constructor(options?: any): Range
Initializes a new instance of the Range class.
Gets or sets the thickness of this range as a percentage of the parent gauge's thickness.
onPropertyChanged(e: PropertyChangedEventArgs): void
Raises the propertyChanged event.
PropertyChangedEventArgs that contains the property name, old, and new values.
Occurs when the value of a property in this Range changes.
Defines ranges to be used with Gauge controls.
Range objects have min and max properties that define the range's domain, as well as color and thickness properties that define the range's appearance.
Every Gauge control has at least two ranges: the 'face' defines the minimum and maximum values for the gauge, and the 'pointer' displays the gauge's current value.
In addition to the built-in ranges, gauges may have additional ranges used to display regions of significance (for example, low, medium, and high values).