With the C1Studio installer, you get our MVC control samples that help you understand the implementation of the product. The C# and VB samples are available at the default installation folder - Documents\ComponentOne Samples\ASP.NET MVC\MVC.

The list of available C# samples is as follows:

Sample Description
FinancialChartExplorer This sample demonstrates working of financial charts and their features.
FlexSheetExplorer This sample demonstrates working of FlexSheet control and its features. The FlexSheet control extends the FlexGrid control and provides an Excel-like functionality.
FlexViewerExplorer This sample demonstrates various features of ReportViewer and PdfViewer.
HowTo The samples included in HowTo folder are basic getting started guide for our popular controls. It includes the sample for the following applications.
  • BookMyFlight - A flight booking application that lets you Search for and book flights, filter results by price and duration, or view historical bookings, manage your profile, and print invoices.
  • C1Finance - The application retrieves financial data from Quandl and calculates the current value and change for each stock. It also creates charts comparing the evolution in stock value for each company.
  • Calendar - This sample uses some CSS to give the calendar a specific appearance, Calendar's formatItem event to indicate days where events took place, and a single Tooltip to display additional information about each day.
  • CollectionView - CollectionView 101 sample shows how to get started with ASP.NET MVC's CollectionView controls.
  • Dashboard Demo - A multiple screen dashboard app that displays data. It uses the FlexGrid, FlexChart, BulletGraph controls to show data. Analysis view uses the PivotEngine, PivotPanel, PivotGrid, TreeMap, FlexChart to show data. Reporting view uses the ReportViewer control to show data. Tasks view uses the FlexGrid control to show data. Products view builds a custom grid that works with CollectionView to show data.
  • Financial Chart - This sample shows how to get started with ASP.NET MVC's FinancialChart control.
  • FlexChart - This sample demonstrates how to get started with ASP.NET MVC's FlexChart controls.
  • FlexGrid - This sample demonstrates how to get started with ASP.NET MVC's FlexGrid controls.
  • FlexSheet - The sample shows one page with how-to's for the most important excel-like tasks.
  • Gauge - This sample demonstrates how to get started with ASP.NET MVC's Gauge controls.
  • ImageCombo - This sample demonstrates how to create ImageCombo class which inherits C1 MVC ComboBox.
  • Input - This sample demonstrates how to get started with MVC's Input controls.
  • Learn MVC Client - This project shows how to use the TreeView control for navigation, and how to style it using some cool CSS techniques. This version includes samples for following modules, MVC (core), Input, FlexGrid, FlexChart, Gauge, and Nav.
  • MultiRow - This sample demonstrates working of MultiRow control and its features.
  • Olap -The sample shows how to use the PivotEngine, PivotPanel and PivotGrid components.
  • PdfViewer - This sample demonstrates how to open a local PDF file in PdfViewer.
  • ReportViewer - Shows how to get started with ASP.NET MVC ReportViewer control. The sample shows one page with how-to's for some of the most important report viewer tasks.
  • Sunburst - Shows how to use Sunburst control to make a periodic table.
  • Theme - This sample shows how to set basic CSS themes and Material themes in the ASP.NET MVC Controls. It also shows how you can use color picker to build a theme, then copy the CSS into your project
    as a new custom theme.
MultiRowExplorer This sample demonstrates working of MultiRow control and its features. The MultiRow control extends conventional grid layouts by using multiple rows to represent each data item.
MvcExplorer This sample includes implementation for the following controls.
  • FlexGrid
  • FlexPie
  • FlexChart
  • FlexRadar
  • TreeView
  • Linear Gauge
  • TreeMap
  • Input Controls
  • Radial Gauge
  • Sunburst Chart
OlapExplorer This sample demonstrates how to bind data to an Olap control. It includes the following data binding methods.
  • Remote Bind
  • DataEngine Service(DataEngine)
  • DataEngine Service(DataSource)
  • DataEngine Service(SSAS)
Sample Extension Controls

This sample demonstrates how to customize C1 controls to have more advanced and powerful controls i.e a MultiColumnComboBox to display multiple columns of data in the dropdown. This sample uses: MultiColumnComboBox for Country selector.

The list of available VB samples is as follows:

Sample Description
HowTo The samples included in HowTo folder are basic getting started guide for our popular controls. It includes the sample for the following applications.
  • FlexChart - This sample demonstrates how to get started with ASP.NET MVC's FlexChart controls.
  • FlexGrid - This sample demonstrates how to get started with ASP.NET MVC's FlexGrid controls.
  • FlexSheet - The sample shows one page with how-to's for the most important excel-like tasks.
  • Input - This sample demonstrates how to get started with MVC's Input controls.
  • Olap -The sample shows how to use the PivotEngine, PivotPanel and PivotGrid components.
  • PdfViewer - This sample demonstrates how to open a local PDF file in PdfViewer.
  • ReportViewer - Shows how to get started with ASP.NET MVC ReportViewer control. The sample shows one page with how-to's for some of the most important report viewer tasks.