Name | Value | Description |
Column | 0 |
Shows vertical bars and allows you to compare values of items across categories. |
Bar | 1 |
Shows horizontal bars. |
Scatter | 2 |
Shows patterns within the data using X and Y coordinates. |
Line | 3 |
Shows trends over a period of time or across categories. |
LineSymbols | 4 |
Shows a line chart with a symbol on each data point. |
Area | 5 |
Shows a line chart with the area below the line filled with color. |
Bubble | 6 |
Shows a Scatter chart with a third data value that determines the size of the symbol. The data for this chart type can be defined using the FlexChart or Series binding property as a comma separated value in the following format: "yProperty, bubbleSizeProperty". |
Candlestick | 7 |
Presents items with high, low, open, and close values. The size of the wick line is determined by the High and Low values, while the size of the bar is determined by the Open and Close values. The bar is displayed using different colors, depending on whether the close value is higher or lower than the open value. The data for this chart type can be defined using the FlexChart or Series binding property as a comma separated value in the following format: "highProperty, lowProperty, openProperty, closeProperty". |
HighLowOpenClose | 8 |
Displays the same information as a candlestick chart, except that opening values are displayed using lines to the left, while lines to the right indicate closing values. The data for this chart type can be defined using the FlexChart or Series binding property as a comma separated value in the following format: "highProperty, lowProperty, openProperty, closeProperty". |
Spline | 9 |
Displays a line chart that plots curves rather than angled lines through the data points. |
SplineSymbols | 10 |
Displays a spline chart with symbols on each data point. |
SplineArea | 11 |
Displays a spline chart with the area below the line filled with color. |
Funnel | 12 |
Displays a funnel chart, usually representing stages in a process such as a sales pipeline. |
Step | 13 |
Displays a step chart |
StepSymbols | 14 |
Displays a step chart with symbols on each data point. |
StepArea | 15 |
Displays a step area chart |
Specifies the chart type.