Represents the manager of the undo actions for the Spread component.
public class UndoManager
Public Class UndoManager
Name | Description |
UndoManager(SpreadView, int) | Creates a new undo action manager. |
Name | Description |
actionCancelled | Specifies whether the pending action has been cancelled. |
actionIsRedo | Specifies whether actionInProcess is being redone |
actionIsUndo | Specifies whether actionInProcess is being undone |
actionPending | Specifies whether an action is in progress (to prevent recursion). |
maxLength | Specifies the maximum number of UndoAction objects to keep on the undo or redo stacks. |
mredoList | Specifies the redo stack (last element is on top). |
mundoList | Specifies the undo stack (last element is on top). |
spreadView | Specifies the view passed to the constructor. |
Name | Description |
CanRedo | Gets whether Redo can redo an action. |
CanUndo | Gets whether Undo can undo an action. |
RedoList | Gets the list of UndoAction objects. |
UndoList | Gets the list of UndoAction objects. |
Name | Description |
CancelAction() | Cancels the current action in progress. |
Execute(Command) | Executes the specified command. |
Execute(Command[]) | Executes the list of commands by it's order. |
GetActionPending() | Gets the current UndoAction pending completion. |
PerformUndoAction(UndoAction) | Performs the specified action (it can then be undone with Undo). |
PopRedo() | Pops the top action from the redo stack. |
PopUndo() | Pops the top action from the undo stack. |
PushRedo(UndoAction) | Pushes the specified action onto the redo stack. |
PushUndo(UndoAction, bool) | Pushes the specified action onto the undo stack. |
Redo() | Redoes the last action undone with Undo and adds it to the undo list. |
Redo(UndoAction) | Redoes all actions in the redo stack up to and including the specified action and adds it to the undo list. |
Redo(int) | Redoes the specified number of actions and adds them to the undo list. |
Undo() | Undoes the last action done with PerformUndoAction and adds it to the redo list. |
Undo(UndoAction) | Undoes all actions in the undo stack up to and including the specified action and adds it to the redo list. |
Undo(int) | Undoes the specified number of actions and adds them to the redo list. |
Name | Description |
ActionComplete | Occurs when the undo or redo action is complete. |
RedoComplete | Occurs when the redo action is complete. |
UndoComplete | Occurs when the undo action is complete. |