Client- Side API Reference

MVC Edition Client-Side API

All the controls in ASP.NET MVC Edition, such as grids, charts, gauges and input controls are optimized for client-side web development. You can easily access a control on client-side with the help of wijmo.Control.getControl() method. Users can declare a control and its ID, and use that ID in the script to create its jQuery selector. Use Client-Side API to get a detailed overview of options available.

This client-side API reference contains the list of features and properties of ASP.NET MVC Edition controls. You can use these controls, HTML Helpers and Tag Helpers, in JavaScript. The namespaces listed below contains all the members, interfaces and functions available in the Client-Side API.




wijmo Contains utilities used by all the controls and modules, as well as the Control and Event classes.
CollectionView Defines interfaces and classes related to data, including the ICollectionView interface and the CollectionView class and ObservableArray classes.
FlexGrid Defines the FlexGrid controls and associated classes.
FlexSheet Defines the FlexSheet controls and associated classes.
FlexChart Defines the FlexChart control and its associated classes.
FlexRadar Defines the FlexRadar control and its associated classes.
Financial Chart Defines the FinancialChart control and its associated classes.
OLAP Contains components that provide OLAP functionality such as pivot tables and charts.
MultiRow Defines the MultiRow control and its associated classes.
FlexViewer Defines a series of classes, interfaces and functions related to the viewer controls.
Gauge Defines the RadialGauge, LinearGauge and BulletGraphs controls.
Input Defines input controls for strings, numbers, dates, times. and colors.
TreeView Defines the TreeView control and its associated classes.