GrapeCity.Spreadsheet Assembly / GrapeCity.Spreadsheet.Charts Namespace / DataLabelPosition Enumeration

DataLabelPosition Enumeration
Represents the possible positions for a data label.
Public Enum DataLabelPosition 
   Inherits System.Enum
Dim instance As DataLabelPosition
BestFitData labels shall be displayed in the best position.
BottomData labels shall be displayed below the data marker.
CenterData labels shall be displayed centered on the data marker.
InsideBaseData labels shall be displayed inside the base of the data marker.
InsideEndData labels shall be displayed inside the end of the data marker.
LeftData labels shall be displayed to the left of the data marker.
OutsideEndData labels shall be displayed outside the end of the data marker.
RightData labels shall be displayed to the right of the data marker.
TopData labels shall be displayed above the data marker.
UnspecifiedUnspecified value
Inheritance Hierarchy


See Also