| Name | Description |
| AbsFunction | Specifies an instance of the ABS function. |
| AccrIntFunction | Specifies an instance of the ACCRINT function. |
| AccrIntMFunction | Specifies an instance of the ACCRINTM function. |
| AcosFunction | Specifies an instance of the ACOS function. |
| AcoshFunction | Specifies an instance of the ACOSH function. |
| AddressFunction | Specifies an instance of the ADDRESS function. |
| AmordegrcFunction | Specifies an instance of the AMORDEGRC function. |
| AmorlincFunction | Specifies an instance of the AMORLINC function. |
| AndFunction | Specifies an instance of the AND function. |
| AsinFunction | Specifies an instance of the ASIN function. |
| AsinhFunction | Specifies an instance of the ASINH function. |
| Atan2Function | Specifies an instance of the ATAN2 function. |
| AtanFunction | Specifies an instance of the ATAN function. |
| AtanhFunction | Specifies an instance of the ATANH function. |
| AveDevFunction | Specifies an instance of the AVEDEV function. |
| AverageAFunction | Specifies an instance of the AVERAGEA function. |
| AverageFunction | Specifies an instance of the AVERAGE function. |
| AverageIfFunction | Specifies an instance of the AVERAGEIF function. |
| AverageIfsFunction | Specifies an instance of the AVERAGEIFS function. |
| BesselIFunction | Specifies an instance of the BESSELI function. |
| BesselJFunction | Specifies an instance of the BESSELJ function. |
| BesselKFunction | Specifies an instance of the BESSELK function. |
| BesselYFunction | Specifies an instance of the BESSELY function. |
| BetaDistFunction | Specifies an instance of the BETADIST function. |
| BetaInvFunction | Specifies an instance of the BETAINV function. |
| Bin2DecFunction | Specifies an instance of the BIN2DEC function. |
| Bin2HexFunction | Specifies an instance of the BIN2HEX function. |
| Bin2OctFunction | Specifies an instance of the BIN2OCT function. |
| BinomDistFunction | Specifies an instance of the BINOMDIST function. |
| CeilingFunction | Specifies an instance of the CEILING function. |
| CharFunction | Specifies an instance of the CHAR function. |
| ChiDistFunction | Specifies an instance of the CHIDIST function. |
| ChiInvFunction | Specifies an instance of the CHIINV function. |
| ChiTestFunction | Specifies an instance of the CHITEST function. |
| ChooseFunction | Specifies an instance of the CHOOSE function. |
| CleanFunction | Specifies an instance of the CLEAN function. |
| CodeFunction | Specifies an instance of the CODE function. |
| ColumnFunction | Specifies an instance of the COLUMN function. |
| ColumnsFunction | Specifies an instance of the COLUMNS function. |
| CombinFunction | Specifies an instance of the COMBIN function. |
| ComplexFunction | Specifies an instance of the COMPLEX function. |
| ConcatenateFunction | Specifies an instance of the CONCATENATE function. |
| ConfidenceFunction | Specifies an instance of the CONFIDENCE function. |
| ConvertFunction | Specifies an instance of the CONVERT function. |
| CorrelFunction | Specifies an instance of the CORREL function. |
| CosFunction | Specifies an instance of the COS function. |
| CoshFunction | Specifies an instance of the COSH function. |
| CountAFunction | Specifies an instance of the COUNTA function. |
| CountBlankFunction | Specifies an instance of the COUNTBLANK function. |
| CountFunction | Specifies an instance of the COUNT function. |
| CountIfFunction | Specifies an instance of the COUNTIF function. |
| CountIfsFunction | Specifies an instance of the COUNTIFS function. |
| CoupDayBSFunction | Specifies an instance of the COUPDAYBS function. |
| CoupDaysFunction | Specifies an instance of the COUPDAYS function. |
| CoupDaysNCFunction | Specifies an instance of the COUPDAYSNC function. |
| CoupNCDFunction | Specifies an instance of the COUPNCD function. |
| CoupNumFunction | Specifies an instance of the COUPNUM function. |
| CoupPCDFunction | Specifies an instance of the COUPPCD function. |
| CovarFunction | Specifies an instance of the COVAR function. |
| CritBinomFunction | Specifies an instance of the CRITBINOM function. |
| CumIpmtFunction | Specifies an instance of the CUMIPMT function. |
| CumPrincFunction | Specifies an instance of the CUMPRINC function. |
| DateDifFunction | Specifies an instance of the DATEDIF function. |
| DateFunction | Specifies an instance of the DATE function. |
| DateValueFunction | Specifies an instance of the DATEVALUE function. |
| DAverageFunction | Specifies an instance of the DAVERAGE function. |
| DayFunction | Specifies an instance of the DAY function. |
| Days360Function | Specifies an instance of the DAYS360 function. |
| DbFunction | Specifies an instance of the DB function. |
| DCountAFunction | Specifies an instance of the DCOUNTA function. |
| DCountFunction | Specifies an instance of the DCOUNT function. |
| DdbFunction | Specifies an instance of the DDB function. |
| Dec2BinFunction | Specifies an instance of the DEC2BIN function. |
| Dec2HexFunction | Specifies an instance of the DEC2HEX function. |
| Dec2OctFunction | Specifies an instance of the DEC2OCT function. |
| DegreesFunction | Specifies an instance of the DEGREES function. |
| DeltaFunction | Specifies an instance of the DELTA function. |
| DevSqFunction | Specifies an instance of the DEVSQ function. |
| DGetFunction | Specifies an instance of the DGET function. |
| DiscFunction | Specifies an instance of the DISC function. |
| DMaxFunction | Specifies an instance of the DMAX function. |
| DMinFunction | Specifies an instance of the DMIN function. |
| DollarDeFunction | Specifies an instance of the DOLLARDE function. |
| DollarFrFunction | Specifies an instance of the DOLLARFR function. |
| DollarFunction | Specifies an instance of the DOLLAR function. |
| DProductFunction | Specifies an instance of the DPRODUCT function. |
| DStDevFunction | Specifies an instance of the DSTDEV function. |
| DStDevPFunction | Specifies an instance of the DSTDEVP function. |
| DSumFunction | Specifies an instance of the DSUM function. |
| DurationFunction | Specifies an instance of the DURATION function. |
| DVarFunction | Specifies an instance of the DVar function. |
| DVarPFunction | Specifies an instance of the DVarP function. |
| EDateFunction | Specifies an instance of the EDATE function. |
| EffectFunction | Specifies an instance of the EFFECT function. |
| EoMonthFunction | Specifies an instance of the EOMONTH function. |
| ErfcFunction | Specifies an instance of the ERFC function. |
| ErfFunction | Specifies an instance of the ERF function. |
| ErrorTypeFunction | Specifies an instance of the ERRORTYPE function. |
| EuroConvertFunction | Specifies an instance of the EUROCONVERT function. |
| EuroFunction | Specifies an instance of the EURO function. |
| EvenFunction | Specifies an instance of the EVEN function. |
| ExactFunction | Specifies an instance of the EXACT function. |
| ExpFunction | Specifies an instance of the EXP function. |
| ExponDistFunction | Specifies an instance of the EXPONDIST function. |
| FactDoubleFunction | Specifies an instance of the FACTDOUBLE function. |
| FactFunction | Specifies an instance of the FACT function. |
| FalseFunction | Specifies an instance of the FALSE function. |
| FDistFunction | Specifies an instance of the FDIST function. |
| FindFunction | Specifies an instance of the FIND function. |
| FInvFunction | Specifies an instance of the FINV function. |
| FisherFunction | Specifies an instance of the FISHER function. |
| FisherInvFunction | Specifies an instance of the FISHERINV function. |
| FixedFunction | Specifies an instance of the FIXED function. |
| FloorFunction | Specifies an instance of the FLOOR function. |
| ForecastFunction | Specifies an instance of the FORECAST function. |
| FrequencyFunction | Specifies an instance of the FREQUENCY function. |
| FTestFunction | Specifies an instance of the FTEST function. |
| FvFunction | Specifies an instance of the FV function. |
| FvScheduleFunction | Specifies an instance of the FVSCHEDULE function. |
| GammaDistFunction | Specifies an instance of the GAMMADIST function. |
| GammaInvFunction | Specifies an instance of the GAMMAINV function. |
| GammaLnFunction | Specifies an instance of the GAMMALN function. |
| GcdFunction | Specifies an instance of the GCD function. |
| GeoMeanFunction | Specifies an instance of the GEOMEAN function. |
| GeStepFunction | Specifies an instance of the GESTEP function. |
| GrowthFunction | Specifies an instance of the GROWTH function. |
| HarMeanFunction | Specifies an instance of the HARMEAN function. |
| Hex2BinFunction | Specifies an instance of the HEX2BIN function. |
| Hex2DecFunction | Specifies an instance of the HEX2DEC function. |
| Hex2OctFunction | Specifies an instance of the HEX2OCT function. |
| HLookupFunction | Specifies an instance of the HLOOKUP function. |
| HourFunction | Specifies an instance of the HOUR function. |
| HypGeomDistFunction | Specifies an instance of the HYPGEOMDIST function. |
| IfErrorFunction | Specifies an instance of the IFERROR function. |
| IfFunction | Specifies an instance of the IF function. |
| ImAbsFunction | Specifies an instance of the IMABS function. |
| ImaginaryFunction | Specifies an instance of the IMAGINARY function. |
| ImArgumentFunction | Specifies an instance of the IMARGUMENT function. |
| ImConjugateFunction | Specifies an instance of the IMCONJUGATE function. |
| ImCosFunction | Specifies an instance of the IMCOS function. |
| ImDivFunction | Specifies an instance of the IMDIV function. |
| ImExpFunction | Specifies an instance of the IMEXP function. |
| ImLnFunction | Specifies an instance of the IMLN function. |
| ImLog10Function | Specifies an instance of the IMLOG10 function. |
| ImLog2Function | Specifies an instance of the IMLOG2 function. |
| ImPowerFunction | Specifies an instance of the IMPOWER function. |
| ImProductFunction | Specifies an instance of the IMPRODUCT function. |
| ImRealFunction | Specifies an instance of the IMREAL function. |
| ImSinFunction | Specifies an instance of the IMSIN function. |
| ImSqrtFunction | Specifies an instance of the IMSQRT function. |
| ImSubFunction | Specifies an instance of the IMSUB function. |
| ImSumFunction | Specifies an instance of the IMSUM function. |
| IndexFunction | Specifies an instance of the INDEX function. |
| InterceptFunction | Specifies an instance of the INTERCEPT function. |
| IntFunction | Specifies an instance of the INT function. |
| IntRateFunction | Specifies an instance of the INTRATE function. |
| IpmtFunction | Specifies an instance of the IPMT function. |
| IrrFunction | Specifies an instance of the IRR function. |
| IsBlankFunction | Specifies an instance of the ISBLANK function. |
| IsErrFunction | Specifies an instance of the ISERR function. |
| IsErrorFunction | Specifies an instance of the ISERROR function. |
| IsEvenFunction | Specifies an instance of the ISEVEN function. |
| IsLogicalFunction | Specifies an instance of the ISLOGICAL function. |
| IsNAFunction | Specifies an instance of the ISNA function. |
| IsNonTextFunction | Specifies an instance of the ISNONTEXT function. |
| IsNumberFunction | Specifies an instance of the ISNUMBER function. |
| IsOddFunction | Specifies an instance of the ISODD function. |
| IspmtFunction | Specifies an instance of the ISPMT function. |
| IsRefFunction | Specifies an instance of the ISREF function. |
| IsTextFunction | Specifies an instance of the ISTEXT function. |
| KurtFunction | Specifies an instance of the KURT function. |
| LargeFunction | Specifies an instance of the LARGE function. |
| LcmFunction | Specifies an instance of the LCM function. |
| LeftFunction | Specifies an instance of the LEFT function. |
| LenFunction | Specifies an instance of the LEN function. |
| LinEstFunction | Specifies an instance of the LINEST function. |
| LnFunction | Specifies an instance of the LN function. |
| Log10Function | Specifies an instance of the LOG10 function. |
| LogEstFunction | Specifies an instance of the LOGEST function. |
| LogFunction | Specifies an instance of the LOG function. |
| LogInvFunction | Specifies an instance of the LOGINV function. |
| LogNormDistFunction | Specifies an instance of the LOGNORMDIST function. |
| LookupFunction | Specifies an instance of the LOOKUP function. |
| LowerFunction | Specifies an instance of the LOWER function. |
| MatchFunction | Specifies an instance of the MATCH function. |
| MaxAFunction | Specifies an instance of the MAXA function. |
| MaxFunction | Specifies an instance of the MAX function. |
| MDetermFunction | Specifies an instance of the MDETERM function. |
| MDurationFunction | Specifies an instance of the MDURATION function. |
| MedianFunction | Specifies an instance of the MEDIAN function. |
| MidFunction | Specifies an instance of the MID function. |
| MinAFunction | Specifies an instance of the MINA function. |
| MinFunction | Specifies an instance of the MIN function. |
| MinuteFunction | Specifies an instance of the MINUTE function. |
| MInverseFunction | Specifies an instance of the MINVERSE function. |
| MIrrFunction | Specifies an instance of the MIRR function. |
| MMultFunction | Specifies an instance of the MMULT function. |
| ModeFunction | Specifies an instance of the MODE function. |
| ModFunction | Specifies an instance of the MOD function. |
| MonthFunction | Specifies an instance of the MONTH function. |
| MRoundFunction | Specifies an instance of the MROUND function. |
| MultinomialFunction | Specifies an instance of the MULTINOMIAL function. |
| NAFunction | Specifies an instance of the NA function. |
| NegBinomDistFunction | Specifies an instance of the NEGBINOMDIST function. |
| NetWorkdaysFunction | Specifies an instance of the NETWORKDAYS function. |
| NFunction | Specifies an instance of the N function. |
| NominalFunction | Specifies an instance of the NOMINAL function. |
| NormDistFunction | Specifies an instance of the NORMDIST function. |
| NormInvFunction | Specifies an instance of the NORMINV function. |
| NormSDistFunction | Specifies an instance of the NORMSDIST function. |
| NormSInvFunction | Specifies an instance of the NORMSINV function. |
| NotFunction | Specifies an instance of the NOT function. |
| NowFunction | Specifies an instance of the NOW function. |
| NPerFunction | Specifies an instance of the NPER function. |
| NpvFunction | Specifies an instance of the NPV function. |
| Oct2BinFunction | Specifies an instance of the OCT2BIN function. |
| Oct2DecFunction | Specifies an instance of the OCT2DEC function. |
| Oct2HexFunction | Specifies an instance of the OCT2HEX function. |
| OddFPriceFunction | Specifies an instance of the ODDFPRICE function. |
| OddFunction | Specifies an instance of the ODD function. |
| OddFYieldFunction | Specifies an instance of the ODDFYIELD function. |
| OddLPriceFunction | Specifies an instance of the ODDLPRICE function. |
| OddLYieldFunction | Specifies an instance of the ODDLYIELD function. |
| OffsetFunction | Specifies an instance of the OFFSET function. |
| OrFunction | Specifies an instance of the OR function. |
| PearsonFunction | Specifies an instance of the PEARSON function. |
| PercentileFunction | Specifies an instance of the PERCENTILE function. |
| PercentRankFunction | Specifies an instance of the PERCENTRANK function. |
| PermutFunction | Specifies an instance of the PERMUT function. |
| PiFunction | Specifies an instance of the PI function. |
| PmtFunction | Specifies an instance of the PMT function. |
| PoissonFunction | Specifies an instance of the POISSON function. |
| PowerFunction | Specifies an instance of the POWER function. |
| PpmtFunction | Specifies an instance of the PPMT function. |
| PriceDiscFunction | Specifies an instance of the PRICEDISC function. |
| PriceFunction | Specifies an instance of the PRICE function. |
| PriceMatFunction | Specifies an instance of the PRICEMAT function. |
| ProbFunction | Specifies an instance of the PROB function. |
| ProductFunction | Specifies an instance of the PRODUCT function. |
| ProperFunction | Specifies an instance of the PROPER function. |
| PvFunction | Specifies an instance of the PV function. |
| QuartileFunction | Specifies an instance of the QUARTILE function. |
| QuotientFunction | Specifies an instance of the QUOTIENT function. |
| RadiansFunction | Specifies an instance of the RADIANS function. |
| RandBetweenFunction | Specifies an instance of the RANDBETWEEN function. |
| RandFunction | Specifies an instance of the RAND function. |
| RankFunction | Specifies an instance of the RANK function. |
| RateFunction | Specifies an instance of the RATE function. |
| ReceivedFunction | Specifies an instance of the RECEIVED function. |
| ReplaceFunction | Specifies an instance of the REPLACE function. |
| ReptFunction | Specifies an instance of the REPT function. |
| RightFunction | Specifies an instance of the RIGHT function. |
| RomanFunction | Specifies an instance of the ROMAN function. |
| RoundDownFunction | Specifies an instance of the ROUNDDOWN function. |
| RoundFunction | Specifies an instance of the ROUND function. |
| RoundUpFunction | Specifies an instance of the ROUNDUP function. |
| RowFunction | Specifies an instance of the ROW function. |
| RowsFunction | Specifies an instance of the ROWS function. |
| RSqFunction | Specifies an instance of the RSQ function. |
| SearchFunction | Specifies an instance of the SEARCH function. |
| SecondFunction | Specifies an instance of the SECOND function. |
| SeriesSumFunction | Specifies an instance of the SERIESSUM function. |
| SignFunction | Specifies an instance of the SIGN function. |
| SinFunction | Specifies an instance of the SIN function. |
| SinhFunction | Specifies an instance of the SINH function. |
| SkewFunction | Specifies an instance of the SKEW function. |
| SlnFunction | Specifies an instance of the SLN function. |
| SlopeFunction | Specifies an instance of the SLOPE function. |
| SmallFunction | Specifies an instance of the SMALL function. |
| SqrtFunction | Specifies an instance of the SQRT function. |
| SqrtPiFunction | Specifies an instance of the SQRTPI function. |
| StandardizeFunction | Specifies an instance of the STANDARDIZE function. |
| StDevAFunction | Specifies an instance of the STDEVA function. |
| StDevFunction | Specifies an instance of the STDEV function. |
| StDevPAFunction | Specifies an instance of the STDEVPA function. |
| StDevPFunction | Specifies an instance of the STDEVP function. |
| StEyxFunction | Specifies an instance of the STEYX function. |
| SubstituteFunction | Specifies an instance of the SUBSTITUTE function. |
| SubtotalFunction | Specifies an instance of the SUBTOTAL function. |
| SumFunction | Specifies an instance of the SUM function. |
| SumIfFunction | Specifies an instance of the SUMIF function. |
| SumIfsFunction | Specifies an instance of the SUMIFS function. |
| SumProductFunction | Specifies an instance of the SUMPRODUCT function. |
| SumSqFunction | Specifies an instance of the SUMSQ function. |
| SumX2MY2Function | Specifies an instance of the SUMX2MY2 function. |
| SumX2PY2Function | Specifies an instance of the SUMX2PY2 function. |
| SumXMY2Function | Specifies an instance of the SUMXMY2 function. |
| SydFunction | Specifies an instance of the SYD function. |
| TanFunction | Specifies an instance of the TAN function. |
| TanhFunction | Specifies an instance of the TANH function. |
| TBillEqFunction | Specifies an instance of the TBILLEQ function. |
| TBillPriceFunction | Specifies an instance of the TBILLPRICE function. |
| TBillYieldFunction | Specifies an instance of the TBILLYIELD function. |
| TDistFunction | Specifies an instance of the TDIST function. |
| TextFunction | Specifies an instance of the TEXT function. |
| TFunction | Specifies an instance of the T function. |
| TimeFunction | Specifies an instance of the TIME function. |
| TimeValueFunction | Specifies an instance of the TIMEVALUE function. |
| TInvFunction | Specifies an instance of the TINV function. |
| TodayFunction | Specifies an instance of the TODAY function. |
| TransposeFunction | Specifies an instance of the TRANSPOSE function. |
| TrendFunction | Specifies an instance of the TREND function. |
| TrimFunction | Specifies an instance of the TRIM function. |
| TrimMeanFunction | Specifies an instance of the TRIMMEAN function. |
| TrueFunction | Specifies an instance of the TRUE function. |
| TruncFunction | Specifies an instance of the TRUNC function. |
| TTestFunction | Specifies an instance of the TTEST function. |
| TypeFunction | Specifies an instance of the TYPE function. |
| UpperFunction | Specifies an instance of the UPPER function. |
| ValueFunction | Specifies an instance of the VALUE function. |
| VarAFunction | Specifies an instance of the VARA function. |
| VarFunction | Specifies an instance of the VAR function. |
| VarPAFunction | Specifies an instance of the VARPA function. |
| VarPFunction | Specifies an instance of the VARP function. |
| VdbFunction | Specifies an instance of the VDB function. |
| VLookupFunction | Specifies an instance of the VLOOKUP function. |
| WeekdayFunction | Specifies an instance of the WEEKDAY function. |
| WeekNumFunction | Specifies an instance of the WEEKNUM function. |
| WeibullFunction | Specifies an instance of the WEIBULL function. |
| WorkdayFunction | Specifies an instance of the WORKDAY function. |
| XirrFunction | Specifies an instance of the XIRR function. |
| XnpvFunction | Specifies an instance of the XNPV function. |
| YearFracFunction | Specifies an instance of the YEARFRAC function. |
| YearFunction | Specifies an instance of the YEAR function. |
| YieldDiscFunction | Specifies an instance of the YIELDDISC function. |
| YieldFunction | Specifies an instance of the YIELD function. |
| YieldMatFunction | Specifies an instance of the YIELDMAT function. |
| ZTestFunction | Specifies an instance of the ZTEST function. |