public enum BuiltInCommands : System.Enum
Public Enum BuiltInCommands Inherits System.Enum
Dim instance As BuiltInCommands
Member | Description |
About | Shows the product information. |
AddSymbol | Add symbol(s) that are not on the keyboard. |
AlignShape | Change the aligning of selected shape to the margin of the edge. |
AlternatingRowSettings | Show the alternative rows settings dialog. |
AnnotationMode | |
ApplySlicerStyle | Apply the slicer style preset. |
ApplyTableStyle | |
AutoFitColumnWidth | Auto fit column width on current selection. |
AutoFitRowHeight | Auto fit row height on current selection. |
AutoFunction | Auto fill a function formula. |
BackColorLegacyShape | Set the back color to the specified legacy shape. |
Background | Change background of the sheet. |
Bold | Set Bold font style for cell(s). |
Borders | Set border for cell(s). |
BringToFrontLegacyShape | Brings the specified legacy shape in front of all other legacy shapes. |
BrowseTheme | Choose and apply the custom theme. |
CalculateSheet | Calculate current sheet immediately. |
CalculateWorkbook | Calculate current workbook immediately. |
Camera | Create a camera shape. |
CellColumnRowSettings | Show the cells, columns and row settings dialog. |
CellStyle | Set the cell style for cell(s). |
CellTypes | Set cell type for selected cells. |
CfRule | Create a conditional formatting rule. |
ChangeCalculation | Change calculation options. |
ChangeChartType | Change chart type. |
ChangeShapeType | Change the shape's type. |
ChangeSparklineStyle | Change sparkline style. |
ChangeSparklineType | Changes the type of sparkline. |
CircleInvalidData | Circle invalid data. |
Clear | Clear the cells. |
ClearCellType | Clear cell type of selected cells. |
ClearCfRule | Clear conditional formatting rule in special selection range(s). |
ClearFilter | Clear filter criteria on a filter column or all auto filter columns. |
ClearHyperlinks | Clear the hyperlink of cell (the formatting is not clear). |
ClearOutline | Clear the outline of the active sheet. |
ClearRecentDocuments | Clears the recent document list. |
ClearTableStyle | |
ClearValidationCircles | Clear validation circles. |
ColumnWidth | Change column width on current selection. |
ConvertToComments | Convert all notes to Thread comment. |
ConvertToRange | Convert the table to range. |
Copy | Copy the selection on the clipboard. |
CreateEnhancedSparkline | Creates enhanced sparkline formula. |
CreateLink | Create a link for quick access to webpages and files. |
CreateSparkline | Creates a sparkline. |
CreateTable | Creates a table. |
CropPicture | Start cropping the picture. |
CropToShape | Change the shape of the drawing, preserving all the formatting. |
CustomizeThemeColors | Show dialog to create a custom theme color. |
CustomizeThemeFonts | Show dialog to create a custom theme font. |
Cut | Remove the selection and put it on the clipboard. |
DataTable | Show Data table dialog. |
DataValidation | Show the data validation dialog. |
DecreaseDecimal | Decreases the decimal digits by 1. |
DecreaseFontSize | Decreases font size to previous integral number value. |
DecreaseIndent | Decreases indent of cells by 1. |
DefaultColumnWidth | Change the default column width. |
DefineName | Shows new name dialog. |
DeleteCells | Delete cells, rows or columns. |
DeleteCellStyle | Delete the cell style. |
DeleteColors | Delete theme colors. |
DeleteComment | Delete a comment. |
DeleteFonts | Delete theme fonts. |
DeleteShape | Delete shape. |
DeleteSheet | Delete current sheet. |
DeleteTableColumn | Delete specified column(s) from current table. |
DeleteTableRow | Delete specified row(s) from current table. |
DeleteTableStyle | |
DropShadowLegacyShape | Sets the shadow for specified legacy shape. |
DuplicateCellStyle | Duplicate the cell style. |
DuplicateTableStyle | |
EditColors | Edit theme colors. |
EditFonts | Edit theme fonts. |
EditNote | Edit current note. |
EnhancedSparklineSettings | Changes settings of enhanced sparkline formula. |
Fill | Fill the data. |
FillColor | Set fill color for cell(s). |
Filter | Filter the data on current selection. |
Find | Show Find sheet dialog. |
FlipLegacyShape | Flips the specified legacy shape. |
FocusIndicatorSettings | Show Focus Indicator settings dialog. |
FontColor | Set text color for cell(s). |
FontName | Set the font name for cell(s). |
FontSize | Set the font size for cell(s). |
ForecastSheet | Show Forecast sheet dialog. |
ForeColorLegacyShape | Set the fore color to the specified legacy shape. |
FormatAsTable | Format as table in selected selected tables or cell range. |
FormatCells | Shows the Format Cells dialog. |
FormatComment | Show the Format Comment dialog. |
FormatControl | Show the Format Control dialog. |
FormatShape | Set format for shape. |
FreezePanes | Freeze the sheet by row and column. |
GoalSeek | Show Goal seek dialog. |
GoTo | Show GoTo sheet dialog. |
Group | Group rows or columns. |
GroupInfoSettings | Show GroupInfo settings dialog. |
GroupShape | Group selected shapes. |
HideColumns | Hide current selection columns. |
HideDetail | Hide detail the outline. |
HideRows | Hide current selection rows. |
HideSheet | Hide current selection sheets. |
HorizontalAlign | Set horizontal alignment for cell(s). |
IncreaseDecimal | Increases the decimal digits by 1. |
IncreaseFontSize | Increases font size to next integral number value. |
IncreaseIndent | Increases indent of cells by 1. |
InputMapSettings | Show InputMap settings dialog. |
InsertCells | Add new cells, rows or columns. |
InsertChart | Inserts a new chart to the worksheet. |
InsertChartDialog | Show the Insert chart dialog to add a new chart to the worksheet. |
InsertComment | Create new comment or edit current comment. |
InsertFormControl | Insert new form control to the worksheet. |
InsertFunction | Show insert function dialog. |
InsertNote | Create new note. |
InsertShape | Inserts a new shape to the worksheet. |
InsertSheet | Insert a worksheet. |
InsertSlicer | Insert a slicer. |
InsertTableColumn | Insert new column(s) to current table. |
InsertTableRow | Insert new row(s) to current table. |
InsertWordArt | Insert the word art. |
Italic | Set Italic font style for cell(s). |
LoadHistory | Load open documents history. |
LockCell | Change cell lock state. |
LockShape | Change shape lock state. |
ManageCfRules | Show conditional formatting manager rule dialog. |
Margin | Change page margin. |
MarkerColor | Change marker color of sparkline. |
Merge | Merge the selected cells into one cell. |
ModifyCellStyle | Modify the cell style. |
ModifyTableStyle | |
MoreAccountingFormats | Show format accounting dialog. |
MoveChart | Show dialog to move chart. |
MoveLegacyShape | Moves the specified legacy shape. |
MoveOrCopySheet | Move or copy current selected sheets. |
NameManager | Shows name manager dialog. |
NavigateComment | Select the cell that contains comment. |
NavigateNote | Navigate to next/previous note. |
New | Creates a new document. |
NewCellStyle | Create a new custom cell style. |
NewCfRule | Show new formatting rule dialog. |
NewTableStyle | |
None | Do nothing. |
NumberFormat | Set the number format for cell(s). |
Open | Opens a document. |
OpenRecentDocument | Opens a document from recent document list. |
Orientation | Set the text orientation for cell(s). |
Outline | Check out advanced options for creating outlines. |
OutlineColorLegacyShape | Set the outline color to the specified legacy shape. |
OutlineStyleLegacyShape | Sets the outline style for specified legacy shape. |
PageBreak | Set page break. |
PageOrientation | Change print orientation. |
PageSetup | Show page setup dialog. |
PaperSize | Change paper size. |
Paste | Add content on the clipboard to document. |
PasteSpecial | Show the paste special dialog. |
PickFromDropDownList | Displays the data validation list of the current cell. |
Picture | Inserts a picture from the selected image. |
PictureArtisticEffects | Add artistic effects to the picture. |
PictureBrightnessContrast | Change the brightness, contrast of the picture. |
PictureColorTone | Change the color tone of the picture. |
PictureInCell | Place a picture in cell. |
PictureRecolor | Change/Transform the color of the picture. |
PictureSaturation | Change the color saturation of the picture. |
PictureSharpen | Change the sharpness of the picture. |
PictureStyles | Set style for picture. |
PictureTransparency | Adjust the transparency of the picture. |
Prints the document. | |
PrintArea | Change print area. |
PrintGridlines | Change the option that allows the gridlines to be printed. |
PrintHeadings | Change the option that allows the headings to be printed. |
PrintPdf | Prints the document to PDF. |
PrintPreview | Prints the document in preview. |
Properties | Shows the document properties. |
ProtectSheet | Protect the sheet. |
ProtectWorkbook | Protect the workbook. |
ReapplyFilter | Applying filter condition again on all filter column. |
Redo | Performs a redo of the most recently undone edit or action. |
RegroupShape | Regroup selected shapes. |
RemoveArrows | Remove the arrows drawn by Trace Precedents or Trace Dependents. |
RemoveDependentArrows | Remove the arrows drawn by Trace Dependents. |
RemoveDuplicates | Remove the duplicates value in the table column. |
RemoveHyperlinks | Remove the hyperlink of cell (the formatting is clear). |
RemovePageBreak | Remove page break. |
RemovePrecedentArrows | Remove the arrows drawn by Trace Precedents. |
RenameSheet | Rename current sheet. |
RenameTable | Rename table action. |
ReplacePicture | Replace source of the picture. |
ReplaceTableStyle | |
ResetPageBreak | Reset page breaks. |
ResetPicture | Discard all formatting of the picture. |
ResizeTable | Resize a table action. |
RotateLegacyShape | Rotates the specified legacy shape. |
RotateShape | Change rotation degree or flip of selected shape. |
RowHeight | Change row height on current selection. |
Save | Saves the document. |
SaveAs | Save the document to the specified format. |
SaveHistory | Save open documents history. |
ScaleLegacyShape | Scales the specified legacy shape. |
ScaleToFitHeight | Change the height of the printout to fit a certain number of pages. |
ScaleToFitScale | Change the printout to a percentage of its actual size. |
ScaleToFitWidth | Change the width of the printout to fit a certain number of pages. |
SelectChartData | Select chart data. |
SelectTableColumn | Select the specified column(s) of the table. |
SelectTableRow | Select the specified row(s) of the table. |
SendToBackLegacyShape | Sends the selected legacy shape behind all other legacy shapes. |
SetDefaultTableStyle | |
SetPictureLegacyShape | Sets picture of the specified legacy shape. |
SetTransparentColor | |
ShapeCanMove | Change the CanMove attribute of selected shapes. |
ShapeCanSize | Change the CanSize attribute of selected shapes. |
ShapeEditPoints | Edit shape's points. |
ShapeEffects | Change the effect of shape(s). |
ShapeFill | Change the fill of shape. |
ShapeFormatText | Change the the text format of the shape(s). |
ShapeHeight | Change the height of selected shape. |
ShapeOutline | Change the outline of shape. |
ShapePictureFill | Fill the shape with a picture. |
ShapePlacement | Change the placement of selected shape. |
ShapeRerouteConnectors | Reroute connectors of shape. |
ShapeTextFill | Change the fill of shape's text. |
ShapeTextOutline | Change the outline of shape's text. |
ShapeTextPictureFill | Text picture fill. |
ShapeWidth | Change the width of selected shape. |
ShapeZOrder | Change z-order of selected shape. |
SheetSettings | Show sheet settings dialog. |
SheetSkinSettings | Show sheet skin settings dialog. |
ShowAllNotes | Show all the notes in current worksheet. |
ShowComment | Show the comment. |
ShowDetail | Show detail the outline. |
ShowFormulas | Display the formula in each cell instead of the resulting value. |
SlicerButtonHeight | Change the slicer's button height. |
SlicerButtonWidth | Change the slicer's button width. |
SlicerCaption | Change the slicer's caption. |
SlicerColumnsCount | Change the slicer's columns count. |
SlicerSettings | Change the slicer's settings. |
Sort | Sort the data on current selection. |
SparklineAxisType | Change sparkline axis type. |
SparklineClear | Clear the sparkline. |
SparklineClearGroup | Clear the sparkline group. |
SparklineColor | Change color of sparkline. |
SparklineEditData | Edit sparkline group or selected sparkline location and data. |
SparklineFirstPoint | Toggle sparkline first point's visibility. |
SparklineGroup | Group the sparklines. |
SparklineHiddenDisplay | Change hidden or empty value display in sparkline group. |
SparklineHighPoint | Toggle sparkline high point's visibility. |
SparklineLastPoint | Toggle sparkline last point's visibility. |
SparklineLowPoint | Toggle sparkline low point's visibility. |
SparklineMarkers | Toggle sparkline marker's visibility. |
SparklineNegativePoints | Toggle sparkline negative point's visibility. |
SparklineRightToLeft | Change sparkline plot data right-to-left. |
SparklineShowAxis | Change sparkline show axis. |
SparklineSwitchRowColumn | Switch display data by row or column. |
SparklineUngroup | Ungroup the sparkline group. |
SparklineVerticalMaxValue | Change sparkline vertical max value options. |
SparklineVerticalMinValue | Change sparkline vertical min value options. |
SpecialCells | Find all the cells that match the specified type. |
Split | Divide the window into different panes that each scroll separately. |
SpreadSettings | Show spread settings dialog. |
SpreadSkinSettings | Show spread skin settings dialog. |
StyleSettings | Show the style settings dialog. |
SwitchChartRowColumn | Switch chart row/column. |
TableBandedColumns | Toggle visible table banded columns |
TableBandedRows | Toggle visible table banded rows |
TableFilterButton | Toggle visible table filter button |
TableFirstColumn | Toggle visible table first column |
TableHeaderRow | Toggle visible table header row |
TableLastColumn | Toggle visible table last column |
TableTotalRow | Toggle visible table total row |
TabStripSettings | Show Tab Strip settings dialog. |
TextEffects | Change the effect of the text of shape(s). |
TextToColumns | Split a single column of text into multiple columns. |
Theme | Change theme of the workbook. |
ThemeColors | Change theme color scheme of the workbook. |
ThemeFonts | Change theme font scheme of the workbook. |
ThicknessLegacyShape | Sets the thickness for specified legacy shape. |
ToggleColumnHeadings | Show/hide the heading of the columns. |
ToggleFilter | |
ToggleGridlines | Show/hide gridlines. |
ToggleHeadings | Show/hide the headings. |
ToggleHorizontalGridlines | Show/hide horizontal gridlines. |
ToggleNote | Show/Hide the current note. |
ToggleRowHeadings | Show/hide the heading of the rows. |
ToggleVerticalGridlines | Show/hide vertical gridlines. |
TraceDependents | Show arrows that indicate which cells are affected by the value of the currently selected cell. |
TracePrecedents | Show arrows that indicate which cells affect the value of the currently selected cell. |
Underline | Set Underline style for cell(s). |
Undo | Performs an undo of the most recent edit or action. |
Ungroup | Ungroup a range of cells that were previously grouped. |
UngroupShape | Ungroup selected shapes. |
UnhideColumns | Unhide hidden columns inside selection. |
UnhideRows | Unhide hidden rows inside selection. |
UnhideSheets | Unhide hidden sheets. |
Unmerge | Unmerge cell(s). |
VerticalAlign | Set vertical alignment for cell(s). |
WrapText | Set the wrap text attribute for cell(s). |
Zoom | Zoom active sheet. |