FarPoint.Win.Spread Assembly / FarPoint.Win.Spread.DrawingSpace Namespace / PSObjects Class
Fields Properties Methods Events

PSObjects Class Members

The following tables list the members exposed by PSObjects.

Public Constructors
Public ConstructorCreates a new instance of a presentation space object collection.  
Protected Fields
Protected FieldArray list of element notify (Inherited from FarPoint.Win.Elements)
Protected FieldArray list of items (Inherited from FarPoint.Win.Elements)
Public Properties
Public PropertyGets the number of elements in the collection. (Inherited from FarPoint.Win.Elements)
Public PropertyGets the element at the specified index within the collection. (Inherited from FarPoint.Win.Elements)
Public Methods
Public MethodOverloaded. Adds an element to the collection and returns its index. (Inherited from FarPoint.Win.Elements)
Public MethodRemoves all the elements from the collection. (Inherited from FarPoint.Win.Elements)
Public MethodGets whether an element is in the collection. (Inherited from FarPoint.Win.Elements)
Public MethodFinds an element in the collection that matches the specified name. (Inherited from FarPoint.Win.Elements)
Public MethodFinds an element in the collection that matches the specified type and name. (Inherited from FarPoint.Win.Elements)
Public MethodOverloaded. Returns the index and number of the array list of elements. (Inherited from FarPoint.Win.Elements)
Public MethodGet the index of an element in the collection. (Inherited from FarPoint.Win.Elements)
Public MethodOverloaded. Inserts an element to the collection at the specified index. (Inherited from FarPoint.Win.Elements)
Public MethodRemoves the specified element from the collection. (Inherited from FarPoint.Win.Elements)
Public MethodRemoves the specified element (by index) from the collection. (Inherited from FarPoint.Win.Elements)
Public MethodRemoves the specified element (by name) from the collection. (Inherited from FarPoint.Win.Elements)
Public MethodReplaces an existing element with a new one. (Inherited from FarPoint.Win.Elements)
Public MethodReplaces an existing element index with a new one. (Inherited from FarPoint.Win.Elements)
Public Events
Public EventOccurs when an element is added. (Inherited from FarPoint.Win.Elements)
Public EventOccurs when an element is deleted. (Inherited from FarPoint.Win.Elements)
See Also