Public Enum ChartType Inherits System.Enum
Dim instance As ChartType
public enum ChartType : System.Enum
Public Enum ChartType Inherits System.Enum
Dim instance As ChartType
public enum ChartType : System.Enum
Member | Description |
Area | Represents an area chart. |
Area3D | Represents a 3D area chart. |
Area3DStacked | Represents a stacked 3D area chart. |
Area3DStacked100 | Represents a 100% stacked 3D area chart. |
AreaStacked | Represents a stacked area chart. |
AreaStacked100 | Represents a 100% stacked area chart. |
Bar3DClustered | Represents a clustered 3D bar chart. |
Bar3DStacked | Represents a stacked 3D bar chart. |
Bar3DStacked100 | Represents a 100% stacked 3D bar chart. |
BarClustered | Represents a clustered bar chart. |
BarOfPie | Represents a bar of pie chart. |
BarStacked | Represents a stacked bar chart. |
BarStacked100 | Represents a 100% stacked bar chart. |
BoxWhisker | Represents a Box and Whishker chart. |
Bubble | Represents a bubble chart. |
Bubble3DEffect | Represents a 3D bubble chart. |
Column3D | Represents a 3D column chart. |
Column3DClustered | Represents a clustered 3D column chart. |
Column3DStacked | Represents a stacked 3D column chart. |
Column3DStacked100 | Represents a 100% stacked 3D column chart. |
ColumnClustered | Represents a clustered column chart. |
ColumnStacked | Represents a stacked column chart. |
ColumnStacked100 | Represents a 100% stacked column chart. |
ConeBarClustered | Represents a clustered cone bar chart. |
ConeBarStacked | Represents a stacked cone bar chart. |
ConeBarStacked100 | Represents a 100% stacked cone bar chart. |
ConeCol | Represents a clustered cone column chart. |
ConeColClustered | Represents a clustered cone column chart. |
ConeColStacked | Represents a stacked cone column chart. |
ConeColStacked100 | Represents a 100% stacked cone column chart. |
CylinderBarClustered | Represents a clustered cylinder bar chart. |
CylinderBarStacked | Represents a stacked cylinder bar chart. |
CylinderBarStacked100 | Represents a 100% stacked cylinder bar chart. |
CylinderCol | Represents a clustered cylinder column chart. |
CylinderColClustered | Represents a clustered cylinder column chart. |
CylinderColStacked | Represents a stacked cylinder column chart. |
CylinderColStacked100 | Represents a 100% stacked cylinder column chart. |
Doughnut | Represents a doughnut chart. |
DoughnutExploded | Represents an exploded doughnut chart. |
Funnel | Represents a Funnel chart. |
Histogram | Represents a Histogram chart. |
Line | Represents a line chart. |
Line3D | Represents a 3D line chart. |
LineMarkers | Represents a line chart with markers. |
LineMarkersStacked | Represents a stacked line chart with markers. |
LineMarkersStacked100 | Represents a 100% stacked line chart with markers. |
LineStacked | Represents a stacked line chart. |
LineStacked100 | Represents a 100% stacked line chart. |
Pareto | Represents a Pareto chart. |
Pie | Represents a pie chart. |
Pie3D | Represents a 3D pie chart. |
Pie3DExploded | Represents an exploded 3D pie chart. |
PieExploded | Represents an exploded pie chart. |
PieOfPie | Represents a pie of pie chart. |
PyramidBarClustered | Represents a clustered pyramid bar chart. |
PyramidBarStacked | Represents a stacked pyramid bar chart. |
PyramidBarStacked100 | Represents a 100% stacked pyramid bar chart. |
PyramidCol | Represents a clustered pyramid column chart. |
PyramidColClustered | Represents a clustered pyramid column chart. |
PyramidColStacked | Represents a stacked pyramid column chart. |
PyramidColStacked100 | Represents a 100% stacked pyramid column chart. |
Radar | Represents a radar chart. |
RadarFilled | Represents a filled radar chart. |
RadarMarkers | Represents a radar chart with markers. |
StockHLC | Represents a stock high-low-close chart. |
StockOHLC | Represents a stock open-high-low-close chart. |
StockVHLC | Represents a stock volume-high-low-close chart. |
StockVOHLC | Represents a stock volume-open-high-low-close chart. |
Sunburst | Represents a Sunburst chart. |
Surface | Represents a surface chart. |
SurfaceTopView | Represents a top view surface chart. |
SurfaceTopViewWireframe | Represents a top view surface wireframe chart. |
SurfaceWireframe | Represents a surface wireframe chart. |
Treemap | Represents a Treemap chart. |
Unspecified | Unsupported chart. |
Waterfall | Represents a Waterfall chart. |
XYScatter | Represents an XY scatter chart. |
XYScatterLines | Represents an XY scatter chart with lines. |
XYScatterLinesNoMarkers | Represents an XY scatter chart with lines and no markers. |
XYScatterSmooth | Represents a smoothed XY scatter chart. |
XYScatterSmoothNoMarkers | Represents a smoothed XY scatter chart with no markers. |