ASP.NET MVC Controls | ComponentOne
In This Topic
    PopupPosition Enum
    In This Topic

    Represents the position of a popup element with respect to a reference element.


    Name Value Description
    Above 0

    Above the reference element.

    AboveRight 1

    Above and aligned to the right of the reference element.

    RightTop 2

    To the right and aligned to the top of the reference element.

    Right 3

    To the right of the reference element.

    RightBottom 4

    To the right and aligned to the bottom of the reference element.

    BelowRight 5

    Below and aligned to the right of the reference element.

    Below 6

    Below the reference element.

    BelowLeft 7

    Below and aligned to the left of the reference element.

    LeftBottom 8

    To the left and aligned to the bottom of the reference element.

    Left 9

    To the left of the reference element.

    LeftTop 10

    To the left and aligned to the top of the reference element.

    AboveLeft 11

    Above and aligned to the left of the reference element.