constructor(options?: any): SeriesBase
Initializes a new instance of the SeriesBase class.
JavaScript object containing initialization data for the object.
Gets or sets the alternate style for the series.
The alternate style is used for negative values in Bar, Column, and Scatter charts; and for rising values in financial chart types like Candlestick, LineBreak, EquiVolume etc.
The default value for this property is null, which causes the series to use the default style.
Gets the ICollectionView object that contains the data for this series.
Gets or sets a value that determines whether to interpolate null values in the data.
If true, the series interpolates the value of any missing data based on neighboring points. If false, it leaves a break in lines and areas at the points with null values.
The default value for this property is false.
Gets or sets the item formatter function that allows you to customize the appearance of the series.
The property overrides the chart's itemFormatter itemFormatter.
Gets or sets the array or ICollectionView object that contains the series data.
Gets or sets the series name.
The series name is displayed in the chart legend. Any series without a name does not appear in the legend.
Gets or sets the shape of marker to use for each data point in the series. Applies to Scatter, LineSymbols, and SplineSymbols chart types.
The default value for this property is Marker.Dot.
Gets or sets the size (in pixels) of the symbols used to render this Series. Applies to Scatter, LineSymbols, and SplineSymbols chart types.
The default value for this property is 10 pixels.
Gets or sets the series symbol style.
Applies to Bar, Column, Scatter, LineSymbols, and SplineSymbols chart types.
Gets or sets the series specific tooltip content.
The property overrides the content of chart tooltip content.
Gets or sets an enumerated value indicating whether and where the series appears.
The default value for this property is SeriesVisibility.Visible.
dataToPoint(pt: Point): Point
Converts a Point from series data coordinates to control coordinates.
drawLegendItem(engine: IRenderEngine, rect: Rect, index: number): void
Draw a legend item at the specified position.
The rendering engine to use.
The position of the legend item.
Index of legend item(for series with multiple legend items).
getDataRect(currentRect?: Rect, calculatedRect?: Rect): Rect
Returns the series bounding rectangle in data coordinates.
If getDataRect() returns null, the limits are calculated automatically based on the data values.
The current rectangle of chart. This parameter is optional.
The calculated rectangle of chart. This parameter is optional.
getPlotElement(pointIndex: number): any
Gets the plot element that corresponds to the specified point index.
The index of the data point.
hitTest(pt: any, y?: number): HitTestInfo
Gets a HitTestInfo object with information about the specified point.
The point to investigate, in window coordinates.
The Y coordinate of the point (if the first parameter is a number).
initialize(options: any): void
Initializes the series by copying the properties from a given object.
JavaScript object containing initialization data for the series.
legendItemLength(): number
Returns number of series items in the legend.
measureLegendItem(engine: IRenderEngine, index: number): Size
Measures height and width of the legend item.
The rendering engine to use.
Index of legend item(for series with multiple legend items).
onRendered(engine: IRenderEngine): void
Raises the rendered event.
The IRenderEngine object used to render the series.
onRendering(engine: IRenderEngine, index: number, count: number): boolean
Raises the rendering event.
The IRenderEngine object used to render the series.
The index of the series to render.
Total number of the series to render.
Represents a series of data points to display in the chart.