GrapeCity.Spreadsheet.WinForms.Ribbon Assembly / GrapeCity.Spreadsheet.WinForms.Ribbon Namespace / BuiltInCommands Enumeration

BuiltInCommands Enumeration
Public Enum BuiltInCommands 
   Inherits System.Enum
Dim instance As BuiltInCommands
AboutShows the product information.
AddSymbolAdd symbol(s) that are not on the keyboard.
AlignShapeChange the aligning of selected shape to the margin of the edge.
AlternatingRowSettingsShow the alternative rows settings dialog.
ApplySlicerStyleApply the slicer style preset.
AutoFitColumnWidthAuto fit column width on current selection.
AutoFitRowHeightAuto fit row height on current selection.
AutoFunctionAuto fill a function formula.
BackColorLegacyShapeSet the back color to the specified legacy shape.
BackgroundChange background of the sheet.
BoldSet Bold font style for cell(s).
BordersSet border for cell(s).
BringToFrontLegacyShapeBrings the specified legacy shape in front of all other legacy shapes.
BrowseThemeChoose and apply the custom theme.
CalculateSheetCalculate current sheet immediately.
CalculateWorkbookCalculate current workbook immediately.
CameraCreate a camera shape.
CellColumnRowSettingsShow the cells, columns and row settings dialog.
CellStyleSet the cell style for cell(s).
CellTypesSet cell type for selected cells.
CfRuleCreate a conditional formatting rule.
ChangeCalculationChange calculation options.
ChangeChartTypeChange chart type.
ChangeShapeTypeChange the shape's type.
ChangeSparklineStyleChange sparkline style.
ChangeSparklineTypeChanges the type of sparkline.
CircleInvalidDataCircle invalid data.
ClearClear the cells.
ClearCellTypeClear cell type of selected cells.
ClearCfRuleClear conditional formatting rule in special selection range(s).
ClearFilterClear filter criteria on a filter column or all auto filter columns.
ClearHyperlinksClear the hyperlink of cell (the formatting is not clear).
ClearOutlineClear the outline of the active sheet.
ClearRecentDocumentsClears the recent document list.
ClearValidationCirclesClear validation circles.
ColumnWidthChange column width on current selection.
ConvertToCommentsConvert all notes to Thread comment.
ConvertToRangeConvert the table to range.
CopyCopy the selection on the clipboard.
CreateEnhancedSparklineCreates enhanced sparkline formula.
CreateLinkCreate a link for quick access to webpages and files.
CreateSparklineCreates a sparkline.
CreateTableCreates a table.
CropPictureStart cropping the picture.
CropToShapeChange the shape of the drawing, preserving all the formatting.
CustomizeThemeColorsShow dialog to create a custom theme color.
CustomizeThemeFontsShow dialog to create a custom theme font.
CutRemove the selection and put it on the clipboard.
DataTableShow Data table dialog.
DataValidationShow the data validation dialog.
DecreaseDecimalDecreases the decimal digits by 1.
DecreaseFontSizeDecreases font size to previous integral number value.
DecreaseIndentDecreases indent of cells by 1.
DefaultColumnWidthChange the default column width.
DefineNameShows new name dialog.
DeleteCellsDelete cells, rows or columns.
DeleteCellStyleDelete the cell style.
DeleteColorsDelete theme colors.
DeleteCommentDelete a comment.
DeleteFontsDelete theme fonts.
DeleteShapeDelete shape.
DeleteSheetDelete current sheet.
DeleteTableColumnDelete specified column(s) from current table.
DeleteTableRowDelete specified row(s) from current table.
DropShadowLegacyShapeSets the shadow for specified legacy shape.
DuplicateCellStyleDuplicate the cell style.
EditColorsEdit theme colors.
EditFontsEdit theme fonts.
EditNoteEdit current note.
EnhancedSparklineSettingsChanges settings of enhanced sparkline formula.
FillFill the data.
FillColorSet fill color for cell(s).
FilterFilter the data on current selection.
FindShow Find sheet dialog.
FlipLegacyShapeFlips the specified legacy shape.
FocusIndicatorSettingsShow Focus Indicator settings dialog.
FontColorSet text color for cell(s).
FontNameSet the font name for cell(s).
FontSizeSet the font size for cell(s).
ForecastSheetShow Forecast sheet dialog.
ForeColorLegacyShapeSet the fore color to the specified legacy shape.
FormatAsTableFormat as table in selected selected tables or cell range.
FormatCellsShows the Format Cells dialog.
FormatCommentShow the Format Comment dialog.
FormatControlShow the Format Control dialog.
FormatShapeSet format for shape.
FreezePanesFreeze the sheet by row and column.
GoalSeekShow Goal seek dialog.
GoToShow GoTo sheet dialog.
GroupGroup rows or columns.
GroupInfoSettingsShow GroupInfo settings dialog.
GroupShapeGroup selected shapes.
HideColumnsHide current selection columns.
HideDetailHide detail the outline.
HideRowsHide current selection rows.
HideSheetHide current selection sheets.
HorizontalAlignSet horizontal alignment for cell(s).
IncreaseDecimalIncreases the decimal digits by 1.
IncreaseFontSizeIncreases font size to next integral number value.
IncreaseIndentIncreases indent of cells by 1.
InputMapSettingsShow InputMap settings dialog.
InsertCellsAdd new cells, rows or columns.
InsertChartInserts a new chart to the worksheet.
InsertChartDialogShow the Insert chart dialog to add a new chart to the worksheet.
InsertCommentCreate new comment or edit current comment.
InsertFormControlInsert new form control to the worksheet.
InsertFunctionShow insert function dialog.
InsertNoteCreate new note.
InsertShapeInserts a new shape to the worksheet.
InsertSheetInsert a worksheet.
InsertSlicerInsert a slicer.
InsertTableColumnInsert new column(s) to current table.
InsertTableRowInsert new row(s) to current table.
InsertWordArtInsert the word art.
ItalicSet Italic font style for cell(s).
LoadHistoryLoad open documents history.
LockCellChange cell lock state.
LockShapeChange shape lock state.
ManageCfRulesShow conditional formatting manager rule dialog.
MarginChange page margin.
MarkerColorChange marker color of sparkline.
MergeMerge the selected cells into one cell.
ModifyCellStyleModify the cell style.
MoreAccountingFormatsShow format accounting dialog.
MoveChartShow dialog to move chart.
MoveLegacyShapeMoves the specified legacy shape.
MoveOrCopySheetMove or copy current selected sheets.
NameManagerShows name manager dialog.
NavigateCommentSelect the cell that contains comment.
NavigateNoteNavigate to next/previous note.
NewCreates a new document.
NewCellStyleCreate a new custom cell style.
NewCfRuleShow new formatting rule dialog.
NoneDo nothing.
NumberFormatSet the number format for cell(s).
OpenOpens a document.
OpenRecentDocumentOpens a document from recent document list.
OrientationSet the text orientation for cell(s).
OutlineCheck out advanced options for creating outlines.
OutlineColorLegacyShapeSet the outline color to the specified legacy shape.
OutlineStyleLegacyShapeSets the outline style for specified legacy shape.
PageBreakSet page break.
PageOrientationChange print orientation.
PageSetupShow page setup dialog.
PaperSizeChange paper size.
PasteAdd content on the clipboard to document.
PasteSpecialShow the paste special dialog.
PickFromDropDownListDisplays the data validation list of the current cell.
PictureInserts a picture from the selected image.
PictureArtisticEffectsAdd artistic effects to the picture.
PictureBrightnessContrastChange the brightness, contrast of the picture.
PictureColorToneChange the color tone of the picture.
PictureInCellPlace a picture in cell.
PictureRecolorChange/Transform the color of the picture.
PictureSaturationChange the color saturation of the picture.
PictureSharpenChange the sharpness of the picture.
PictureStylesSet style for picture.
PictureTransparencyAdjust the transparency of the picture.
PrintPrints the document.
PrintAreaChange print area.
PrintGridlinesChange the option that allows the gridlines to be printed.
PrintHeadingsChange the option that allows the headings to be printed.
PrintPdfPrints the document to PDF.
PrintPreviewPrints the document in preview.
PropertiesShows the document properties.
ProtectSheetProtect the sheet.
ProtectWorkbookProtect the workbook.
ReapplyFilterApplying filter condition again on all filter column.
RedoPerforms a redo of the most recently undone edit or action.
RegroupShapeRegroup selected shapes.
RemoveArrowsRemove the arrows drawn by Trace Precedents or Trace Dependents.
RemoveDependentArrowsRemove the arrows drawn by Trace Dependents.
RemoveDuplicatesRemove the duplicates value in the table column.
RemoveHyperlinksRemove the hyperlink of cell (the formatting is clear).
RemovePageBreakRemove page break.
RemovePrecedentArrowsRemove the arrows drawn by Trace Precedents.
RenameSheetRename current sheet.
RenameTableRename table action.
ReplacePictureReplace source of the picture.
ResetPageBreakReset page breaks.
ResetPictureDiscard all formatting of the picture.
ResizeTableResize a table action.
RotateLegacyShapeRotates the specified legacy shape.
RotateShapeChange rotation degree or flip of selected shape.
RowHeightChange row height on current selection.
SaveSaves the document.
SaveAsSave the document to the specified format.
SaveHistorySave open documents history.
ScaleLegacyShapeScales the specified legacy shape.
ScaleToFitHeightChange the height of the printout to fit a certain number of pages.
ScaleToFitScaleChange the printout to a percentage of its actual size.
ScaleToFitWidthChange the width of the printout to fit a certain number of pages.
SelectChartDataSelect chart data.
SelectTableColumnSelect the specified column(s) of the table.
SelectTableRowSelect the specified row(s) of the table.
SendToBackLegacyShapeSends the selected legacy shape behind all other legacy shapes.
SetPictureLegacyShapeSets picture of the specified legacy shape.
ShapeCanMoveChange the CanMove attribute of selected shapes.
ShapeCanSizeChange the CanSize attribute of selected shapes.
ShapeEditPointsEdit shape's points.
ShapeEffectsChange the effect of shape(s).
ShapeFillChange the fill of shape.
ShapeFormatTextChange the the text format of the shape(s).
ShapeHeightChange the height of selected shape.
ShapeOutlineChange the outline of shape.
ShapePictureFillFill the shape with a picture.
ShapePlacementChange the placement of selected shape.
ShapeRerouteConnectorsReroute connectors of shape.
ShapeTextFillChange the fill of shape's text.
ShapeTextOutlineChange the outline of shape's text.
ShapeTextPictureFillText picture fill.
ShapeWidthChange the width of selected shape.
ShapeZOrderChange z-order of selected shape.
SheetSettingsShow sheet settings dialog.
SheetSkinSettingsShow sheet skin settings dialog.
ShowAllNotesShow all the notes in current worksheet.
ShowCommentShow the comment.
ShowDetailShow detail the outline.
ShowFormulasDisplay the formula in each cell instead of the resulting value.
SlicerButtonHeightChange the slicer's button height.
SlicerButtonWidthChange the slicer's button width.
SlicerCaptionChange the slicer's caption.
SlicerColumnsCountChange the slicer's columns count.
SlicerSettingsChange the slicer's settings.
SortSort the data on current selection.
SparklineAxisTypeChange sparkline axis type.
SparklineClearClear the sparkline.
SparklineClearGroupClear the sparkline group.
SparklineColorChange color of sparkline.
SparklineEditDataEdit sparkline group or selected sparkline location and data.
SparklineFirstPointToggle sparkline first point's visibility.
SparklineGroupGroup the sparklines.
SparklineHiddenDisplayChange hidden or empty value display in sparkline group.
SparklineHighPointToggle sparkline high point's visibility.
SparklineLastPointToggle sparkline last point's visibility.
SparklineLowPointToggle sparkline low point's visibility.
SparklineMarkersToggle sparkline marker's visibility.
SparklineNegativePointsToggle sparkline negative point's visibility.
SparklineRightToLeftChange sparkline plot data right-to-left.
SparklineShowAxisChange sparkline show axis.
SparklineSwitchRowColumnSwitch display data by row or column.
SparklineUngroupUngroup the sparkline group.
SparklineVerticalMaxValueChange sparkline vertical max value options.
SparklineVerticalMinValueChange sparkline vertical min value options.
SpecialCellsFind all the cells that match the specified type.
SplitDivide the window into different panes that each scroll separately.
SpreadSettingsShow spread settings dialog.
SpreadSkinSettingsShow spread skin settings dialog.
StyleSettingsShow the style settings dialog.
SwitchChartRowColumnSwitch chart row/column.
TableBandedColumnsToggle visible table banded columns
TableBandedRowsToggle visible table banded rows
TableFilterButtonToggle visible table filter button
TableFirstColumnToggle visible table first column
TableHeaderRowToggle visible table header row
TableLastColumnToggle visible table last column
TableTotalRowToggle visible table total row
TabStripSettingsShow Tab Strip settings dialog.
TextEffectsChange the effect of the text of shape(s).
TextToColumnsSplit a single column of text into multiple columns.
ThemeChange theme of the workbook.
ThemeColorsChange theme color scheme of the workbook.
ThemeFontsChange theme font scheme of the workbook.
ThicknessLegacyShapeSets the thickness for specified legacy shape.
ToggleColumnHeadingsShow/hide the heading of the columns.
ToggleGridlinesShow/hide gridlines.
ToggleHeadingsShow/hide the headings.
ToggleHorizontalGridlinesShow/hide horizontal gridlines.
ToggleNoteShow/Hide the current note.
ToggleRowHeadingsShow/hide the heading of the rows.
ToggleVerticalGridlinesShow/hide vertical gridlines.
TraceDependentsShow arrows that indicate which cells are affected by the value of the currently selected cell.
TracePrecedentsShow arrows that indicate which cells affect the value of the currently selected cell.
UnderlineSet Underline style for cell(s).
UndoPerforms an undo of the most recent edit or action.
UngroupUngroup a range of cells that were previously grouped.
UngroupShapeUngroup selected shapes.
UnhideColumnsUnhide hidden columns inside selection.
UnhideRowsUnhide hidden rows inside selection.
UnhideSheetsUnhide hidden sheets.
UnmergeUnmerge cell(s).
VerticalAlignSet vertical alignment for cell(s).
WrapTextSet the wrap text attribute for cell(s).
ZoomZoom active sheet.
Inheritance Hierarchy


See Also