copy(text: string): void
Copies a string to the clipboard.
This method only works if invoked immediately after the user pressed a clipboard copy command (such as ctrl+c).
Text to copy to the clipboard.
paste(callback: Function): void
Gets a string from the clipboard.
This method only works if invoked immediately after the user pressed a clipboard paste command (such as ctrl+v).
Function called when the clipboard content has been retrieved. The function receives the clipboard content as a parameter.
Static class that provides utility methods for clipboard operations.
The Clipboard class provides static copy and paste methods that can be used by controls to customize the clipboard content during clipboard operations.
For example, the code below shows how a control could intercept the clipboard shortcut keys and provide custom clipboard handling:
The example below shows how you can customize the behavior of the clipboard paste command when the target is a FlexGrid control:
{@sample Core/Clipboard Example}