Represents a text editor in the control.
public class SEditTextBox : TextBox, IDropTarget, ISynchronizeInvoke, IWin32Window, IBindableComponent, IComponent, IDisposable, IEditorValidator
Public Class SEditTextBox
Inherits TextBox
Implements IDropTarget, ISynchronizeInvoke, IWin32Window, IBindableComponent, IComponent, IDisposable, IEditorValidator
Name | Description |
SEditTextBox() |
Name | Description |
AcceptsArrowKeys | Gets or sets the property which determines if this control processes the Up arrow and Down arrow keys. |
AutoAdvance | Gets or sets whether to advance the value based on the arrow key pressed. |
Formatter | Gets or sets the formatter for the editing control. |
LastKeyDown | Gets or sets the key code of the last key down. |
RedrawFlag | Gets or sets whether the redraw flag has been set. If the value in the control has changed, it's time to redraw. |
Text | Gets or sets the string. Overrides the Text property for control of the Undo and Redo buffer. |
UndoSelLength | Get or set the Undo selection length position. |
UndoSelStart | Get or set the Undo selection start position. |
UndoText | Get or set the contents of the Undo buffer. The buffer is used when the user presses Ctrl-Z or the owner calls "UndoChanges()". |
Value | Gets or sets the value of the string or object in the text editor. |
Name | Description |
CopyToClipboard() | Copies to Clipboard. |
CutToClipboard() | Cuts to Clipboard. |
Decrement(object, bool) | Returns the decrement value. |
GetCurrentLine() | Gets the current line. |
GetLineCount() | Returns the line count for a text editor with multiple lines. |
GetLineLength(int) | Returns the length of the line. |
Increment(object, bool) | Return the increment value. |
IncrementDecrementValue(object, bool, bool) | Increments or decrements the value. |
IsInputKey(Keys) | Determines which keys are processed by this control. |
OnAdvance(EventArgs) | Occurs when advance. |
OnGotFocus(EventArgs) | Occurs when focus is gotten. |
OnKeyDownBackOrDelete(ref Message) | Occurs when the Back or Delete key are down. |
OnKeyDownInsert() | Occurs when Insert key is down. |
OnKeyDownMoveCaret(ref Message) | Occurs when the move caret key is down. |
OnLostFocus(EventArgs) | Occurs when focus is lost. |
OnSEditKeyDown(KeyEventArgs) | Processes the key the user pressed. |
OnSetText(string) | This is called when the public Text property is called. |
OnTextCut(EventArgs) | Occurs when text is cut. |
OnTextPasted(CancelEventArgs) | Occurs when text is pasted. |
OnTextPasting(CancelEventArgs) | Occurs when text is pasting. |
OnUserError(UserErrorEventArgs) | Occurs when user error. |
PasteFromClipboard() | Pastes the data from the Clipboard. |
ProcessAlphaNumericSysKey(ref Message) | Internal use only. Processes the alphanumeric system key. |
ProcessKeyMessage(ref Message) | Processes the key message. |
ProcessSendMessage(ref Message) | Internal use only. |
ProcessWMCharMsg(ref Message) | Processes the WM_CHAR message. |
ProcessWMKeyDownMsg(ref Message) | Processes the WmKeyDown message. |
ProcessWMKeyUpMsg(ref Message) | Processes the WmKeyUp message. |
ResetRedoText() | Resets the Redo Text buffer, which is set when a call to UndoChanges() is made. |
SetBaseText(string) | Sets the Text property in the base class (Textbox) but preserves the "undo" buffer. |
UndoChanges() | Allows the user to set the text to the text saved in the "Undo buffer". Also sets the SelectionStart and SelectionLength properties. |
WndProc(ref Message) | Internal use only. |
Name | Description |
Advance | Occurs when the AutoAdvance property is set to True and the focus moves to the next or previous control in response to an arrow key being pressed. |
PasteEditorValidator | Occurs when the text is pate to the control. |
TextCut | Occurs when text is cut from the control. |
TextPasted | Occurs when text is pasted into the control. |
TextPasting | Occurs before text is pasted into the control. |
UserError | Occurs when content is provided that cannot be processed or is invalid. |