ComponentOne control references are available through NuGet, a Visual Studio extension that automatically adds libraries and references to your project. All ComponentOne ASP.NET MVC packages contain the prefix “C1.Web.*”.
NuGet packages for ComponentOne ASP.NET MVC Edition can be installed from or locally from C:\Program Files (x86)\ComponentOne\Packages. This “ComponentOne Local” package source is configured in Visual Studio on installing ASP.NET MVC Edition.
ComponentOne NuGet packages are installed to C:\Program Files (x86)\ComponentOne\Packages. Referencing these packages will ensure that the packages are not updated beyond your subscription. This local package source is configured in Visual Studio upon installing any ComponentOne Edition. Otherwise, you need to manually add this NuGet source URL to Package Sources in Visual Studio.
Complete the following steps to manually add a local NuGet package source in Visual Studio.
From the Tools menu, select NuGet Package Manager | Package Manager Settings. The Options dialog box appears.
In the left pane, select Package Sources.
Click the button in the top right corner. A new source is added under Available Package Sources.
Set a Name of the new package source to “ComponentOne Local” and the Source as C:\Program Files (x86)\ComponentOne\Packages.