Represents the event data for the OnAggregate event of the data model for the sheet.
Represents the aggregation data model.
Represents the partial (abstract) implementation of the ISheetAxisModel interface for an axis model for a sheet.
Represents the partial (abstract) implementation of the ISheetDataModel interface for a data model for a sheet.
Represents the partial (abstract) implementation of the ISheetSelectionModel interface for a selection model for a sheet.
Represents the partial (abstract) implementation of the ISheetSpanModel interface for a span model for a sheet.
Represents the partial (abstract) implementation of the ISheetStyleModel interface for a style model for a sheet.
Represents a selected range of cells for a sheet.
Represents a data type converter for a range of cells.
Represents the add event data when converting a table to a range.
Represents the full (concrete) implementation of the ISheetAxisModel interface for an axis model for a sheet, which represents rows and columns on a sheet.
Represents the full (concrete) implementation of the ISheetDataModel interface for a data model for a sheet, which represents tabular data on a sheet.
/// Provides data for the Cell event of the FpSpread control.
Internal use only. Represents the object enumerator for the default sheet data model.
Provides data for the Row event of the FpSpread control.
Represents the full (concrete) implementation of the ISheetSelectionModel interface for a selection model for a sheet, which represents cell selections.
Represents the full (concrete) implementation of the ISheetSpanModel interface for a span model for a sheet, which represents cell spans.
Represents the full (concrete) implementation of the ISheetSpanModel interface for a style model for a sheet, which represents cell styles.
Represents the result which contains the information of all dependent formula containers in a sheetview that have formula references to cells in a cell range or a table.
Represents the formatter object for parsing and formatting values for the general cell type.
Represents the group of rows for the grouping display (also called Outlook-style grouping).
Represents the group data model.
Represents the group footer of rows in the grouping display (also called Outlook-style grouping).
Represents the exception that is thrown when an error is encountered which is caused by an invalid external reference during the parsing of a text representation of an expression.
/// Represents the exception that is thrown when an error is encountered.
Represents the event data for the mapper updating event of the mapper.
Represents the exception that is thrown when an error is encountered during the parsing of a text representation of an expression.
Represents the event data for the PropertyChanging event of the object.
Represents the event data for the Changing event of the axis model for the sheet.
Represents the event data for the Changed event of the axis model for the sheet.
Represents the properties for the axis model for the sheet.
Represents the event data for the Changed event of the data model for the sheet.
Specifies the type of Change event that has occurred in the group footer.
Represents the event data for the Changed event of the selection model for the sheet.
Represents the event data for the Changing event of the span model for the sheet.
Represents the event data for the Changed event of the span model for the sheet.
Represents the event data for the Changed event of the style model for the sheet.
Represents the serializer object for opening from and saving to a file, the entire Spread component and all its data.
Presents changed table data.
Represents the event data for the Changed event of the data model for the sheet.
Represents the event data for the Changed event of the data model for the sheet.
Presents changed table item data.
Represents the changing table collection data.
Presents changed table name data.
Presents changing table name data.
Represents the changed table data range.
Represents the event data for the Changed event of the data model for the sheet.
Represents a cell.
Interface that supports the Aggregate functionality on ranges of cells in the data model.
Interface that supports arrays of values in a range of cells in the data model.
Interface for supporting setting a specific column header row index in which to display the column automatic filter indicator.
Interface for supporting setting a specific column header row index in which to display the column automatic sort indicator.
Interface that supports recalculation of formulas in the cells in the data model.
Interface that supports notifying that the data model has changed.
Interface that supports a child data model in the data model.
Interface that supports clearing data from the specified range.
Interface that supports clearing formulas from the specified range.
Interface that supports user-defined functions in formulas in the data model.
Interface that supports user-defined functions in formulas in the data model.
Interface that supports user-defined names in formulas in the data model.
Interface that supports user-defined names in formulas in the data model.
Interface that supports user-defined names in formulas in the data model.
Interface that supports data binding and data relations in the data model.
Interfaces that support ignore data source position changed event.
Interface that supports an ordered array of cell ranges, from largest to smallest, containing the selected cells with minimal overlap between the ranges.
Defines the interface for objects that are editable data rows in a data set.
Interface that supports enhanced methods for user-defined names in formulas in the data model.
Interface that supports enhanced methods for user-defined names in formulas in the data model.
Interface that supports creating a model that represents the error icon.
Interface that supports formulas as values and as expressions in the data model.
Interface that supports additional formula functionality in the data model including conditional cell formats.
Interface that supports the style for group footer.
Interface that supports the footer.
Interface that supports grouping.
Interface that supports grouping.
Interface that supports data binding to collections.
Interface that supports recursive formulas (with circular references) in the data model.
Interface that supports mapping between the group view and target model.
Provides an interface that allows mapping
Interface that supports arranging the items in an object in the data model.
Interface that supports a name of a data model.
Interface that supports a name of a data model. Notifies the NameChanging event.
Interface that supports collections of custom styles in the style model.
Interface that supports determining the number of columns and rows with data in the data model.
Represents a selection model with group operations, that returns a result indicating whether the selection has changed.
Interface that supports notifying that the axis model is going to change.
Interface that supports optimization for retrieval of data in the data model.
Interface that supports additional optimization for retrieval of data in the data model beyond IOptimizedEnumerationSupport.
Interface that supports additional optimization for retrieval of data in the data model beyond IOptimizedEnumerationSupport2.
Interface that supports additional optimization for retrieval of data in the data model beyond IOptimizedEnumerationSupport3.
Interface that supports additional optimization for retrieval of data in the data model beyond IOptimizedEnumerationSupport5.
Interface that supports additional optimization for retrieval of data in the data model.
Interface that supports optimizing for axis model to return visible element count.
Interface that supports optimizing for axis model to return visible element count.
Interface that supports optimizing for axis model to return index visible element .
Interface that supports optimizing for axis model.
Interface that supports a parent style model for composing styles.
Interface that supports format strings and providers for the style model for the sheet.
Interface that supports querying an extended selection in the selection model for the sheet.
Interface that supports operations on ranges of cells in the data model.
Interface that supports creating a model that represents column and row information.
Interface that supports creating a model that represents tabular data.
Interface that supports creating a model that represents cell selection.
Interface that supports creating a model that represents cell spans.
Interface that supports the Changing event in span model.
Interface that supports creating a model that represents cell style information for a sheet.
Interface that supports suspension of formula parsing during deserialization.
Provides an interface for a table column.
Interface that supports iterating through ITableColumn items.
Provides an interface that presents data for a table column.
Represent an ITableModelSupport interface.
Represents an ITableRange interface.
Represent an ITableRangeManager interface.
Supports the operation on DataAddNew for an unbound row.
Interface that supports unbound rows when the model is bound to a data source.
Specifies the type of aggregation on ranges of cells.
Internal use only. Specifies the type of data model enumerator.
Specifies a value that indicates whether a property is ignored when iterating through rows via the next non-empty logic.
Provides information about change related to the formula of the IExpressionConsumer.
Specifies the type of a formula.
Specifies the formula restrictions.
Specifies a grouping policy to collapse or expand rows when grouping occurs in the Spread component.
Specifies which spreadsheet headers should be included.
Specifies the type of mapper updating event that has occurred for the mapper.
Specifies how the control handles automatic merging of cells based on the values in the cells.
Specifies the reference style in formulas and custom names in the sheet.
Specifies how users can select items in the control.
Specifies the smallest unit users or the application can select.
Specifies the type of Change event that has occurred for an axis model for the sheet.
Specifies the orientation for the layout information, whether by row or column, for the axis model for the sheet.
Specifies the type of Change event that has occurred for an axis model for the sheet.
Specifies the type of Changing event that is going to occur for a span model for the sheet.
Specifies the type of Change event that has occurred for a span model for the sheet.
Specifies the type of Change event that has occurred for a style model for the sheet.
Specifies the display of the sort indicator.
Specifies the table changed type.
Specifies the table change type.
Specifies the table item change type.
Handles the data aggregate in the data model of the sheet.
Represents a defined method that handles the ErrorTextChange event for the Spread component.
Represents a defined method that handles the RowErrorTextChange event for the Spread component.
Handles the Changed event in the data model of the group footer.
Handles the updating event of the mapper.
Handles the Changed event in the data model of the sheet.
Handles the changed ReferenceStyleEventHandle event in the data model of the sheet.
Handles the Changing event for the axis model for the sheet.
Handles the Changed event for the axis model for the sheet.
Handles the Changed event in the data model of the sheet.
Handles the Changed event in the selection model of the sheet.
Handles the Changing event in the span model of the sheet.
Handles the Changed event in the span model of the sheet.
Handles the Changed event in the style model of the sheet.
Handles the TableChanged event.
Handles the TableCollectionItemChanged event in the ITableRangeManager.
Handles the table item changed event.
Handles the TableCollectionItemNameChanged event.
Handles the TableCollectionItemNameChanging event.
Handles the TableNameChanged event.
Handles the TableNameChanging event.
Represents the event data for the Changed event of the table data.
Handles the TableRangeChanging event.