Represents the display settings for an associated Range object.
public sealed class DisplayFormat : IBorders, IBorder, IFont, IInterior, IGradient, IColorStops, IStyle
Public NotInheritable Class DisplayFormat
Implements IBorders, IBorder, IFont, IInterior, IGradient, IColorStops, IStyle
Name | Description |
Borders | Gets a IBorders object that represents the borders of the associated DisplayFormat object as it is displayed in the current user interface. |
CellType | Gets the cell type for cells in this DisplayFormat. |
Font | Gets a IFont object that represents the font of the associated DisplayFormat object as it is displayed in the current user interface. |
HorizontalAlignment | Returns a value that represents the horizontal alignment of the associated DisplayFormat object as it is displayed in the current user interface. |
IndentLevel | Gets a value that represents the indent level of the associated DisplayFormat object as it is displayed in the current user interface. |
Interior | Gets an IInterior object that represents the interior of the associated DisplayFormat object as it is displayed in the current user interface. |
Locked | Gets a value that indicates if the associated DisplayFormat object is locked as it is displayed in the current user interface. |
MergeCells | Gets a value that indicates if the associated DisplayFormat object contains merged cells as it is displayed in the current user interface. |
NumberFormat | Gets a value that represents the format code of the associated DisplayFormat object as it is displayed in the current user interface. |
Orientation | Gets a value that represents the text orientation of the associated DisplayFormat object as it is displayed in the current user interface. |
ShrinkToFit | Gets a value that indicates if Spread automatically shrinks text to fit in the available column width of the associated DisplayFormat object as it is displayed in the current user interface. |
Style | Gets a value, containing a Style object, that represents the style of the associated DisplayFormat object as it is displayed in the current user interface. |
VerticalAlignment | Gets a value that represents the vertical alignment of the associated DisplayFormat object as it is displayed in the current user interface. |
WrapText | Gets a value that indicates if Spread wraps the text of the associated DisplayFormat object as it is displayed in the current user interface. |