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Back to TopDashboardData.cs
). For more information on how to add a new model, see Adding Controls.DashboardData.cs
model to define the classes that serve as a datasource for the different controls rendered in the DashboardLayout control.
C# |
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using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using System.Web; namespace CustomContextMenu.Models { public class DashboardData { private IEnumerable<CountryData> _countryDetails = null; public IEnumerable<CountryData> CountryDetails { get { if (_countryDetails == null) { _countryDetails = GetCountryData(); } return _countryDetails; } } public IEnumerable<CountryData> GetCountryData() { var rand = new Random(0); var countryID = new[] { "CR001", "CR002", "CR003", "CR004", "CR005", "CR006" }; var countries = new[] { "US", "Germany", "UK", "Japan", "China", "India" }; var list = countries.Select((c, i) => { double sales = rand.Next(1, 6); double budget = rand.Next(1, 9); double expenses = rand.Next(1, 6); return new CountryData { ID = countryID[i], Country = c, Sales = sales, Budget = budget, Expenses = expenses }; }); return list; } } public class CountryData { public string ID { get; set; } public string Country { get; set; } public double Sales { get; set; } public double Budget { get; set; } public double Expenses { get; set; } } } |
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using <ApplicationName>.Models;
DashboardController.cs |
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public ActionResult Index() { DashboardData data = new DashboardData(); return View(data.CountryDetails); } |
The code snippet provided below shows how to handle the OnClientFormatTile client event provided by DashboardLayout class to create a custom toolbar for the DashboardLayout control. The event argument for this event is of type TileFormattedEventArgs and provides access to different elements of the tile.
In this sample code, the tile toolbar is accessed by using the toolbar property. This property returns an instance of the toolbar which provides different methods such as insertBefore and insertToolbarItem, to add new toolbar item. Note that we have also added two images in the sample to display the custom icons for the toolbar options.
The code snippet provided below initializes a DashboardLayout control and the controls that are to be rendered inside the DashboardLayout control. Follow the given steps to accomplish the above:
.Index.cshtml |
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@using <ApplicationName>.Models @using C1.Web.Mvc.Chart; @model IEnumerable<CountryData> <script type="text/javascript"> function formatTile(dashboardLayout, e) { var tile = e.tile, toolbar = e.toolbar; if(tile.headerText == ('Cost Budgeting for 2018')){ var strExportIcon = '<img style="vertical-align:middle" src="@Href("Images/icon_export.png")" alt="Export" title="Export" />'; toolbar.insertToolbarItem({ icon: strExportIcon, title: 'Export', command: function () { var selector = e.tile.content, chart = wijmo.Control.getControl(selector); chart.saveImageToFile(selector.substr(1) + '.png'); } }); } } </script> <div style="position:absolute;left:-10000px; top:-10000px; visibility:hidden"> @(Html.C1().FlexChart().Id("costBudgetingChart") .BindingX("Country").ChartType(ChartType.Column) .Legend(Position.Right) .Bind(Model) .AxisY(ayb => ayb.Title("in millions")) .Series(ssb => { ssb.Add().Name("Budget").Binding("Budget"); ssb.Add().Name("Expenses").Binding("Expenses"); }) .Tooltip(ttb => ttb.Content("<b>{seriesName}</b><br/>{x} {y:c0}")) .ShowAnimation(ab => ab.AnimationMode(AnimationMode.All) .Easing(Easing.Swing).Duration(400))) </div> <br /> @(Html.C1().DashboardLayout() .Id("custom") .AttachFlowLayout(flb => flb.Direction(FlowDirection.LeftToRight) .Items(isb => { isb.Add(ftb => ftb.HeaderText("Cost Budgeting for 2018") .Content("#costBudgetingChart").Width(549).Height(322)); })) .OnClientFormatTile("formatTile")) |