Spread Windows Forms 18
GrapeCity.Spreadsheet Assembly / GrapeCity.Spreadsheet.Charts Namespace / ChartType Enumeration

In This Topic
    ChartType Enumeration
    In This Topic
    Specifies the chart type.
    Public Enum ChartType 
       Inherits System.Enum
    Dim instance As ChartType
    public enum ChartType : System.Enum 
    AreaRepresents an area chart.
    Area3DRepresents a 3D area chart.
    Area3DStackedRepresents a stacked 3D area chart.
    Area3DStacked100Represents a 100% stacked 3D area chart.
    AreaStackedRepresents a stacked area chart.
    AreaStacked100Represents a 100% stacked area chart.
    Bar3DClusteredRepresents a clustered 3D bar chart.
    Bar3DStackedRepresents a stacked 3D bar chart.
    Bar3DStacked100Represents a 100% stacked 3D bar chart.
    BarClusteredRepresents a clustered bar chart.
    BarOfPieRepresents a bar of pie chart.
    BarStackedRepresents a stacked bar chart.
    BarStacked100Represents a 100% stacked bar chart.
    BoxWhiskerRepresents a Box and Whishker chart.
    BubbleRepresents a bubble chart.
    Bubble3DEffectRepresents a 3D bubble chart.
    Column3DRepresents a 3D column chart.
    Column3DClusteredRepresents a clustered 3D column chart.
    Column3DStackedRepresents a stacked 3D column chart.
    Column3DStacked100Represents a 100% stacked 3D column chart.
    ColumnClusteredRepresents a clustered column chart.
    ColumnStackedRepresents a stacked column chart.
    ColumnStacked100Represents a 100% stacked column chart.
    ConeBarClusteredRepresents a clustered cone bar chart.
    ConeBarStackedRepresents a stacked cone bar chart.
    ConeBarStacked100Represents a 100% stacked cone bar chart.
    ConeColRepresents a clustered cone column chart.
    ConeColClusteredRepresents a clustered cone column chart.
    ConeColStackedRepresents a stacked cone column chart.
    ConeColStacked100Represents a 100% stacked cone column chart.
    CylinderBarClusteredRepresents a clustered cylinder bar chart.
    CylinderBarStackedRepresents a stacked cylinder bar chart.
    CylinderBarStacked100Represents a 100% stacked cylinder bar chart.
    CylinderColRepresents a clustered cylinder column chart.
    CylinderColClusteredRepresents a clustered cylinder column chart.
    CylinderColStackedRepresents a stacked cylinder column chart.
    CylinderColStacked100Represents a 100% stacked cylinder column chart.
    DoughnutRepresents a doughnut chart.
    DoughnutExplodedRepresents an exploded doughnut chart.
    FunnelRepresents a Funnel chart.
    HistogramRepresents a Histogram chart.
    LineRepresents a line chart.
    Line3DRepresents a 3D line chart.
    LineMarkersRepresents a line chart with markers.
    LineMarkersStackedRepresents a stacked line chart with markers.
    LineMarkersStacked100Represents a 100% stacked line chart with markers.
    LineStackedRepresents a stacked line chart.
    LineStacked100Represents a 100% stacked line chart.
    ParetoRepresents a Pareto chart.
    PieRepresents a pie chart.
    Pie3DRepresents a 3D pie chart.
    Pie3DExplodedRepresents an exploded 3D pie chart.
    PieExplodedRepresents an exploded pie chart.
    PieOfPieRepresents a pie of pie chart.
    PyramidBarClusteredRepresents a clustered pyramid bar chart.
    PyramidBarStackedRepresents a stacked pyramid bar chart.
    PyramidBarStacked100Represents a 100% stacked pyramid bar chart.
    PyramidColRepresents a clustered pyramid column chart.
    PyramidColClusteredRepresents a clustered pyramid column chart.
    PyramidColStackedRepresents a stacked pyramid column chart.
    PyramidColStacked100Represents a 100% stacked pyramid column chart.
    RadarRepresents a radar chart.
    RadarFilledRepresents a filled radar chart.
    RadarMarkersRepresents a radar chart with markers.
    StockHLCRepresents a stock high-low-close chart.
    StockOHLCRepresents a stock open-high-low-close chart.
    StockVHLCRepresents a stock volume-high-low-close chart.
    StockVOHLCRepresents a stock volume-open-high-low-close chart.
    SunburstRepresents a Sunburst chart.
    SurfaceRepresents a surface chart.
    SurfaceTopViewRepresents a top view surface chart.
    SurfaceTopViewWireframeRepresents a top view surface wireframe chart.
    SurfaceWireframeRepresents a surface wireframe chart.
    TreemapRepresents a Treemap chart.
    UnspecifiedUnsupported chart.
    WaterfallRepresents a Waterfall chart.
    XYScatterRepresents an XY scatter chart.
    XYScatterLinesRepresents an XY scatter chart with lines.
    XYScatterLinesNoMarkersRepresents an XY scatter chart with lines and no markers.
    XYScatterSmoothRepresents a smoothed XY scatter chart.
    XYScatterSmoothNoMarkersRepresents a smoothed XY scatter chart with no markers.
    Inheritance Hierarchy


    See Also