public enum BuiltInFontSchemes : System.Enum
Public Enum BuiltInFontSchemes Inherits System.Enum
Dim instance As BuiltInFontSchemes
Member | Description |
Arial | The Arial font scheme. |
ArialBlackArial | The Arial Black-Arial font scheme. |
ArialTimesNewRoman | The Arial-Times New Roman font scheme. |
Calibri | The Calibri font scheme. |
CalibriCambria | The Calibri-Cambria font scheme. |
CalibriLightConstantia | The Calibri Light-Constantia font scheme. |
Cambria | The Cambria font scheme. |
Candara | The Candara font scheme. |
CenturyGothic | The Century Gothic font scheme. |
CenturyGothicPalatinoLinotype | The Century Gothic-Palatino Linotype font scheme. |
CenturySchoolbook | The Century Schoolbook font scheme. |
ConsolasVerdana | The Consolas-Verdana font scheme. |
ConstantiaFranklinGothicBook | The Constantia-Franklin Gothic Book font scheme. |
Corbel | The Corbel font scheme. |
Default | The default font scheme. |
FranklinGothic | The default font scheme. |
Garamond | The Garamond font scheme. |
GaramondTrebuchetMS | The Garamond-Trebuchet MS font scheme. |
Georgia | The Georgia font scheme. |
GillSansMT | The default font scheme. |
Office2007 | The Office 2007 - 2010 font scheme. |
Office2013 | The Office 2013 - 2022 font scheme. |
TimesNewRomanArial | The Times New Roman-Arial font scheme. |
TrebuchetMS | The Trebuchet MS font scheme. |
TwCenMT | The Tw Cen MT font scheme. |
TwCenMTRockwell | The Tw Cen MT-Rockwell font scheme. |