constructor(options: IRemoteCollectionViewSettings): RemoteCollectionView
Initializes a new instance of a RemoteCollectionView.
A IRemoteCollectionViewSettings object with query options (such as take, skip, sort, etc).
Override pageCount to get the total number pages.
cast(obj: any): CallbackCollectionView
Casts the specified object to CallbackCollectionView type.
The object to cast.
commit(): void
Commit all the changes to the database. When the editing url in IRemoteCollectionViewSettings or batch editing is used, an ajax request will be sent to server side to comment the changes to the data source.
commitEdit(): void
Override commitEdit to modify the item in the database. When updateActionUrl or batch editing is used, an ajax request will be sent to server side to update the data source.
commitNew(): void
Override commitNew to add the new item to the data source. When createActionUrl or batch editing is used, an ajax request will be sent to server side to update the data source.
forceRefresh(): void
Force to refresh the view using the current sort, filter and group parameters. When calling this method, an ajax request will be sent to server side to fecth data.
getAllData(success: ICollectionViewResponseHandler): void
Get the whole data.
A function to be called when the response comes back.
getColumnData(column: string, distinct: boolean, success: ICollectionViewResponseHandler): void
Get the whole column data.
The column name.
A boolean value indicates whether to get the distinct data records.
A function to be called when the response comes back.
onCollectionChanged(e?: NotifyCollectionChangedEventArgs): void
Raises the collectionChanged event.
Contains a description of the change.
onError(e: ErrorEventArgs): void
Raises the error event.
A ErrorEventArgs object.
onPageChanging(e: PageChangingEventArgs): boolean
Raises the pageChanging event.
PageChangingEventArgs that contains the event data.
onQueryComplete(e: QueryCompleteEventArgs): void
Raises the queryComplete event.
QueryCompleteEventArgs that contains the event data.
onQueryData(e: QueryEventArgs): void
Raises the queryData event.
A QueryEventArgs object.
onReponseTextParsing(e: JSONOperationEventArgs): void
Raises the reponseTextParsing event.
A JSONOperationEventArgs object.
onRequestDataStringifying(e: JSONOperationEventArgs): void
Raises the requestDataStringifying event.
A JSONOperationEventArgs object.
onSourceCollectionChanged(e?: EventArgs): void
Raises the sourceCollectionChanged event.
refresh(): void
Re-creates the view using the current sort, filter, and group parameters. When the data is not cached in client-side, an ajax request will be sent to server side to fecth data.
remove(item: any): void
Override remove to remove the item from the database. When deleteActionUrl or batch editing is used, an ajax request will be sent to server side to update the data source.
The item used to be removed.
requestItems(startRow: number, endRow: number): void
Prepare the items from startRow to endRow.
The error event which raises when there are errors from the server side.
Occurs when the query requests complete.
The event fires when collect the ajax query data.
Occurs when parsing the response text.
Occurs when serializing the request data.
Extends RemoteCollectionView to support data service provided by control callback.
You can use the result objects from the data service as data sources for any Wijmo controls, and in addition to full CRUD support and real-time updates you automatically get CollectionView features including sorting, filtering, paging, grouping, and editing.