The quick start guides you through the steps of adding a FinancialChart control to your ASP.NET MVC web application and add data to it. Follow the steps given below to get started:
licenses.licx |
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C1.Web.Mvc.LicenseDetector, C1.Web.Mvc C1.Web.Mvc.Finance.LicenseDetector, C1.Web.Mvc.Finance |
Complete the following steps to add the ASP.NET MVC Edition references and Financial Chart references to your project.
file to open it.<system.web.webPages.razor></system.web.webPages.razor>
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<add namespace="C1.Web.Mvc" /> <add namespace="C1.Web.Mvc.Finance" /> <add namespace="C1.Web.Mvc.Finance.Fluent" /> |
Complete the following steps to register the required resources for using ASP.NET MVC FinancialChart control:
to open it.<head></head>
_Layout.cshtml |
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@Html.C1().Styles() @Html.C1().Scripts().Basic().Finance() |
For more information on how to register resources for FinancialChart, refer to Registering Resources.
). See Adding controls to know how to add a new model.C# |
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using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using System.Text; using System.Threading.Tasks; namespace MVCFinancialChart.Models { public class FinanceData { public DateTime X { get; set; } public double High { get; set; } public double Low { get; set; } public double Open { get; set; } public double Close { get; set; } public double Volume { get; set; } } } |
Complete the following steps to initialize a FinancialChart control.
Add a new Controller
).C# |
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using C1.Web.Mvc; using C1.Web.Mvc.Serializition; |
with the following method.
C# |
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public ActionResult Index() { var model = GenerateFinanceData(); return View(model); } private List<FinanceData> GenerateFinanceData(int count = 60) { List<FinanceData> financeDatas = new List<FinanceData>() { }; DateTime startTime = new DateTime(2015, 1, 1); var rand = new Random(); double high, low, open, close, volume; for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { DateTime dt = startTime.AddDays(i); if (i > 0) open = financeDatas[i - 1].Close; else open = 188; high = open + rand.NextDouble() * 30; low = open - rand.NextDouble() * 20; close = low + rand.NextDouble() * (high - low); volume = rand.Next(); financeDatas.Add(new FinanceData { X = dt, High = high, Low = low, Open = open, Close = close, Volume = volume }); } return financeDatas; } |
Add a View for the Controller
.Razor |
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@using MVCFinancialChart.Models @model List<FinanceData> <script type="text/javascript"> var tooltipContent = function (ht) { var item = ht.series.collectionView.items[ht.pointIndex]; if (item) { return 'Date: ' + wijmo.Globalize.format(ht.x, 'MMM-dd') + '<br/>' + 'High: ' + item.High.toFixed() + '<br/>' + 'Low: ' + item.Low.toFixed() + '<br/>' + 'Open: ' + item.Open.toFixed() + '<br/>' + 'Close: ' + item.Close.toFixed() + '<br/>' + 'Volume: ' + item.Volume.toFixed(); } }; </script> @*Initialize FinancialChart control*@ @(Html.C1().FinancialChart() .Bind(Model) //Set the height and width of the chart .Height(400) .Width(700) .BindingX("X") //Set ChartType of the chart .ChartType(C1.Web.Mvc.Finance.ChartType.ArmsCandleVolume) .Series(sers => { sers.Add().Binding("High,Low,Open,Close,Volume"); }) .Tooltip(t => t.Content("tooltipContent"))) |