Client- Side API Reference / CollectionView

All controls in ASP.NET MVC Edition are optimized for client-side web development.

CollectionView has a powerful client API. CollectionViewHelper internally performs server side operations like sorting, filtering, paging on data for data-bound controls like FlexGrid, FlexChart and other Input controls. However, it is possible to explicitly perform these operations on client-side too. The Client-side operations include Current Record Management, Sorting, Filtering, Grouping and Tracking Changes.

The following code sample demonstrates how to access a FlexGrid and FlexGrid CollectionView on client-side.

Client-Side Access
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@using MVCCollectionView.Models;

    var Grid, GridCV;
    c1.mvc.Utils.documentReady(function () {
        Grid = wijmo.Control.getControl('#fGrid');
        GridCV = Grid.collectionView;

<!--Instantiate FlexGrid and set its properties-->
    .Bind(b => b.DisableServerRead(true).Bind(Model.Customers))
    .Columns(columns => columns
        .Add(c => c.Binding("CustomerID"))
        .Add(c => c.Binding("CompanyName"))
        .Add(c => c.Binding("ContactName"))
        .Add(c => c.Binding("City"))
        .Add(c => c.Binding("Country"))
        .Add(c => c.Binding("Phone"))

See Wijmo CollectionView API Documentation for more information.