ASP.NET MVC Controls | ComponentOne
Working with Controls / FlexSheet / Work with FlexSheet / Unbound Sheets
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    Unbound Sheets
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    The FlexSheet control in your application can be unbound, or bound to a data source. You can create unbound FlexSheet in an MVC application through code using builder method AddUnboundSheet. Sheet name along with the desired row count and column count are specified as method parameters.

    End users can populate data manually in each cell of an unbound FlexSheet, or set cell values programmatically. Such a sheet can be used as an application form, where an applicant is asked to provide data in various fields.

    The following image shows an MVC FlexSheet in unbound mode.

    The following code examples demonstrate how to add unbound FlexSheet to an MVC application:

    In Code 


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    // GET: Unbound
    public ActionResult Index()
        return View();


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        .AddUnboundSheet("Sheet1", 25, 12)
        .AddUnboundSheet("Sheet2", 25, 12))

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