FarPoint.Win.Spread Assembly / FarPoint.Win.Spread.CellType Namespace / FractionDenominatorPrecision Enumeration

FractionDenominatorPrecision Enumeration
Specifies the precision of the fraction denominator for numeric cells that display as fractions.
Public Enum FractionDenominatorPrecision 
   Inherits System.Enum
Dim instance As FractionDenominatorPrecision
AutoSets the precision automatically.
CustomSets the precision to a custom value.
EighthsSets the precision to eighths.
HalvesSets the precision to halves.
HundredthsSets the precision to hundredths.
QuartersSets the precision to quarters.
SixteenthsSets the precision to sixteenths.
SixtyFourthsSets the precision to sixty-fourths.
TenthsSets the precision to tenths.
ThirtySecondsSets the precision to thirty-seconds.
ThousandthsSets the precision to thousandths.
Inheritance Hierarchy


See Also