FarPoint.Win Assembly / FarPoint.Win.SuperEdit Namespace / MaskType Enumeration

MaskType Enumeration
Specifies the type of mask (not type of data).
Public Enum MaskType 
   Inherits System.Enum
Dim instance As MaskType
CurrencyIndicates a currency mask type
DateIndicates a date mask type
DateTimeIndicates a date-time mask type
DecimalIndicates a decimal mask type
DoubleIndicates a double-precision, floating-point number mask type
FloatIndicates a single-precision, floating-point number mask type
IntegerIndicates an integer mask type
NoneIndicates no mask type
PercentIndicates a percent mask type
PicMaskIndicates a PIC mask type
SimpleDateIndicates a date mask type
SimpleDateTimeIndicates a datetime mask type
SimpleTimeIndicates a time mask type
TimeIndicates a time mask type
Inheritance Hierarchy


See Also