | Gets information about the style settings from serialization. |
IsBorderSet() | Gets whether the cell border (Border property) is set. |
IsCanFocusSet() | Gets whether the focusable setting of the cell (CanFocus property) is set. |
IsCellPaddingSet() | Gets whether the cell padding of the cell is set. |
IsCellTypeSet() | Gets whether the type of cell (CellType property) is set. |
IsEditorSet() | Gets whether the editor for the cell (Editor property) is set. |
IsFormatterSet() | Gets whether the formatter for the cell (Formatter property) is set. |
IsHorizontalAlignmentSet() | Gets whether the horizontal alignment of the cell contents (HorizontalAlignment property) is set. |
IsImeModeSet() | Gets whether IME mode is on (ImeMode property set) for a cell. |
IsImeSentenceModeSet() | Gets whether IME mode is on (ImeMode property set) for a cell. |
IsInputScopeSet() | Gets whether input scope is on (InputScope property set) for a cell. |
IsLockBackColorSet() | Gets whether the lockedBackColor setting of the cell (LockBackColor property) is set. |
IsLockFontSet() | Gets whether the lockedFont setting of the cell (LockFont property) is set. |
IsLockForeColorSet() | Gets whether the lockedForeColor setting of the cell (LockForeColor property) is set. |
IsNoteIndicatorColorSet() | Gets whether the cell note indicator color of the cell is set. |
IsNoteIndicatorPositionSet() | Determines whether the cell note indicator position is set. |
IsNoteIndicatorSizeSet() | Determines whether the cell note indicator size is set. |
IsNoteStyleSet() | Gets whether the note style setting of the cell (NoteStyle property) is set. |
IsParentSet() | Gets whether the parent of the cell (Parent property) is set. |
IsPropertySet(SheetStyleProperty) | Gets whether the specified cell style setting (property) is set. |
IsRendererSet() | Gets whether the renderer for the cell (Renderer property) is set. |
IsTabStopSet() | Gets whether the tab stop setting of the cell (TabStop property) is set. |
IsTextIndentSet() | Determines whether the text indent is set. |
IsVerticalAlignmentSet() | Gets whether the vertical alignment of the cell contents (VerticalAlignment property) is set. |
IsVisualStyleSet() | Gets whether visual styles are on (VisualStyles property set) for a cell. |
Merge(StyleInfo) | Merges the style settings with the current object. |
Merge(StyleInfo, bool) | Merges the style settings with the current object with the option to overwrite settings in the current object. |
Reset() | Resets all the style settings in the StyleInfo object to the default settings. |
ResetBorder() | Resets the Border property to its default value. |
ResetCanFocus() | Resets the CanFocus property to its default value. |
ResetCellPadding() | Resets the cell padding. |
ResetCellType() | Resets the CellType property to its default value. |
ResetEditor() | Resets the Editor property to its default value. |
ResetFormatter() | Resets the Formatter property to its default value. |
ResetHorizontalAlignment() | Resets the HorizontalAlignment property to its default value. |
ResetImeMode() | Resets the ImeMode property to its default value. |
ResetImeSentenceMode() | Resets the ImeSentenceMode property to its default value. |
ResetInputScope() | Resets the InputScope property to its default value. |
ResetLockBackColor() | Resets the LockBackColor of the style to the default |
ResetLockFont() | Resets the LockFont of the style to the default |
ResetLockForeColor() | Resets the LockForeColor of the style to the default |
ResetNoteIndicatorColor() | Resets the NoteIndicatorColor property to its default value. |
ResetNoteIndicatorPosition() | Resets the cell note indicator position. |
ResetNoteIndicatorSize() | Resets the cell note indicator size. |
ResetNoteStyle() | Resets the NoteStyle property to its default value. |
ResetParent() | Resets the Parent property to its default value. |
ResetProperty(SheetStyleProperty) | Resets a style setting (property) to its default setting. |
ResetRenderer() | Resets the Renderer property to its default value. |
ResetTabStop() | Resets the TabStop property to its default value. |
ResetTextIndent() | Resets the text indent. |
ResetVerticalAlignment() | Resets the VerticalAlignment property to its default value. |
ResetVisualStyles() | Resets the visual styles (XP themes) for the style to the default. |
Serialize(XmlTextWriter) | Saves the style information to XML. |
SetAppearance(Appearance) | Sets the appearance settings of an Appearance object into this object. |