GrapeCity.Spreadsheet Assembly / GrapeCity.Spreadsheet Namespace / IRange Interface

In This Topic
IRange Interface Methods
In This Topic

For a list of all members of this type, see IRange members.

Public Methods
 MethodActivates a single cell, which must be inside the current selection.  
 MethodOverloaded. Adds a comment to the cell.  
 MethodAdds a new modern threaded comment to the range if no comment already exists.  
 MethodOverloaded. Returns a System.String value that represents the range reference.  
 MethodApplies the number format to the range.  
 MethodOverloaded. Applies the named style to the range.  
 MethodApplies the style format to the range.  
 MethodOverloaded. Performs an autofill on the cells in the specified range.  
 MethodOverloaded. Creates the automatic filter for current selection if the filter doesn't exist; otherwise, remove the filter.  
 MethodChanges the width of the columns or the height of the rows in the range to achieve the best fit.  
 MethodOverloaded. Adds a border to a range and sets the IBorder.Color and IBorder.LineStyle properties of the IBorder object for the new border.  
 MethodCalculates this range of cells on a worksheet.  
 MethodGets an ICharacters object that represents a range of characters within the object text. You can use the ICharacters object to format characters within a text string.  
 MethodRemoves all the data and formulas from the specified range of cells.  
 MethodRemoves all hyperlinks from the specified range.  
 MethodOverloaded. Copies the data from a range of cells to a specified range of cells.  
 MethodCreates an GrapeCity.Spreadsheet.Drawing.ICamera object that represents the visual of a cell range.  
 MethodCreates the ITable at the specified cell range.  
 MethodCuts the data from a range of cells to clipboard.  
 MethodOverloaded. Creates a data table based on input values and formulas that you define on a worksheet.  
 MethodDelete a cell or a range of cells into the worksheet and shifts other cells.  
 MethodDesignates a range to be recalculated when the next recalculation occurs.  
 MethodReturns an IRange object that represents the cell at the end of the region that contains the source range.  
 MethodFills down from the top cell or cells in the specified range to the bottom of the range. The contents and formatting of the cell or cells in the top row of a range are copied into the rest of the rows in the range.  
 MethodFills left from the rightmost cell or cells in the specified range. The contents and formatting of the cell or cells in the rightmost column of a range are copied into the rest of the columns in the range.  
 MethodFills right from the leftmost cell or cells in the specified range. The contents and formatting of the cell or cells in the leftmost column of a range are copied into the rest of the columns in the range.  
 MethodFills up from the bottom cell or cells in the specified range to the top of the range. The contents and formatting of the cell or cells in the bottom row of a range are copied into the rest of the rows in the range.  
 MethodFinds specific information in a range.  
 MethodContinues a search that was begun with the Find method. Finds the next cell that matches those same conditions and returns a Range object that represents that cell.  
 MethodContinues a search that was begun with the Find method. Finds the previous cell that matches those same conditions and returns an IRange object that represents that cell.  
 MethodReturns an array of IRange object that represents the ranges containing all the dependents of a cell. This can be a multiple selection (a union of Range objects) if there's more than one dependent.  
 MethodReturns an array of IRange object that represents all the precedents of a cell. This can be a multiple selection (a union of Range objects) if there's more than one precedent.  
 MethodOverloaded. Calculates the values necessary to achieve a specific goal.  
 MethodDemotes a range in an outline (that is, increases its outline level). The specified range must be a row or column, or a range of rows or columns.  
 MethodInserts a cell or a range of cells into the worksheet and shifts other cells away to make space.  
 MethodAdds an indent to the specified range.  
 MethodOverloaded. Inserts local picture directly into cell.  
 MethodCreates a merged cell from the specified IRange object.  
 MethodOverloaded. Moves the data from a range of cells to the specified location.  
 MethodReturns a IRange object that represents a translated range from the specified range.  
 MethodPastes the picture from clipboard into cell.  
 MethodCreates a command that paste specified data to the worksheet.  
 MethodGet an IRange object that represents a cell or a range of cells.  
 MethodRemoves duplicate values from a range of values.  
 MethodResizes the specified range.  
 MethodSelect a cell or a range of cells.  
 MethodScrolls through the contents of the active window to move the range into view. The range must consist of a single cell in the active document.  
 MethodFor a cell containing a rich data type, implement GrapeCity.CalcEngine.IRichValue, this method causes a card to appear that shows details about the cell (that is, the same card that the user can view by choosing the cell icon).  
 MethodGets a IRange object that represents all the cells that match the specified type and value.  
 MethodOverloaded. Parses a column of cells that contain text into several columns.  
 MethodPromotes a range in an outline (that is, decreases its outline level). The specified range must be a row or column, or a range of rows or columns.  
 MethodSeparates a merged area into individual cells.  
See Also