Spread Windows Forms 18
GrapeCity.Spreadsheet Assembly / GrapeCity.Core Namespace / BuiltinDocumentProperties Enumeration

In This Topic
    BuiltinDocumentProperties Enumeration
    In This Topic
    Represents all builtin document properties.
    Public Enum BuiltinDocumentProperties 
       Inherits System.Enum
    Dim instance As BuiltinDocumentProperties
    public enum BuiltinDocumentProperties : System.Enum 
    ApplicationNameThe application name of the document.
    AuthorThe author of the document.
    CategoryTheh category of the document.
    CommentsThe comments of the document.
    CompanyThe company information of the document.
    ContentStatusThe content status of the document.
    ContentTypeThe content type of the document.
    CreationDateThe creation date of the document.
    DocumentVersionThe document version of the document.
    FormatThe format of the document.
    HyperlinkBaseThe hyperlink base of the document.
    KeywordsThe keywords of the document.
    LanguageThe language of the document.
    LastAuthorThe last author of the document.
    LastPrintDateThe last print date of the document.
    LastSaveTimeThe last saved time of the document.
    ManagerThe manager information of the document.
    NumberOfBytesThe total number of bytes of the document.
    NumberOfCharactersThe total number of characters of the document.
    NumberOfCharactersWithSpacesThe total number of whitespace characters of the document.
    NumberOfHiddenSlidesThe total number of hidden slides of the document.
    NumberOfLinesThe total number of lines of the document.
    NumberOfMultimediaClipsThe total number of multimedia clips of the document.
    NumberOfNotesThe total number of notes of the document.
    NumberOfPagesThe total number of pages of the document.
    NumberOfParagraphsThe total number of paragraphs of the document.
    NumberOfSlidesThe total number of slides of the document.
    NumberOfWordsThe total number of words of the document.
    RevisionNumberThe revision number of the document.
    SecurityThe security information of the document.
    SubjectThe subject of the document.
    TemplateThe template of the document.
    TitleThe title of the document.
    TotalEditingTimeThe total number of editing times of the document.
    Inheritance Hierarchy


    See Also