Gets a value that indicates whether a new item can be added to the collection.
Gets a value that indicates whether the collection view can discard pending changes and restore the original values of an edited object.
Gets a value that indicates whether items can be removed from the collection.
Gets the item that is being added during the current add transaction.
Gets the item that is being edited during the current edit transaction.
addNew(): any
Adds a new item to the collection.
cancelEdit(): void
Ends the current edit transaction and, if possible, restores the original value to the item.
cancelNew(): void
Ends the current add transaction and discards the pending new item.
commitEdit(): void
Ends the current edit transaction and saves the pending changes.
commitNew(): void
Ends the current add transaction and saves the pending new item.
editItem(item: T): void
Begins an edit transaction of the specified item.
Item to edit.
remove(item: T): void
Removes the specified item from the collection.
Item to remove from the collection.
Defines methods and properties that extend ICollectionView to provide editing capabilities.